Borderlands 2 [PS3, X360]

I've been having trouble with super badass maniacs. I seem to run into a lot of them, and I just don't have the firepower to kill them quickly. They are as fast as me, so I can't run away either. Ideally, I'd want to fight them at a distance, but I haven't been able to. So I just try to lure him into a spider ant area, and let them have a go at each other. Kind of frustrating.
I wonder if Melee is the better way to play Zero. I've noticed that even at level 32, his effectiveness has started to fade and the value of the Sniper Tree is very limited and doesn't scale well.
I wonder if Melee is the better way to play Zero. I've noticed that even at level 32, his effectiveness has started to fade and the value of the Sniper Tree is very limited and doesn't scale well.

Cunning is the way to go...try it out, doesn't cost much!
I've put no points into Cunning. I'm all sniper tree and a bit of Bloodshed. I'm at lvl 40 now, so there aren't that skill points left. Why the hell don't they let you max out your character by lvl 50? Lame.

Another gripe. I find some of the map layouts very confusing. I get lost every so often after my mission is complete and spend too goddamn much time back tracking (and running into areas repopulated with super badass dudes:rolleyes:) just trying to find my way out. The multilevel maps are the worst. I liked the first game better in this regard.
Yes, one of my only real grips in the game (and not a big one) is the maps are kind of balls. Any map that is multilayered can be pretty hard to navigate.
I've put no points into Cunning. I'm all sniper tree and a bit of Bloodshed. I'm at lvl 40 now, so there aren't that skill points left. Why the hell don't they let you max out your character by lvl 50? Lame.

Another gripe. I find some of the map layouts very confusing. I get lost every so often after my mission is complete and spend too goddamn much time back tracking (and running into areas repopulated with super badass dudes:rolleyes:) just trying to find my way out. The multilevel maps are the worst. I liked the first game better in this regard.

But you know that you can simple respec your character in Sanctuary? You know, where the teleport is, outside of this building is this machine where you can customize the looks. The last option in this machine is to reset your skills, cost nothing. I guess you know this, but if you look at how much it costs to reset the skills, just try out the different trees and see if there is anything helpful out there...
Yes, one of my only real grips in the game (and not a big one) is the maps are kind of balls. Any map that is multilayered can be pretty hard to navigate.

I think that they map is ok-ish. I like that now the goals have this little arrows indicating that you are at the wrong layer. There was one time where I stuck. In oppurtunity, needed some minutes to figure out where to go.
Yes, I'm familiar with the respec station in Sanctuary. I can't imagine ever giving up sniping though, and there aren't enough skill points available to max out all the trees.

I don't know. The game is kind of wearing thin at the moment. Going through the campaign a 2nd time is getting a bit repetative, especially when you're underpowered relative to the enemies. Getting uber weapons and laying waste to high level foes was a big part of what I enjoyed about Borderlands. It seems BL2 has taken some of that away, which is a shame.
Ok guys, crazy shit happened today: I progressed in TVHM and got a side mission from Mordecai which was level 50. I figured that I can do it and don't have to wait until I finish PT2. Its the mission where you have to kill this radio guy. I got there killed this ass and guess what: I got a legendary drop. A shield. It is called The Bee. It is lvl 49 legendary. First I thought meh, because the stats are rather weird. Only about 20k shield. I already have a blue shield with 70k. So I thought, what the...

One interesting stat: the reload speed is 20k. So It basically instantaneous reloads after the shield recovers.And then, here comes the clue: I never used Amp shields, because to be honest I did not understand them correctly and was not interested. Amp shields give you additional damage to your bullet, but doing so, they decrease your shield. What is rather lame: they amplify your shot only when the shield is full. So after each shot, you have to wait for your shield to recover to get another amp shot.

And here comes the clue for The Bee: the shield drain is 0. So amplified shot does not drain your shield. Means you can fire amplified as long as you don't get hit by an enemy.

And here comes the brutal stat for this legendary: amplification is +45k. So each shot gets and additional +45k. My Jacobs shoot as fast as you can revolver just rips through everything. Extreme. But you have to be careful: because playing against lvl 50 enemies with only 20k shield means often that you are fighting for your life. That is where Deception comes in run away and let your shield recover :)

Furthermore, but not really confirmed: I guess that if you have a weapon that shoots multiple bullets, each single bullet gets the amplification. I don't know if this is really correct. But I have an old shotgun, one of my favorite weapons which is quite old now, and I hardly use it. But it has 2000x19 damage, so 19 bullets per shot. When I use this shotgun...everything just falls appart. I tried a difficult area for me and just ripped through everyone and everything...boy, now I have hope that I may manage to play through TVHM :)

As Hunter Hellquish (the radio guy) spawns again after you finish the mission, I guess it is possible to farm him until you get The Bee. I tried to kill him after I finished the side mission and I could, although he did not drop another The Bee :) So he respawns everytime you quit the game and continue. Perfect for farming him. The really good thing is that he is only seconds away from your spawn point. So you spawn, run to him, kill him...takes about 3 minutes total, which makes farming not so frustrating. The Bee is really worth it imo...
Yes, I'm familiar with the respec station in Sanctuary. I can't imagine ever giving up sniping though, and there aren't enough skill points available to max out all the trees.

I don't know. The game is kind of wearing thin at the moment. Going through the campaign a 2nd time is getting a bit repetative, especially when you're underpowered relative to the enemies. Getting uber weapons and laying waste to high level foes was a big part of what I enjoyed about Borderlands. It seems BL2 has taken some of that away, which is a shame.

In PT2 I changed my gameplay completely: in PT1 I just went the sniper tree with only snipers. Other weapons only if I have to. In PT2 with cunning and when you reach level 42 you can get back Bore from the sniper tree, and still have points to max out critical hit damage. But now I love those Jacobs revolver. Find a good one, blue or better.Shoots as fast as you can and combines good with cunning stuff. Furthermore, I use shotguns rather often. But I admit that one problem is that I did not find that good sniper rifles yet. Most of them are hidden as side mission quest rewards which I am waiting for finishing PT2. For instance the Buffalo rifle.

I guess that the first DLC arrives soon, right?
Yes, you can farm HH for The Bee. It's one of the practically required item to be able to kill Terra with ease. Look through some of the youtube videos killing Terra. They absolutely rip through em within 10 seconds with The Bee and a nice fire shotty.

The first DLC is set to hit tomorrow.
Nooooooooooooooo! I just got it :(
Why nerf it? It is a freaking legendary...

It makes the end game farming boss too easy. He's supposed to be for four level 50 characters, and the there are movies on Youtube of a single character killing him in 9 seconds. The amp shields are supposed to have a downside, and the Bee shield has none. Just massively amplified damage with every shot and no dip of your shield or pause while it recharges for the next shot.

In a nutshell, it's not working the way it was supposed to be.
It makes the end game farming boss too easy. He's supposed to be for four level 50 characters, and the there are movies on Youtube of a single character killing him in 9 seconds. The amp shields are supposed to have a downside, and the Bee shield has none. Just massively amplified damage with every shot and no dip of your shield or pause while it recharges for the next shot.

In a nutshell, it's not working the way it was supposed to be.

It is true that it is really strong. But it has a downside: my shield has 16k capacity. Fighting lvl 50 enemies...this is like nothing. You pack a brutal punch, that is true, but you are a glass cannon. The problem is the following imo: you get amp damage for every single bullet. Hence, shotguns with The Bee are way to overpowerd. Furthermore, I guess that all the positive stats enhancing damage are calculated with amp damage, so they get multiplied by your factors. They should probably just nerf it like this: either don't give every bullet amp damage, or add amp damage after all the stats so you just get 45k bonus after you hit...which is not that much. I know it, because without the conference call you really need a lot of hits to take out lvl 50 or above characters...

But still, using the Bee shield alone is super strong. But I have to admit that I did die way more often using the Bee shield than before,because of the low capacity...but as getting killed only costs you money, I finished my playthrough 2 today.

I was again really lucky today: got a conference call from last boss...the first time killing him. Seems that I am lucky, or that probably my 5% rare items relic helps me out?!

Don't know...but I admit that in combination, The Bee and the Conference Call is overpowered. Why? Because I beat Terramorphus in like 10 seconds after this, no challenge no real achievement to be honest. I tried to kill him without The real chance...he tanks unlimited amount of damage the normal way...but as you say: that is probably how it is supposed to be.

So yeah, it is overpowered. But is it really that tragic in a single player game? I will definitively not use it when doing the side missions now.

I want the two following things: I want a good sniper (probably going to do the Buffalo sniper rifle) and a good revolver (I read that there is Maggie...).

Then waiting for the DLC to hit...or probably take a break. Especially since teaching started over here this week and I have to give a lecture tomorrow...I did play Borderlands 2 every single day since its release. I have now 100 hours total. In 26 days. Which makes an average of about 4hours per day. Realizing this, no wonder that all my friends are angry and mad at me at the moment...this game is like an addiction, I need help.
I don't know. The game is kind of wearing thin at the moment. Going through the campaign a 2nd time is getting a bit repetative, especially when you're underpowered relative to the enemies. Getting uber weapons and laying waste to high level foes was a big part of what I enjoyed about Borderlands. It seems BL2 has taken some of that away, which is a shame.

Same here although I'm still level 25 in PT1.

It seems BL1 was either easier to level up or the actual skills you gained seemed more useful/powerful.

Of course, part of this still goes back to playing Zer0 and not being able to figure out how to use deception to any real purpose. Melee didn't seem to work worth a damn early on and quite frankly, the Sniper bonuses don't seem to really be all that great.

I think I'm going to restart as Gaige this weekend. I know she seems almost TOO easy, but I think the Deathtrap will really fill my loss of Bloodwing, whom I've REALLY missed playing as Zer0.

It would also be nice to actually use my action skill.

Looking at this trailer, Gaige does seem friggin nuts, but being overpowered is more fun than being boring and not even looking forward to leveling up because non of the skills in the tree seem the slightest bit interesting.. until you max out the entire tree (and the rest of the tree up to that point seems lame or doesn't fit your playstyle)

Anybody here have any experience playing as Gaige?

I mean.. jeez.. I just found this link for her skill tree. Her skills are crazy good.
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Gaige can potentially be one of the most overpowered characters in the game. Especially as someone has discovered an exploit that means Gaige can stack anarchy from shooting in Marcus' gun range on one of the never dying enemy targets.

Will the skills I've increased with Badass points transfer to a new character/game? If so, I may also start over with another character. The Mechromancer looks interesting. I'm all for crazy-ass powers.
It looks like Gaige is basically that Tiny Tina psychopath girl you meet in the game. She was kind of funny, so hopefully Gaige's commentary will be more lively and interesting than Zero, who is as bland and uninteresting as it gets.