Borderlands 2 [PS3, X360]

It looks like Gaige is basically that Tiny Tina psychopath girl you meet in the game. She was kind of funny, so hopefully Gaige's commentary will be more lively and interesting than Zero, who is as bland and uninteresting as it gets.

The pet should be a giant stuffed animal instead of a robot. Or maybe a robot in a bear suit.
It looks like Gaige is basically that Tiny Tina psychopath girl you meet in the game. She was kind of funny, so hopefully Gaige's commentary will be more lively and interesting than Zero, who is as bland and uninteresting as it gets.

Agreed! It's almost easy to get them confused.

I've been reading the official forums and opinions on Gaige run from people dying too often, to people thinking she's way overpowered, to people comparing Deathtrap to Axton's turret and not being able to come up with a clear winner.

So that makes me feel better in that her skill tree is clearly more interesting and offers more varied ways of playing but isn't super special cakewalk easy.

I'm actually looking forward to playing Borderlands again, I think I played maybe 2 or 3 hours all of last weekend before quitting out of boredom!
Got Maggie. Best weapon ever. Not as strong as Conference Call obviously, but packs still a brutal punch and is just super stylish to use as a Jacobs 'shoot as fast as you can' revolver.

Also, did the Demon Hunter Quest at level 50 and killed Dukinos Mom. Seems that she is as difficult as the other big me down in one hit and I died. But than I got the level 50 Buffalo rifle from the quest...ha ha ha, 32k damage with its insane crit bonus and Zero's skills plus The Bee: I did a head shot with 630K damage :D
I have to try to use Deception to get this 200% weapon bonus as well...must be over 1000K when doing a crit.

I wonder if there are some good legendary snipers out there. Never got one so far. I wonder what is the best sniper rifle in the game...maybe there are some good purple Jacobs snipers out there which do even more than 32k base damage?
Btw, you can access the DLC through the transport system: just go to Oasis.

Unfortunately, this DLC does not increase level Cap. So I am at lvl 50, and some of the fun is gone when you don't level up...furthermore, I would love to incorporate some of the Bloodshed tree with my Zero build. There are some strong base skills available in Bloodshed.

I hope that they increase the level cap soon. I have to think about doing the DLC when the level cap is raised....

I read that there is a new item class available: red. Which are in-between purple and orange...not much infos about those weapons out there.

Furthermore, I read that there are some really strong raid bosses, that even with The Bee and CC it is nearly impossible to solo them...
Zeros sniper skill tree does not scale well at all. By level 30 he starts losing effectiveness. I'm going to re spec and take point away into other areas.
A lot of times I feel like the abilities beyond the third tier have great value. I'm putting my siren points into two different trees, and I'm not going beyond tier 3 in either.
I'm at lvl 43 now, and it seems my biggest problem is that the more powerful weapon progression has really slowed. The first time through, I got pretty powerful weapons at a fairly frequent pace, but now I feel like my aresenal is just not suitable for the enemies I'm facing. Even the vending machines only offer under-speced weapon choices. So I'm just not able to do enough damage quickly enough.

I think Gearbox kinda screwed up here. The whole "87 bazillion weapons" thing is a joke when 99.999% of those weapons are useless crap. I've been using a trio of snipers for about 8 levels now, and they are starting to show their age. But I've got nothing better from loot drops (even from bosses) or from vending machines. Basically, I feel like I'm being forced to bring a knife to a gun fight.
I'm at lvl 43 now, and it seems my biggest problem is that the more powerful weapon progression has really slowed. The first time through, I got pretty powerful weapons at a fairly frequent pace, but now I feel like my aresenal is just not suitable for the enemies I'm facing. Even the vending machines only offer under-speced weapon choices. So I'm just not able to do enough damage quickly enough.

I think Gearbox kinda screwed up here. The whole "87 bazillion weapons" thing is a joke when 99.999% of those weapons are useless crap. I've been using a trio of snipers for about 8 levels now, and they are starting to show their age. But I've got nothing better from loot drops (even from bosses) or from vending machines. Basically, I feel like I'm being forced to bring a knife to a gun fight.

do you already have access to The Fridge?
Because at Finks Slauterhause (just go throuhg the big door right ahead when spawning at the fridge), there are vendors that sell lvl42 and 43 stuff iirc.
I've seen it, but not entered it yet. I'll check it out. Thanks for the tip!

If vendor has nothing for you, but stuff lvl is in the range you want, just save and quit. Continue and you will spawn there with new stuff at the vendor until you find a good gear.

Did you ever try out a Jacobs shoot as fast as you can revolver? Called IRON or something like this, maybe blue, with high base damage...was highly effective for me when you are able to spam the trigger fast enough :)

Did you ever try to rob the convoy in The Dust? It sometimes has good loot as well, although it depends on the lvl of the area compared to your lvl.

I must admit that I did not find any real good snipers in PT2. I had to switch to jacobs revolver and shotguns.
I think the best revolver I have does 1998x2 explosive damage. I have a shotgun that does 1758x11 damage, but its accuracy sucks and I have to reload after every shot. These guns used to be uber, now they seem weak.
I can't stand any of the Jakobs' shoot as fast as you can equipment.

From what I found even with a controller with auto-fire macros, the Jacobs' never do as much damage as the relatively-fast normal fire weapons over the same time period once you factor in magazine sizes and reload times.
I think the best revolver I have does 1998x2 explosive damage. I have a shotgun that does 1758x11 damage, but its accuracy sucks and I have to reload after every shot. These guns used to be uber, now they seem weak.

Have you tried respec'ing to one shot one kill?

If you only have a one shot magazine that means every time you shoot you are shooting your first shot so you get the bonus damage.

I'm learning there's lots of little strategies in BL2 built around things like that. Where small magazine sizes used to just be a detriment, there's now bonus skills for first shots or for unloading a full clip or for reloading, etc. So sometimes using those weapons will small magazines are actually more favorable.
That's one of the last slots in my sniper tree. I think I'm 3/5 or 4/5 in One Shot One Kill.

I finally got a decent loot drop from a badass surveyor. A rocket launcher that does ~51k damage and has a 6-shot magazine. Now I feel like I can actually kill something again.
Slot machines seem to turn out the odd good weapon. Not sure how well it works once you start in the True Vault Hunter mode.
I've heard stories of people getting crazy loot from the slot machines. I think I tried playing them for 30 minutes last week (part of my boredom cycle) and didn't get anything even decent.

Also.. Premiere club, ??!WHAT?!?.

I don't know how I "joined" if it was buying the season pass or buying the Mecromancer, but I when I restarted last night as a new Mecromancer it comes up and says that Premiere Club members start with bonuses.

I started with an assault rifle, smg, and sniper rifle. Along with a golden key and the vault hunter relic, all before I got Claptrap's pistol.

What a huge difference that makes in the beginning. With my Zer0, I had to constantly melee the bullywogs because I only had the pistol and there wasn't enough pistol ammo around. Now, I've got four different guns and there's plenty of ammo spread between them so no melee is necessary.

I wonder how much that would have changed my early impressions of the game, because part of the reason I started my Zer0 down the melee tree was because I was having to melee so early in the very beginning. And I can't remember how long it took me to finally get a sniper rifle, let alone one that does 44 damage at lvl 1.
I've gotten a small number of really awesome weapons out of the slot machines that Robert and I used for quite a long time in our playthrough. After about level 30 it started to seem really hard to get anything good. For the most part, you earn most of your money back, but I don't know once you're in the 40s or having started true vault hunter.
Yeah, so wow. I'm just now level 7 mechromancer and I haven't even started the Capt Flynt mission yet because I did a couple of the first side quests (that I skipped the first round in a rush to get to Sanctuary), so I got Deathtrap at lvl 5 and then got Anarchy at lvl 6.

Let me tell you guys something who, like me, thought this game was a bit different than the first one. The Mecromancer brings it all back to BL1 terms, especially those of us playing Zer0.

The Mecromancer is Mordecai from the first game, not Zer0. Deathtrap is Bloodwing, the only difference is that he gets in your way (you can't shoot through him) but on the other hand, he seems to last longer. He also gets even more potent bonuses later on (or so it seems looking at the skill tree) than Bloodwing did.

Also, this Anarchy thing is freakin rad. Essentially, any time you empty a weapon into an opponent you get a stack of anarchy that increases your weapon damage at the expense of weapon accuracy. But this is the thing.. the anarchy stacks don't have a timer. They stay with you from level changes and everything, they just stack and stack and stack.

The only difficult part is remembering not to reload... if you reload, you lose all your anarchy stacks (damage bonuses). That's reload manually. You also have to remember not to pick up items or open crates with a weapon that isn't fully loaded because the same button (on the xbox) will reload your weapon first. So you have to switch to a fully loaded weapon before picking up items or opening crates, or just fire off the remaining rounds so you don't accidentally reload.

But it's friggin awesome. I'm having so much fun playing this Mecromancer character, I can use my ability (Deathtrap), and I'm looking forward to leveling up because the skill tree is awesome.

For example, I can't wait to get four more levels so I can buy bloody shields, which regenerates my shields (20% per point so if I put in 5 points it will regenerate full shields) at a cost of 1% of health each time I kill something. So for a 5% loss of health, I'll get 100% shields.

There's also an ability called discord, so if I reload, I don't lose all my anarchy stacks they just slowly getting eaten away until I "turn discord off", and in the mean time you get all sorts of bonuses like health regeneration and faster fire rate, etc (I'm not sure exactly on those, but they're awesome).

Oh, and the Anarchy thing about losing weapon accuracy? First, it's great to just get one of those one or two shot weapons. You're constantly reloading but you're also constantly increasing your damage each time. And the accuracy penalty doesn't effect zoomed snipers.

Yep. You can build up a huge anarchy stack and then use your zoomed sniper rifle just fine to focus on the boss or the biggest threat while Deathtrap takes out the rest of the foot soldiers.

Just like how we use to use Bloodwing to clear up the garbage while we focused on the main target. Only now, it's not because we put points into making our sniper skills high.. it's because we put points into Anarchy and just remembered not to manually reload.

This game is a blast again. I'm still having a bit of a struggle, I'm not overpowered like using the Bee shield, you still have to play with strategy and tactics, but it's a lot more fun than playing Zer0 with his worthless deception skill.
I need to get this Bee shield before they need it. What mission gives it? Or is it a random loot drop?