Blu-ray and ps3.

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Also, even if it is a bit too expensive, we may just see a launch with two differently-optioned PS3's to begin with. One scaled down an focusing on "the gamers" and assuring a low-enough price point, and one feature-rich much in the same way the PSX--when it shows--will be to the PS2. They've already shown the tendency to think this way, and if the PSX succeeds even moderately there would seem to be no reason to buck the trend.

The low option keeps gamers happy by not having to shell out for what they don't ultimately care about, and the feature-rich device may be able to cover tuner/player/PVR/recorder duties while sticking in even more--the device to be the centerpiece of modern-day media center, and push the Cell-enabled other devices as they start coming out. If they handle it well enoungh and brace it with good software and options, it could even be a quite viable PC alternative.

The only problem at that point would be splitting games between Blu-Ray and regular DVD media, though it may not even by that much because I still see developers just adoption regular DVD media for the time being. I'd rather Blu-Ray were standard so at least devs would be more of the mind to USE the whole "rewritable media" to their advantage in game design itself. Sadly we don't even see enough of that on the PC, where the media has always been re-writable, which is a shame. You'd think people could start broaching newer design concepts.
No, I think that a basic Blu-Ray olayer with basic Re-Writeability features should be in PlayStation 3 not to break the userbase and repeat a Sega CD kind of deal...
I mostly agree with the notion of having a "S" unit and a standard one, except on the timing. I think Sony will do something similar to what they did with PSX. Afterall, I´m sure they´d be glad to see costs go down to be able to offer a decently priced set-top-box, and the "S" unit would make the standard unit seem less worthy.
Almasy said:
I mostly agree with the notion of having a "S" unit and a standard one, except on the timing. I think Sony will do something similar to what they did with PSX. Afterall, I´m sure they´d be glad to see costs go down to be able to offer a decently priced set-top-box, and the "S" unit would make the standard unit seem less worthy.

Well I think Sony could get away with charging a premium on the 'S' unit (the one with TIVO stuff, etc) to make a small profit, which would help offset the loss on the standard unit.
The sales of PSX2 would not equal sales of PlayStation 3 and Blu-Ray needs the strong sales of PlayStation 3 to succeed...

PSX2 will probably have full Blu-Ray and much more ) and not a Blu-Ray Re-Writeable "lite"...
jvd said:
i can see where you are coming from but i will tell you this much if the ps3 costs to much that will be one of the first things to get thrown out. no way will sony loose more than a one or two hundred per system.

With that, you need to factor in a term called "calculated risks", meaning that a company may take certain risks in order to gain from it. Even if blu-ray increases the price of the PS3, by actually putting it in there, it might potentially give it the needed push to succeed. Thus, break-even point might be reached sometime later with PS3, but you might have garuanteed the success of an unproven format which by sure would make a lot of money also. ;)
zurich said:
Well I think Sony could get away with charging a premium on the 'S' unit (the one with TIVO stuff, etc) to make a small profit, which would help offset the loss on the standard unit.

Perhaps...but Sony would still have to market PS3 and the "S" version in a completely different manner. If not, people wouldn´t see PS3 as this ultra-powerfull behemoth if they know of the existance of the "S" unit, and Sony needs the mindshare.

It would be pretty much a waste to launch both units simultaneously and probably detrimental to the standard unit IMO.
I still like the idea of blu-ray being in the PS3,that way they don't have to
have a hdd right away ...they can sell the hdd for tivo and whatever services are needed for a hdd.....and by making the hdd available at luanch it would give people choice.
The standard unit would still be uber-ICBM-launching-supercomputer or whatever, but the 'S' unit would have the frills, like TIVO functionality, kareoke, and whatever else SCE feels like tossing in. Don't think it would harm the mindshare at all.
cthellis42 said:
Also, even if it is a bit too expensive, we may just see a launch with two differently-optioned PS3's to begin with. One scaled down an focusing on "the gamers" and assuring a low-enough price point, and one feature-rich much in the same way the PSX--when it shows--will be to the PS2. They've already shown the tendency to think this way, and if the PSX succeeds even moderately there would seem to be no reason to buck the trend.

The low option keeps gamers happy by not having to shell out for what they don't ultimately care about, and the feature-rich device may be able to cover tuner/player/PVR/recorder duties while sticking in even more--the device to be the centerpiece of modern-day media center, and push the Cell-enabled other devices as they start coming out. If they handle it well enoungh and brace it with good software and options, it could even be a quite viable PC alternative.

The only problem at that point would be splitting games between Blu-Ray and regular DVD media, though it may not even by that much because I still see developers just adoption regular DVD media for the time being. I'd rather Blu-Ray were standard so at least devs would be more of the mind to USE the whole "rewritable media" to their advantage in game design itself. Sadly we don't even see enough of that on the PC, where the media has always been re-writable, which is a shame. You'd think people could start broaching newer design concepts.

Just saw this post and had to reply: :D

Hum, I don't see this happening. Sony has always been the one to market their console as a computer entertainment system - not a game console. With CELL leading into the next generation of Sony products and linking them up all together, I would think that they would want to get a large userbase quick with PS3. Just think about the potential sales if Sony gets 20 million PS3s out and attracts them all with further CELL connectivity if they buy the other Sony CELL products. If you split the market with two PS3 versions, you're loosing valuable sales right there.

If anything, I see Sony forcing blu-ray and all those entertainment features within PS3 to consumers in hope to attract them more to their 'other' products. Vice versa, you will have the other Sony products attract people into buying PS3 too.
Phil said:
Just saw this post and had to reply: :D

Hum, I don't see this happening. Sony has always been the one to market their console as a computer entertainment system - not a game console. With CELL leading into the next generation of Sony products and linking them up all together, I would think that they would want to get a large userbase quick with PS3. Just think about the potential sales if Sony gets 20 million PS3s out and attracts them all with further CELL connectivity if they buy the other Sony CELL products. If you split the market with two PS3 versions, you're loosing valuable sales right there.

Well, they're not going to lose CELL capability no matter which PS3 they offer. I also see them bringing around CELL-enabled stand-alone devices (DVD players, Blu-Ray players, TVs, HDTVs, et al) running the price gamut to target those who specifically want or only need one thing. (Who may well later want ANOTHER thing later on, especially if they make the most of CELL interactivity.)

If anything, I see Sony forcing blu-ray and all those entertainment features within PS3 to consumers in hope to attract them more to their 'other' products. Vice versa, you will have the other Sony products attract people into buying PS3 too.

I can certainly see that as well, but it all depends on the price point, or how much they're willing to lose on the PS3. If, after they suck down as much loss as they're willing to in the beginning, they still have to price the PS3 at $500+, they may decide that they just can't appeal to the core GAMER market that high. (Fanatical ones, sure. They buy $500 GPUs on the PC, too. But they're not the meat and potatoes.) If the Blu-Ray player is a large factor in that extra cost, they may opt to leave it out.

Also, you won't have all TOO many people being drawn down from other Sony products to a PS3 if the PS3 is fairly expensive and they already have all the other features it supports. (Say, they already bought a stand-alone Blu-Ray player.) If they'd be overlapping functionality they already have and only getting the game-playing ability, a higher price point will only be a discouragement for that sort.

Sony IS, of course, a company that could very well change the market attitude toward console price, but what with it launching right near (or somewhat after) the Xbox2 and GC2, if they are substantially less, Sony could lose even more ground in the gaming sector by keeping the PS3 priced too high.

...which is one reason I've thought the PS3 would launch with multiple versions. Even before they announced the PSX there were rumors of such, and WITH the launch of the PSX it seems they may be using that as a testing ground to see what they can get away with. With enough capabilities in the PS3 and proper software support and they COULD well steal people from the PC sector, but can they aspire to that AND appeal to the mass market of gamers at the same time? I figure "no" unless they're willing to suck up a ton of loss. If a console is priced halfway in-between it becomes a bit of a half-assed attempt at both, meanwhile the further it goes up, the further they get away from gamers, and the further it goes down the more loss they'll have to absorb. Dual options for the PS3, meanwhile, could let them get the best of both worlds, perhaps making them the cheapest (AND fastest?) pure console at the low end, and letting them offer a powerful and variable device for the upper end--all without forcing them to absorb a lot of cost. Gamers are happy because they don't see themselves having to pay more for extras they don't really care about, and those who want and can afford a high-quality machine could end up getting more than they thought they would. More options usually makes for a win-win situation all around. (It just adds some more development time and complicates the manufacturing process.)

Whether they will choose to do so, however, depends on many other aspects. As you say, they may want to use the PS3 bring about broadscale acceptance and adoption of Blu-Ray standard, at which point it would be in PS3 no matter HOW many versions they make. The only real deterring factor at that point becomes price, as heavy losses would make even determined corporations sit back and think a little. ;)
Another factor in its favor is that a pure console could probably get by on Blu-Ray without needing any hard drive at all, whch would eliminate that expense (not to mention the space it would take up, the extra noise and heat, the additional part that can have issues...) entirely. Games would have their own scratch space right on the media, and I'm pretty sure it would take a LOOOOOOONG time for any came to take up all the space on a Blu-Ray all by itself. :oops: One might even be able to use a functional version of Linux directly off a disk (though few would probably want to because of slower read/write time). Anything the PS3 would need for itself could be handled easily through Memory Stick (or whatever solid storage they end up using--I'm assuming they'll move to MS)
However, to function as a higher-grade PVR, they would likely still want to keep in a high capacity hard drive, because although they could enable it with just the Blu-Ray, they would gain more abilities and not have to deal with incessant disk-swapping. (One major reason, I would assume, that people want PVRs over VCRs to begin with.) To be a useful multi-media central storage device and any sort of PC replacement they'd also want a capable HD backing them up, as Blu-Ray doesn't have enough storage to handle it all and becomes an inconvenience the more people use it. ("Let's see, which disk has the pictures of my grandfather in it again...? No, this one has Susie's ballet recital and our trip to Boise..." Heh.)

I have trouble thinking they'll get a solid all-in-one device out without pricing too high for many gamers, which makes me think the "multiple model" PS3 is very much still in their minds. The final determination will come down to price--what they WANT to do and what they can afford to put in it. As with the PS2/PSX, it seems like that to make a GOOD all-in-one device and capable PC replacement they'd need to make two devices anyhow, at which point they might as well make the lowest cost, steamlined GAMING machine that they can. If Blu-Ray would have to be excised to bring that about, well then it just might be. The does not mean both versions will be available at launch, nor does it mean the console-specific PS3 couldn't gain Blu-Ray at a later date. Sony's shown much fierceness and capability in redesigning and upgrading, and I wouldn't expect that to lessen.

Of course ALL of this is lots of conjecture, and the final form of the PS3(s?) will likely take a lot of cues from the performance of the PSX and the adoption of Blu-Ray between now and 2005. We'll just have see... ^_^ I AM sure, however, that they're keeping their options open and that this is one avenue they may well take.
Sony has always been the one to market their console as a computer entertainment system - not a game console.

Computer entertainment system because the company that makes it is Sony Computer Entertainment. So it's a computer entertainment system, a system from sony computer entertainment.
Blu-ray doesn't have a choice but be in PS3, it may be a dumbed down blu-ray just like PS2's DVD drive but it will be blu-ray nontheless. What would PS3 use if blu-ray isn't inside? DVD's just will not hold the space of PS3 games, as many PS2 games just about fill up the DVD.
MfA said:
The most being? :)

Well, at this point, "the most" would be having it operational with other devices at ALL at launch, and with software that takes advantage of the interactivity. (And hopefully with performance enhancements that Joe Public can see and recognize with his own eyes.)

It could certainly end up being something that will take years to flesh out, which would add appeal in the long run, but not right away.

Paul said:
Blu-ray doesn't have a choice but be in PS3, it may be a dumbed down blu-ray just like PS2's DVD drive but it will be blu-ray nontheless. What would PS3 use if blu-ray isn't inside? DVD's just will not hold the space of PS3 games, as many PS2 games just about fill up the DVD.

PS2 games didn't start out using or filling up DVDs either, and even now there are probably some that come out on a CD medium. Certainly some games may be "Blu Ray only" as they outstrip what the can pull off on DVD--and if there were a hands-down AMAZING game for that it could be used as additional incentive for the more expensive console, but developers are already spending many millions to fill DVDs as it is. Who's to say THEY want to spend that much more to actually fill up a Blu Ray (or at least go substantially beyond DVD) with functional data? Especially if it makes for more difficulty in porting to other systems that don't have higher-capacity optical mediums? Most games do NOT have the budgets--nor do they sell the quantities--to afford Hollywood-level developmet costs, and that's rapidly what it's getting to be like for them to fill up THAT much room with "game." So long as the player can still read all the relevant DVD formats, devs may want to go with what they know--and what will probably have much less cost to them than Blu Ray media. Getting games to go well past DVD capabilities will cost a lot... unless they're filling scads of extra space with super-high quality FMV and the like. (27+ GB of true "game" would make most devs cry a lot, methinks. ;) )

I don't see them "locked" in anythink at the moment, though I do see them wanting to use the PS3 to push Blu Ray and in all likelihood the production costs will be substantially lowered by that point.

But cost is ALWAYS the bottom line, and if it comes down to the PS3 selling for $500 while they're already taking a $200 hit on it, do you seriously think they WOULDN'T be considering alternate moves?

There are no games now that come out on the CD medium. Not even a PS3 launch game will fit on 4.9GB of data, let's not be silly now. MGS2 fills up over 4GB, GTA3 fills up well over 4GB and ps3 texture sizes will make these games look like a joke.

Your forgetting that as graphics get better the file sizes increase very much so, wouldn't even matter if they couldn't fill 27GB with textures or game data because if it's over 4.9GB it's gotta go on the blu-ray no matter what.

Getting games to go well past DVD capabilities will cost a lot...

What cost? Why do you keep bringing cost into this, it doesn't cost anything extra to create a game with 8GB of data instead of 4. Plus, many ps2 games come dangerously close to running out of room. Hell, Kojima says that they really were running into the limits disk space wise, and he's correct just put mgs2 into your DVD drive and you'll see.

If ps2 games are filling up DVD's ps3 games will just eat them for dinner. Are you proposing that your average PS3 game will fit on 4.9GB of data? Launch games will hit atleast 6, especially since ps2 to ps3 will be a bigger leap than psone to ps2.

Remember we aren't talking about making a PS2 game 15GB we are talking about a PS3 game here. With vastly bigger textures, bigger sound and music files and more compled models.

DVD was a new medium, a very expensive one and Sony put it in ps2 and took a loss and made it back later. What makes you think blu-ray isn't any different? I don't see it being different at all.

And if your going to bring up different mediums, than go ahead and list them. Because there are none for PS3 other than blu-ray that make sense, especially since Sony is the biggest company backing blu-ray. What better way to push it than to put it into 50 million pS3's, just like what they did with PS2.
There are no games now that come out on the CD medium.
I believe Winning Eleven 7 will be in CD format.

I think a dual layered double sided modified(like GC GOD) DVD(UMD2?) might be cheaper than BR.
I think a dual layered double sided modified(like GC GOD) DVD(UMD2?) might be cheaper than BR.

Cheaper? Maybe, just not as good. We are talking 2 years too, blu-ray will be cheaper to make.

zurich, VF4 didn't just come out did it ;) I should have clarified myself, no future games will come out on the CD medium for PS2, unless it's some sort of niche game or something like a chess game or the lies. Yes I know some launch games came on the CD, sorry for not making myself clear :(
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