Blu-ray and ps3.

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And how Microsoft would respond to a BR equipped PS3 is just as interesting as anything in this thread.

By using those 100gig dvds we read about eariler in this thread. Thus having a larger format than sony and cheaper
Psychogenics said:
jvd said:
And how Microsoft would respond to a BR equipped PS3 is just as interesting as anything in this thread.

By using those 100gig dvds we read about eariler in this thread. Thus having a larger format than sony and cheaper


by your sarcastic typing i take it you didn't read the article where it said the tech was ready now and all it needed was a few adjustments to current dvd players to work. Where as blue ray is having massive problems with its laser .

Read next time instead of posting fud .
Grall said:
Chap, 99% of the time you're just a boring, predictable M$-troll. When people start saying Sony will stick a BR drive in PS3, you're like, 'no way, it's too expensive. sony's too stupid' etc etc etc, and once it is confirmed, and Microsoft announces they will also use BR in their new XB all of us KNOWS you'll be like, 'BWAAAHAHAH! Yuo palystaton-heads quit bragging, teh XBOTZ2 will also have BR BWAAHHAA, bill gatorz will take over teh worldz, sony si teh finish!'

So kindly, do us all a favor and shut up okay, because we already know what you're going to say.


Grall, 99% of the time you are just a lame Sony fanboy who WHOOPIEDEEDO with what ever tiny little hype SCEI love to tickle the Sfans's ass. :rolleyes:

I think you should just STFU yourself. The mods need to do with a little help on some of the Sonyfans dumb oversensitive attitude. I am just saying a full function BR will most likely not make it for the $299 PS3. If you want, if your dumb fanny attitude likes it, i would say the same thing for XB2 too.

Now if either PS3 or XB2 does include a cool BR function, i be cool, nevermind if its a Sony or a MS. Seriously do Sony fans think before they speak? :rolleyes:

Take note, there are cool Sony fanboys like Pana and Marc, but the many others here, are sad, just plain sad. :oops:
jvd said:
Psychogenics said:
jvd said:
And how Microsoft would respond to a BR equipped PS3 is just as interesting as anything in this thread.

By using those 100gig dvds we read about eariler in this thread. Thus having a larger format than sony and cheaper


by your sarcastic typing i take it you didn't read the article where it said the tech was ready now and all it needed was a few adjustments to current dvd players to work. Where as blue ray is having massive problems with its laser .

Read next time instead of posting fud .

MS never wrote formatts just programs...let alone they have to get everybody else on board first.....100gigs come'on in order for hem to get this working they'll need bigtime back-up fromm big players and I know Sony will not be one.....
alright guys let's keep this civil... :cry:

Take note, there are cool Sony fanboys like Pana and Marc, but the many others here, are sad, just plain sad.

while I understand your need to respond, is it really neccessary to pull in spectators? this fnboy comment is just begging for retaliation.
What spectators what fanboys? I am just commending the good posters from the not. :oops:
Another topic most probably locked because of a certain pointless outburst...sigh. :(
What spectators what fanboys? I am just commending the good posters from the not.
Another topic most probably locked because of a certain pointless outburst...sigh

'certain outburst' should be made plural perhaps.
Psychogenics said:
MS never wrote formatts just programs...let alone they have to get everybody else on board first.....100gigs come'on in order for hem to get this working they'll need bigtime back-up fromm big players and I know Sony will not be one.....

Does this count as an outburst?
notAFanB said:
What spectators what fanboys? I am just commending the good posters from the not.
Another topic most probably locked because of a certain pointless outburst...sigh

'certain outburst' should be made plural perhaps.

Depends on how you look at it. Certain thing that is needed to be said has to be said, while other definitely is not needed. :oops:
heh, when I could make sense of it yea why not?

Depends on how you look at it. Certain thing that is needed to be said while other is not.

sure they do. it'd be nice to frame in more legibily tho :?


no I dun make much sense either.
notAFanB said:
just read the article, looks interesting but how is the writing performce?

go look up dvdr drives on the internet . You can find out all about dvd write speeds that are out today.
Psychogenics said:
Psychogenics said:
MS never wrote formatts just programs...let alone they have to get everybody else on board first.....100gigs come'on in order for hem to get this working they'll need bigtime back-up fromm big players and I know Sony will not be one.....

Does this count as an outburst?

Well i guess you can't read. If you were able to read you would have read that the tech is all ready to go they just need someone to make the discs and refit the drives. Which ms can easily do. Next time read before posting even more fud and sinking deeper into a hole .
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