Beyond3D game

I remember a game called sg like Virus or Viral - I can't recall the exact title. It took the file tree from your HDD to make levels and you had to fight off the "virtual" virus and his spores to regain control. The handling and gameplay were very similar to Descent and the graphics included file trees and the contents of text files etc. It also included the CPU, buses, etc.
You could make something similar with the B3D forums, with two factions fighting over forum dominance. Something like MMO Shooter. Maybe showing who controls what fora online by a small sign.

Sounds cool. I could see myself fighting pretty vehemently for my own pr0n collection. ...rather less vehemently for control of the RPSC forum. ;)
I'd start with just a 3D interface to these boards.
No plot, no AI, no game really.
Just a 3D engine with network code so you can walk to different rooms (forums), and look at different bulletin boards (threads). When you get close and "activate" a BB, it will download that thread, and display it as notes.

Pretty useless as a forum interface, but a fun way to test the engine. You should of course be able to see the other people in the forum (at least those using the 3D interface). And chat with them directly. Adding BFGs to some fora where it fits (like RPSC) would be an obvious new way to give feedback. :devilish:

But I'm sorry to say that I won't have time to do any coding.
That could be a very interesting way to understand what "flame-war" is :D
Ok. Here goes.

So, there is enough enthousiasm, from enough people who can carry the project as well. And, as expected, someone (me, in this case) will have to take the lead, reach a consensus of what we're going to do, and give all the people who want to participate a job.

So, let's start with that consensus. What are we going to do? Let's use KISS, and break it down into simple and desirable milestones.

First, we really want it to be 3D. That's a given. And so we need a 3D engine. As probably half the fun of this project is going to be to have our own one, we're not going to look for available alternatives. Ingenu is offering us his basic 3D engine as a starting point, and we'll gladly take it.

First on our list is: asking Ingenu to supply us with his source code, and (for the programmers among us) taking a good look at it. See how it works, what it can do, what we like/dislike about it. And what we want to do with it. That requires a different thread. So, Ingenu, I would like to ask you to make one, where we can have a go at it. And don't worry: we don't care that it's only a basic thing without any documentation and all. We want it! ;)

The second thing is a sequence of steps that allow us to eventually get to that working (and fun!) game. And, as we don't yet know what it should be, I think we should do that like this:

1. As soon as we have a basic engine up and running, we should make a digital playground. That requires a server. Who offers one and knows what to do with it?

2. When we have a server, we want to put a persistent 3D world on it. For our purpose, that requires that all objects are either complete (ie. 3DMax, x, or another (our own?) format that allows that), or build from scripting. Like the whole environment.

3. That requires a scripting engine as the basic building block. As in: whatever you want or do, you need a script to make it happen.

4. Which requires our own scripting language. A good one!

5. We want a client as well: downloadeable at first, but ultimately it should be a browser plugin as well. That shouldn't be that hard by itself if we have the above, although we should take care to use as generic a networking protocol as we can make it. And it doesn't matter at first if it's slow, so we can run all logic on the server.

6. If we have all that, we need a good user interface, that allows all users to make changes to that 3D world as they see fit.

7. And then we can make a full 3D interface for our Beyond3D forum. And add interesting extra's. ;)

Everything else should come later. Because, if we have all of the above, we just made it pretty simple for all visitors to build their own mini-game as they like it, with a little help from us. And if we focus those efforts on the 3D and scripting engines, everyone can pick and choose whatever they want to build next.

As for the artwork: I would suggest we use a format that is useable by a good, freeware 3D modeller. That means Blender. (Yes, I know.) And start by using all the freely available 3D models around the internet. There is plenty of choice. And that also makes it easier (initially) on the art department. :)

So, in short, what do we need now:

- The basic engine, to expand.
- A server to run it on.
- A GOOD scripting language, freshly designed or copied.
- A file format for the art that Blender likes, new or existing.
- Lots of models and textures, copied initially.
- A client that displays it, to build.
- An intuitive, interactive user interface.

What do you think? Any feedback is appreciated. And I would like the people who want to do any of those things to tell us.

Let's make something new and great.
Something like a "forum browser" for multiplayer games? Like a server browser, but showing people currently online, who can be invited to join the game.

DiGuru, I'd start composing as soon as we know where it goes, but I'll do only music, no ambient sounds or weapons or such.
Let's use KISS, and break it down into simple and desirable milestones.
K.I.S.S. rules :)

First, we really want it to be 3D. That's a given. And so we need a 3D engine. As probably half the fun of this project is going to be to have our own one, we're not going to look for available alternatives. Ingenu is offering us his basic 3D engine as a starting point, and we'll gladly take it.

First on our list is: asking Ingenu to supply us with his source code, and (for the programmers among us) taking a good look at it. See how it works, what it can do, what we like/dislike about it. And what we want to do with it. That requires a different thread. So, Ingenu, I would like to ask you to make one, where we can have a go at it. And don't worry: we don't care that it's only a basic thing without any documentation and all. We want it! ;)
It's not quite that basic (I hope ^^), but I worked on it like a framework to be very easy to extend and high performance, it does run already, but I have a nice TODO list for it ^^

Creating a new thread "Beyond3D Game, 3D Engine."
RPSC as a secret level would rock. Just need a window into digi starting endless threads about what his country has become, and you play the mod locking them as quickly as possible ;)

Additionally, if you're reusing the same models over and over again, just name them after someone who is well known for having multiple identities, and innocently claims, "but we're not the same person!" Of course, the read kicker would be.... could you have them in the same room together, or mysteriously never meet a la Superman/Clark Kent?
Hey, I'm bumping this out of guilt! I know I said I'd get some ideas down in a few days but I've been ridiculously busy -- a trend I foresee continuing until the end of this weekend. So I think I should be able to get more ideas, maybe regarding a story, in sometime next week. For now, just bump... BUMP! :oops:
When is the game being released?



you're all invited to take part in the special, closed beta funstravaganza!!! Just join, only $12.95 per month!!! :Dit's the MMORPG that keeps on giving... you... broken games! :D

...but ours is a broken game +11 vs. sucknuts! :cool:
You play a moderator. The game involves killing spam and personal attacks.

honestly, i like this idea, because it means we get to model whatever we want. X called Y a turd? Guess what form your foe will take? :p Y retaliates with the old mater-sexer? Well, THAT should be fun to model! :oops:

...sadly, yet another game with lots of nazis. ;O but at least they will be surrounded by fruits and animals! :cool:
why not a mod for halflife or quake or some sorts...Cant you modify that to own preference?
Time for an update. First, look in the 3D Architecture and Coding forum for the new developments.

Broadly speaking, the project has been broken down into different sub-projects:

1. Creating our own 3D engine.

Graham has posted the source code for his basic engine, which seems like a nice starting point. If we can get some other knowledgeable coders interested, they can all start hacking at it.

2. Building a (Firefox) browser plugin.

I'm initially using another 3D engine for that, to be able to to that concurrently. But I think I have to install VS 2003 (I'm using VS 2005 atm.) to get it to work. Although it might be better to use MinGW or VS 2005 Express Edition, to allow people without access to the full Visual Studio to join the fun. I'll check it out.

3. Making a great 3D forum interface.

This would initially be an abstract representation of the forum, as suggested by Arwin. We don't need many (if any) 3D models for that, which makes it simpler.

And we can expand that into a full, first-person representation, where you can walk from room (thread) to room, interact and mingle. (I think tools to build your own 3D avatar would be very popular.) Which also allows everyone to build their own mini-game as they like, which can be played by any visitor.

And we can also use that as a generic 3D web interface, where you can walk the whole web in person.

4. A new board on the forum for development, a code repository, bug tracker and a low-level interface to the forum database.

Rys has promised us he is going to do all that. :)

5. An xml file format, a scripting language and all the tools.

If we want to make things open and to allow people to make their own 3D website or game, we need to make a simple file format into a standard, that is easy to use. And supply the tools people need to create them.

You could make nice models in Blender, import them into our format, write scripts for the action (with wizards, if possible) and have an instant 3D website or game. Simple to use is the key here.

6. Building games.

Yes, when all that is done, we have made it very easy for everyone on this board to make games. From very simple ones, to full-fledged MMORPGs. And we will!
I just wrote a very nice piece (I think) about the first five items above. Like a presentation about the next generation of computing. ;)

But I'll have to run that through my company to see if I can publish it here. I'll know tomorrow.