Best Genesis games


I'm after some retro action that hopefully hasn't been too scarred by age. While I owned a Genesis (well, technically a Megadrive) I have never actually gone back and tried to relive those days of gaming like I did with the SNES.

Personal random favourites would be
  • Quackshot (how could you not?)
  • Streets of Rage series
  • Taz series
Gunstar Heroes is my most favorite Genesis game ever. :D
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Some of my favorites include:

Gouls 'n Ghosts
Streets of Rage series
Shining in the Darkness
Vectorman 2
Alien Soldier
Out of this world
You CANNOT forget the shooters on the Genesis!

- Thunderforce 2/3/4
- Gaiares
- Air Buster
- Ranger X
- Gunstar Heros
No love for Sonic? Golden Axe?
I loved street of rage as well :D

Btw was Final Fight ever released on a console?
gunstar heroes, earthworm jim, gaiares, forgotten worlds, strider, shadow dancer, revenge of shinobi, streets of rage

Final Fight was released on super nes i believe...
The father of all RTS, Herzog Zwei. Suprise there aren't more original RTS on consoles considering the genre started on one.
The father of all RTS, Herzog Zwei. Suprise there aren't more original RTS on consoles considering the genre started on one.

Still my favorite game of all time.
I sooo wish someone would do a 3D refresh :(
I approve of this thread!
Well, I would had added the European/Japanese game of the console, though. ;)

And this type of threads needs more than simply lists. Lists don't do your opinion on a game justice.
What you need to do is to entice folks interest in a game -or more than one, if you have the time- by doing a nice and completely biased reviews, no need to be fair with old classics, it's all about exaggeration, hyperboles and superlatives used to describe the unaltered awesomeness of a classic.

Of course, most old games didn't age well, but that's not these type of threads are about, they're about hyping old games and create a growing interest in people that will climax with them chasing down the said game (with any mean necessary!).

And to do that, one needs pictures, lots of them, to accompany his/her quick review!

I'll start right away myself and do what I preach:

The Story of Thor (EU/JP) Beyond the Oasis (NA)

It's an awesome top-down action adventure title, back in the days some journos would refer at it as an action RPG, but in fact it's not more an ARPG than Zelda.
It has been developed by Ancient, a not so famous japanese dev house, which also co-deved a nice little RPG on the SNES called Robotrek by the way. Their chef d'oeuvre remains The Story of Thor 2 for the Saturn. Game that is beyond awesome (pun attended) but doesn't run on Megadrive, so I'll keep any positive stuff about it for later.

Perhaps due to the fact that the game came late in the Megadrive life or to the quality of Ancient art team, the graphic quality of this game is incredible, especially when you know the technical limitations of the Megadrive, it supported all the nifty effect and hacks one could expect from the machine (I can't remember if it faked transparency, or not, though) and all that came in 24Mega (bits) cart (!), it was so worth of note that the European version of the game had a red sticker with "24 mega" plastered on it.

The US version of the game also had a sticker, it said "the largest adventure game on genesis", nothing less. Now, was it it the largest adventure game on Genesis at that time, that I don't know. But what I know is that the game had a indeed a large gameworld and a long adventure.

I might give you a detailed lowdown on the gameplay, but I won't. I think that everybody should grab this game and give it a fair try. There's no reasons to hate, for it is awesome (yeah, I know I already said it), nonetheless, thoses who had played Story of Thor 2 might have been spoiled by the fact that the sequel is a Story of Thor X100, with better controls, deeper gameplay elements, richer graphics, smoother animations and such. All you need to get back to Story of Thor is give the game some time, after a short while you should do with its small technical shortcomings.

Now, enough talk, take a look at a few of these shots, and then start hunting a version of the game!

Here's the horrendous cover of the US version of the game (The person responsible for the name change and the cover needs to be dragged outside and beaten to a pulp, if it has not not already be done)

The game had a cool and quite quick intro, thing that we might never imagine for a modern adventure game, heh (the quite quick intro part).
So many!

Altered Beast - First game I ever played I think. Even before the NES (which we got later). I remember my parents setting it up for me to play. I was sick at the time too.
Alex Kidd - Loved it. Simply. Well, I think I just liked watching my brother and his friends play it. The desert level is the only thing I remember now though. Oh and some castle you gotta fly up.
Chicken Noodle Soup. Er... anyways. Golden Dragon in Level 2 was my favourite. It was kinda cool how you could attack the credits at the end.
Forgotten Worlds - Played this one to death. I think the money was called Zenny? I always went for the invisible coins to get that crazy ass weapon at the end. :D
Golden Axe 1&2 - I actually went back and played this last year... passed them in 15 minutes :LOL: How's that for money well spent? ;)
Mortal Kombat - Best version for home!
Revenge of Shinobi - Also some fond memories. I beat the boss by doing the self-destruct ninjitsu since I had like 9 lives.
Road Rash - Probably the first game where I wanted to win money for upgrades. The best was punching people or using the baton.
Shadowrun - :LOL: I still play this one today. It just feels right.
Sonic 1-3 + knuckes - I played these ones until my parents banhammered me because I was having nightmares and sleep walking. The games just frustrated me at times.
Space Harrier 2 - pretty neat game. Need very good reaction times.
Streets of Rage - Awesome title music and fighting. Blaze :love:
Super Street Fighter 2 - Well... hey. It's Street Fighter.
X-Men - Weirdest part was when you actually had to reset the genesis after killing Mojo. I got so angry when I didn't.

Hm... there was this EA game... you were like... ships. And you could upgrade your weapons and types. The best one was the green one because you could build it up to spam the whole screen. I forgot the name....

There are lots more but I forgot the names. I had quite a few games.
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Great system...

- Phantasy Star 4
- Streets of Rage
- Shadowrun
- Thunderforce
- Golden Axe
- X-Men
- Gunstar Heroes

Repost, just in case:

This type of threads needs more than simple lists. Lists don't do your opinion on a game justice.
What you need to do is to entice folks interest in a game -or more than one, if you have the time- by doing a nice and completely biased reviews, no need to be fair with old classics, it's all about exaggeration, hyperboles and superlatives used to describe the unaltered awesomeness of a classic.


And, yes, the Megadrive was an awesome system. I mean, it's probably the only system ever I enjoyed an American Footbal game, made by EA, no less. Mutant League Football!
never had a genesis myself, but spent quite some time at the arcade halls as a kid where some of those titles were the jewels of the arcades. altered beast was a blast - the whole hall would gather to watch when a skillful player would engage. and the pc port of golden axe was one of the iconic games of my generation - great multiplayer too.. damn, even to this day the memories of the fights over who'd ride the captured riding beasts in the coop games bring a smile to my face. and the duel championships.. ah, those were the times.

but seeing how genesis was one of the cradles of treasure, i can only say one thing: respect.

speaking of treasure, has anybody tried the gunstar heroes GBA remake?
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To update my orginal post on behalf of Vysez's request. ;)

Gunstar Heroes
Easily my favorite genesis game ever. To summerize why I love this game...
-Great multiplayer game, two player at it's finest. Shooting everything up, Throwing your buddy around, etc.
-Customizable weapons, matching and mixing your weapon before the game or on the fly by pickups.
-Boss battles, very orginal styled boss battles with lots of character and style.
-Levels, its like if sonic levels and megaman levels had babies. Not to mention multi-tier'ed and levels with gravity changes.
-Mini game, theres a built in board game for 2 player fun thats kinda hard to explain, but it must be played to be understood.
-Audio, lots of explosions and great sound effects that were awesome for its time.



boy would i love for sega to bring this to ps3 as DLC. id definately pay for that. :D (make it online co-op mp!)
Arguably the best 2d action fighter of its time.
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To add to the Gunstar Heroes love fest going on here:

Gunstar Heroes is made by Treasure. The same team who made Castlevania 1-3 and the original Contra. . . you know, the game where you play as a dude with huge muscles and a bandana and a machine gun, and take on an ENTIRE ARMY by yourself.

Now, imagine that team sitting down and saying "we want to make a game that's like Contra, but 10 times better." Gunstar Heroes is that game. They took the basic Contra formula of 1-2 people vs. an entire army and added all sorts of twists to it:

-- They added hand-to-hand combat, where you can jump kick, slide tackle, and actually throw enemies into each other.
-- 4 basic weapons, which can be combined together to make 8 "compound weapons". E.G. flamethrower + laser = lightsaber, homing + flamethrower = remote control fireballs, homing + homing = homing stars, rapid + flamethrower = rapid w/ exploding bullets, etc.
-- Every level has some kind of twist. E.G. one level has you on rocket sled things that can stick to the floor or ceiling, another has you playing a sadistic board game where each space is a special boss or powerup, etc.
-- You actually have HP now, instead of instant death like in Contra
-- Totally fluid controls that just feel perfect

So basically, Gunstar Heroes is Contra on crack. Anybody who hasn't played it is missing out on perhaps the best 2D side-scrolling action game ever.
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So basically, Gunstar Heroes is Contra on crack. Anybody who hasn't played it is missing out on perhaps the best 2D side-scrolling action game ever.

I agree with everything you said! :D
gotta edit my post though I said 3d instead of 2d...long day lol.