Best console for kids


Rock Star
I am looking at picking up a console for the kids to play (so I can have my computer back). Xbox360 isn't in stock plus its a bit pricey for the kids. Which console has the best games for kids (3-8)? I had a look at xbox and ps2 and they both have lots of games, but not stuff I want my 3 year old playing. Gamecube actually looked like it had lots of kid oriented games, but had a small selection. Are ps2 and xbox good for small kids or is gamecube better?
rwolf said:
I am looking at picking up a console for the kids to play (so I can have my computer back). Xbox360 isn't in stock plus its a bit pricey for the kids. Which console has the best games for kids (3-8)? I had a look at xbox and ps2 and they both have lots of games, but not stuff I want my 3 year old playing. Gamecube actually looked like it had lots of kid oriented games, but had a small selection. Are ps2 and xbox good for small kids or is gamecube better?

I'd vote for gamecube. There are so many kids games, particularly multiplayer games. I'd guess Sony has more kids games, based simply on the fact that there are so many games on the PS2, but gamecube has plenty, and lots of good quality first party ones and the gamecube, especially used is a lot cheaper. Oh, here is a recent story that seems to support this:

3 Mario-themed games ranked 2, 3, 4 in the Today Show's top games for childrend this year. #1 was Burnout Revenge which is on XBox and PS2, but the Mario games are ranked immediately after it. Also Nintendo is the king of children's multiplayer games. They may not have Halo for a more mature crowd, but they have 7 Mario Party games, Super Monkey Ball, Mario Kart, the three games mentioned above, ect.

Oh yeah, one last thing, the gamecube is A LOT more rugged than the PS2 or XBox if you have small kids, that might be worth considering.
GC or PS2 would work. I'd say GC is probably the best bet simply because its the cheapest (3-8 year old isn't going to be able to tell the difference between the graphics of Xbox/GC/PS2 or care about GTAs and such -- spend the 50 dollars saved on another game or something). There is simply a lot of good games that are very kid friendly on the GC -- PS2 has a few as well, but I think you'd be better off with a GC.
GC is much better for kids. And if if you don't mind waiting til mid next year, the Revolution will be backwards compatible with GC software ;)
Yes the GC is the best suited for kids, not only it has some great games well suited for them, the hardware is very kids-friendly too as it was designed with kids in minds..

I'm always sad when I see a colleague of mine buy a xbox for his six and seven years old kids. Iit may be the best for adults, but for kids....
Deepak said:
Wouldn't kids have blast with EyeToy?

I'm gonna have to agree with that. normally would say the Cube but man them kids love to see themselves on TV! They have a blast with that and a hidden side benefit, don't tell them though, they can actually get some exercise to. :D
It's clearly not the Xbox or Xbox 360.

I'd say PS2 for EyeToy and a large sum of innocent but largely mediocre titles, or GCN for a smaller but more quality child-friendly lineup.

By child-friendly, I'm saying Jak 1 = for kids, Jak 3 = not for kids. Nintendo didn't make a lot of edgy cartoony games for the GCN.
rwolf said:
I am looking at picking up a console for the kids to play (so I can have my computer back). Xbox360 isn't in stock plus its a bit pricey for the kids. Which console has the best games for kids (3-8)? I had a look at xbox and ps2 and they both have lots of games, but not stuff I want my 3 year old playing. Gamecube actually looked like it had lots of kid oriented games, but had a small selection. Are ps2 and xbox good for small kids or is gamecube better?

Gamecube:its hard to brake,its small, its got many creative kid oriented titles and its cheap

PStwo(slimline version):Also hard to brake compared to the original model , takes the smallest space.If you choose this get the black version so you will be able to play most Playstation1 games too that are very very very cheap now.

Those choices are certaintly a lot lot lot better than XBOX which is huge, easier to brake, and its harder to find games that target kids.The majority of games have a difficulty level that is hard for kids too
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GC - my boys love playing their GBA pokemon in real 3d via the link cable on Pokemon Colesseum. Plus Mario, Zelda, Super Monkey ball etc Most big titles are also on it as well (i.e EA sports and movie franchises), plus in Rogue Leader it has one of the best Star Wars titles.

GC cab be more capable than the PS2 as well, Resident Evil 4 on the GC has more detail and is better lit etc.

You still have a choice of grown up titles like Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil, Metroid etc
Yeah but he cares more about games that are suitable for 3-8 year old kids.I dont think he cares as much about mature games.
Anyways though I agree that GC could be the best choice for him and his kids :)
Gamecube is by far and away the best choice for younger children.
As much as their fans hate to hear, there is no better console for the 3 to 12 crowd than the GameCube. The vast majority of the best games on the system are rated E.
As much as their fans hate to hear

This is misinformation, Metal.. but you're not far off. Nintendo's supporters (and any gamer worth their salt) hate to hear that GameCube is only for the 3-12 crowd or that E-rated titles are only for said crowd.. when that's clearly not true.

Take away the T/M rated titles on GCN and it's still a hell of a system for the 18+ crowd.
Snes would be great, you can get one for free basically and the games are cheap as hell too, and it's very easy to use, games are also simpler so it's good for small children, and some of the games are still very good.
Thanks guys. That confirms what I was thinking. I just went to a few stores and looked at what games there were. I was surprised to see that ps2 and xbox seem to target teens and adults mostly. The few games that are true kids games on the xbox I already have for my pc.
get them a gamecube or ps2...

if price is a concern...

gamecube has a bundled package right now...

it has the system, mario party 7 and 2 game contollers for $100 US...