DKC isn't anything special. Prerendered sprites are that game's only claim to fame; as far as I can think, there are never more than 2-3 enemies onscreen at once.
Same with R-Type, there simply aren't ever more than 3-4 enemies at once, and there can only be 4-5 shots IIRC before there's some slowdown.
Here's a great example of the 65816 just dying: Check out Super Bomberman 2's single player...
If one knows how to program that stupid CPU it's got, then wonders can be performed. Makes me wonder what today's consoles could REALLY do if programmed by genius assembler coders, heheh.

Probably something at least twice as good-looking as what the average high-level coder manages.
Some devs have been working magic on the PS2...
chaphack said:
Genny = PS2
Neogeo = Xbox
Actually, I'd say that group of consoles doesn't quite match up to today's:
Genesis / PS2 - great CPU, everything else mediocre
SNES / Xbox - Severely underpowered CPU, everything else reigns supreme
I can't think of a decent match for GCN. Was there a balanced and cost-effective system back then?
And most people agree that while Genesis sold more units overall, SNES sold more software, so it's more or less a tie... the only
true tie this young industry has ever achieved.