Battlefield: Hardline (Its war no more :( )

Well, that says a lot about DX11.
There is nothing wrong with cranking things to 11. Ten is for losers.

So who is getting this? Who will be playing it?

AND - can it be at least considered to be looking as good as BF4? (PS4 vs PS4 version).
SP looks nowhere near as good as BF4 on ps4, no crazy looking explosions, no large scale set pieces just corridors after corridors, save for a few larger environment with fuck all details. Voice acting do sound good tho.
Not being much of a multiplayer games I was only looking at this for the campaign but the Eurogamer review put me off. I don't want to sneak around arresting people until they fall asleep during which you occasionally point your gun at suspects to prevent them from bolting or attacking. This sounds tedious in the extreme which, funnily enough, is what the review says:

It's a mechanic that quickly grows tired however, thanks to some half-hearted level design, some very poor AI and a general lack of life that means you'll go through this routine for the vast majority of enemies in the game, and after a while their willingness to immediately drop their guns when challenged rather than chancing a shoot-out becomes oddly endearing. Even more hilarious is the fact that once cuffed, enemies immediately fall asleep - complete with little cartoon "Zzzz" text - presumably since the game lacks any mechanism that might allow enemies to free each other. Indeed, throughout the game they rarely exhibit any behaviour that might challenge you to play smarter.
I picked this up for PS4. I've only been playing multiplayer and have no intentions of playing the single player campaign.

I've actually had a lot of fun with the multiplayer. It's kind of stupid fun and really out there as far as being believable. I don't think it will have the long legs of a mainline BF game, but for now it was a decent pickup. No regrets.
I've actually had a lot of fun with the multiplayer. It's kind of stupid fun and really out there as far as being believable. I don't think it will have the long legs of a mainline BF game, but for now it was a decent pickup. No regrets.

Do you arrest (incapacitate) other players? If so, what happens when you are arrested?
Is there a team deathmatch mode? Can one playing it pretend its BF4 (the smaller matches, not the big scale ones)? I wouldn't mind playing BF4 another year, but sometimes, the lack of players can be a bit concerning...
Is there a team deathmatch mode? Can one playing it pretend its BF4 (the smaller matches, not the big scale ones)? I wouldn't mind playing BF4 another year, but sometimes, the lack of players can be a bit concerning...

Pretty sure it has conquest and team deathmatch. Heist was pretty cool in the beta.
Do you arrest (incapacitate) other players? If so, what happens when you are arrested?

I don't know if you can. I just shoot until they stop moving... you can never be safe :)

I did kind of find it weird when I got rolled over by knifed by a cop.

Is there a team deathmatch mode? Can one playing it pretend its BF4 (the smaller matches, not the big scale ones)? I wouldn't mind playing BF4 another year, but sometimes, the lack of players can be a bit concerning...

Yes, right now deathmach is 32v32, some were saying it's a bug. But I kind of like it, it's like conquest without having to worry about conquest points.

I would say Conquest large in Hardline reminds me more of Conquest in the Dragon's Teeth DLC. There's no tanks, but there are vehicles and helicopters.
To satisfy my curiousity, I've started tracking Battlefield Hardline Online numbers.


Compared to BF4, there seem to be roughly 2 times more active players currently (PS4 has been hovering around the 20-40k mark daily average).
^ why so negative?

I am very interested to see what will Visceral Games create with this game now that they have finally moved away from Dead Space.

Who said Visceral Games finally moved away from Dead Space?

If anything Battlefield Hardline is training to eventually ramp up a Dead Space sequel.

I've mainly been watching and analyzing the reviews and comparisons to PC for that specific start estimating how far they are going to reach with Dead Space sequels given that it's still a good franchise.

So far my expectations are good...given the amount of detail...also the overtly dramatic acting plays a role since eventually Dead Space relies on the same...
LOL, I wish I could play, but the damn game is still downloading (14GB out of 40+ something). It's not as if I'm letting my PS4 run 2 weeks long, but I've had it on about 4 times at least and had an extended play session of anything other than BF... Only played the prologue bit... and... well, not sure if it's for me. I think I'll only play the multiplayer. :S