Battlefield 4

What weird stuttering is that?

I've actually lost any interest I had in this game now anyway after learning it doesn't support 3D. What a huge wasted opportunity.

The game is really anoying in this regard. It ran typically fine, 60Hz, nor problems. But like every 30s or so, when you enter a new part of the level (some people think it might be streaming related) the game stutters and the framerate goes to hell. It is even reproducable. Means, when I run back and force at this transition point, it always stutters, but rans fine otherwise. Technically speaking...the game is an ultra mess on my PC. Lowering graphics does not help, I even tried 720p, but this is obviously not the problem. At this point, I think that the ol consoles deliver a better experience compared to my super duper PC.

On the other hand, I got used to this constant stuttering. It annoys me, but I learned to ignore it. The game itself is really really good. Highly recommended from a gaming point of view. For the record, I hated BS1, did not like BS2 and now played BI 5hours straight yesterday...
I think it is really related to the UE3 engine and how the streaming it use. Many many UE3 games have those stutters ( i should maybe say all ), in some it is just time to time, but it happend BioShock use a large amount of memory. ( i believe it dynamically stream textures if you dont have enough Vram, or preload the data, textures, this can explain this stutters ). for what i have seen on Guru3D: 2072Mo without AA ( FXAA ), 3000+ with FXAA on some part.

There's some possible fix to apply on the config file of the game. But as i dont have the game, i need say i have not look much on it. ( change the stream size of data etc )

World-wide is my guess.

Mostly yes, i dont think it is world war. lol

Hm, with more and more important devs partner up with amd, I wonder if my ol 670 will get rusty soon. Tomb Raider had problems on NV cards. Now apparently Bioshock Infinite weird stuttering...after the Rage AMD debacle I thought to be on the safe side with NV...but now I wonder what will happen the next months.

That is indeed a real disadvantage of PC gaming to be honest.

I dont know, i dont find it goes at the same level, TR is really a specific case ( if AMD wanted to show tressfx only on the release of the game, and i dont think they wanted to say it to Nvidia before ).
So far Gaming evolved have just " equalized " mostly the situation on game release. And it is not because the games are run on "gaming Evolved" programm they run extremely bad on Nvidia side. ( Crysis3 ?, even Bioshock ( outside the stutters who come from the UE3 engine ),

On the other side, when i see Assassin Creed 3, i dont see why it run so bad on AMD cards. It dont look to use specific technic who can put an AMD card in shame.

I just hope it will not slip down to a bad marketing war, and it will benefit the gamers first. What i see today, is AMD mostly push developpers to use specific, new DX11 technic on the games, and try demonstrate with it too thoses DX11 technic was first developped, or implemented by them and included on DX10 -11. ( whatever it is HDAO, technic for light / contact shadow computed, tesselation, TressFX, DDOF etc etc ). Seriously for nvidia on the last games released, this was offtly the way to try push PhysX or specific Nvidia AA ( TXAA ) and only that. Before, it was too push tesselation at some idiotic level..

I dont think it is in the interesst of AMD to get thoses games running bad on Nvidia side and AMD never use things who cant be use by other: What will happend with "standard gamers" who own Nvidia cards ? who was just think the games was run well on TWITMP + Nvidia because it is good ? they will end thinking : GE games = bad, Nvidia games = good, polished, no bugs etc ? .. it will not benefit AMD if they go this road in the long run, and i dont think they want it.

I see it allready on some games released: nvidia owners comment is: " Gaming evolved, hence the bug" .. problem is this make a long time there's not really flawless release whatever is the brand, developpers have offtly not enough time for track performance problem, and you end 99% of the time with an allready "0 day" patch. followed quickly by patches who force Nvidia and AMD drivers team to work quickly and react fast for release new drivers. and this is with nearly all games released.

Anyway, when we see the list of Gaming evolved today and the list of Nvidia TWITMP, the change is just dramatic, nearly all big games lately have been GE, and with the new annoncement made and thoses coming next month, the ratio look to be completely reverted.
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Based on my experience most gamers only have a passing familiarity TWIMTBP or Gaming Evolved and just want games to run well. I certainly don't make it a point to check which IHV a dev is partnered with before purchasing a game, and I fall well into the "hardcore" end of the PC gamer spectrum.

I do think it is counterproductive for any dev to optimize for one IHV at the expense of another. I think that practice does more to turn people off to PC gaming in general than attract them to you hardware or software. So it really is in nobody's best interest to do that, and a dev should go out of its way to ensure all users have the best experience possible with their game.
What weird stuttering is that?

I've actually lost any interest I had in this game now anyway after learning it doesn't support 3D. What a huge wasted opportunity.

Bioshock seems to work in Tridef, had to create a profile and fix the 2d shadows. For some reason after about 30 minutes of play in 3D, textures go low res though.
I really don't think Win8 is very popular among the crowd that is interesting in the BF4 alpha. That said, it is very, very strange that they aren't supporting it.
i wonder, what region does DICE pick for alpha?

im sure they dont want to pick people from ASIA :p
DICE quickly delete their server in asia.
we;ve been burned since bfbc2.
Subtitles and languages other than English. Bring them back DICE. I miss that about Battlefield 2, how while in first person your character spoke it's native language, IE the MEC spoke Arabic and the PLA, obviously, spoke Chinese. Now, soldiers speak with a faux-Russian accent and it sounds a little cheesy.

Also, after watching the E3 footage, the counter-knife is an awesome idea. Instead of it being a guaranteed death when someone melees you, this evens up the battlefield, leaving you exactly one second to mash a key to counter their attack. So instead of being a guaranteed victim of a knife attack, I gather the ratios will be closer to 50/50.
Unless they just execute you.. I guess that would require a silenced weapon to pull of undetected though, so I like the idea of knife counters.
Unless they just execute you.. I guess that would require a silenced weapon to pull of undetected though, so I like the idea of knife counters.

I read knives cannot be countered from behind, which makes sense. Only when attacked from the front or sides will you be prompted to counter it.

You getting four, dude?