Battlefield 4

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Not really the CG-like revelation we was hoping for ! and no MP footage

Thanks for the links. I must admit that I am deeply impressed. It looks freakin awsometastic! Love all those details, astounding. Love the increased destruction. Wow, this is how you do a 17min real gameplay!
Looks good but the SP gameplay still seems to be lacking personality. Apart from graphics it feels empty.

I wonder when we'll get character models like that in multi. They look pretty sweet.
Apparently since this is till coming to PS360, they are still limited by the current HW of the consoles.

Isn't Battlefield one of those titles which has a very different path for PC? I mean from that video there's no possible way PS360 can do any of that.
I'm sorry to be that guy, but why task the driver of the speeding car to shoot down the helicopter with a grenade launcher? Also, wtf, no dinosaurs? Come on DICE, get it together.
Well, that was one of the most impressive things I've seen in quite a while. The gameplay looks absolutely fantastic. Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to buy this just like almost all EA games, and hence I'll likely have to see if a friend will let me play it at their house. Too bad, if EA would allow it to be sold on Steam, I would probably Pre-Order it.

Still, looks really good.

I think you guys are dismissing the SP too readily. This didn't look like a CoD-clone, especially the part where we're ordering our squad and air-support to take out bad guys. Seemed to have a lot more freedom of play and the jeep mechanics reminded me of MP.

About the graphics, holy crap. I've yet to play Crysis 3 but BF3 sporting the most impressive visuals so far I still found the trailer a good notch above those. I also liked how the character animations for the scripted sequences felt more real, notice the staff sgt missing the door as he was trying to close it then, look to it, grasp and close it. The character visuals of your squad also seem more custom, less standard army grunt type armour.

I can't wait to see the MP of course but if DICE can deliver a good SP part why shouldn't they? They need to get off the rails and go easy on the QTEs but I don't mind a good 5 hour romp for a franchise I play for the MP. Yes the plot involves russians the middle east and probably some more nukes; I wish they'd try out global hacking, induced climate change, etc. but it could turn the SP story more like a 007 game.

Anyway, this is DICE, I'm not worried about MP.
I'm sorry to be that guy, but why task the driver of the speeding car to shoot down the helicopter with a grenade launcher? Also, wtf, no dinosaurs? Come on DICE, get it together.

if you keep thingking those little details, i think it will hard to enjoy BF4 campaign.

on BF3 there many illogical thing, on BF4 looking from the trailers those things has been toned down but still there.
It look they have made an incredibly good work on the motion capture.. rarely see "characters" moving so well ( at least in the custcenes )
Hm, with more and more important devs partner up with amd, I wonder if my ol 670 will get rusty soon. Tomb Raider had problems on NV cards. Now apparently Bioshock Infinite weird stuttering...after the Rage AMD debacle I thought to be on the safe side with NV...but now I wonder what will happen the next months.

That is indeed a real disadvantage of PC gaming to be honest.
Nice to see that with the download version they are passing on the cost saving to consumers - Oh, wait...

That comes later after 2-3 months. Until then they have to keep the retail partners that sell physical media happy. Sort of like how there's sometimes a delay before a movie is allowed to be rented through Redbox in the US.

Hm, with more and more important devs partner up with amd, I wonder if my ol 670 will get rusty soon. Tomb Raider had problems on NV cards. Now apparently Bioshock Infinite weird stuttering...after the Rage AMD debacle I thought to be on the safe side with NV...but now I wonder what will happen the next months.

That is indeed a real disadvantage of PC gaming to be honest.

What weird stuttering is that?

I've actually lost any interest I had in this game now anyway after learning it doesn't support 3D. What a huge wasted opportunity.
I'm surprised about no 3D, even BF3 supported that, didn't it?.
I've read that DX11.1 includes support for native stereoscopic 3D as well, so I'd have thought that might help 3D in gaining more ground.
So AMD have hired TWIMTBP guy and just decided to give NV a taste of their own medicine? Pendulum swings the other way. Good for AMD users I guess, bad for consumers in general once again.