It looks like the Xbox One version of the game is going to need some extra optimisation, which I am okay with, as long as they make it easy to implement (program)
Those things sound really interesting. Being able to make hand signals and the like I can think of some uses for the motion sensor in Battlefield 4 Single Player or even Multiplayer.I can see lots of potential for something like that.
Placing a mine for instance isn't generally a twitch thing, so you could have a deliberate motion where a player moves their controller towards their feet.
Slight drawback in that you have to move the controller. Slight benefit in that you don't have to switch to a mine to place it meaning you can have an alternate item that might be required at a seconds notice always at hand. As well both hands are still always on the controller, meaning you can instantly react to something if needed (unlike say a throwing motion with a grenade).
Voice commands are another obvious one for things that don't require twitch reflexes to use but might otherwise require switching away from an item that is required for twitch reactions.
Now that Kinect is standard on all machines, it allows developers to go ahead and include Kinect features that aren't core to the gameplay without feeling that most of their target audience won't have access to them. Or more importantly, potentially give an unfair advantage to someone with Kinect versus someone without Kinect.
During scripted melee fights instead of having to press a sequence of specific buttons it'd be more involving to perform these actions by yourself and captured by Kinect.
I wonder if we will play someday like this, but it'd be TRULY awesome!! :smile: