Battlefield 4 official discussion/thread. [PS4,XO,PS3,X360]

So much so that you cant even finish the sp if you use toggle binoculars instead of use binoculars, unless theyve fixed it by now. I doubt it though since the sp in bf3 cannot be finished if you rebind the spacebar
I was playing around with Share Factory and BF4 and conclusion is that is not worth presenting it because result doesn't represent product very well, Sony should opt for lower resolution or higher bitrate, screenshots taken with share function are better but compression takes something away.


Actually, they're saved at JPEG quality 92 - which is pretty damn good for all intents and purposes.
Well...DICE released an unfinished product in alpha stage and didn't get called out by all reviewers, thus did get away with it.

BF4 stands for 'Bug Festival 4' imo...
Played a round of rush after a loooooong time, was super fun ! We were completely overrun on Golmud Highway but somehow managed to reduce their tickets to 0 on the last flag :D ! Was super exciting !
Looks like my break from BF did good to me, I am enjoying it again !
What was arrogant in that article?

The way they're saying it had problems because they "pushed boundaries" is a little bit of a reach, but overall I agree. I saw some better reports describing how they're changing their development cycle. Basically the game needs to be playable from an earlier state and you're not allowed to check in code that makes the game unplayable. The idea is that you can playtest continually from very early in development. Makes a lot of sense. Glad to see they're trying to address their failures in a meaningful way. I still have lost a ton of trust in them. These kinds of issues were not new to them, and they continually got worse until BF4 was a disaster. I hope they get it right now, but I'm not going to trust them until I see results.
Yeah, exactly. Also, both could have taken the chance to apologize to the fans, instead of saying that this will never be 100% avoided as the always want to push boundaries - and that is the motto of their company. Furthermore, I have the game on PC were it was unplayable for the first 3 month...what have all the nextgen console bla bla to do with this...did they have to familiarize with PC as well? Also the whole put all other projects on ice until game is fixed bla bla, where they launched new DLC and worked on Hardline besides.

It is just all out of their a** talk and shows the full attitude of these people towards their customers and (former) fans - most gamers nowadays are not those Beavis&Buthead 20 year old idiots anymors that accept every shit thrown by gaming companies at them.

Boo EA, boo DICE.

PS: this is my last rant in this regard, not worth wasting anymore time on this...
Yep. Future BF games are no longer an automatic Day One purchase for me. Very much a "wait and see" proposition from now on.
Yep. Future BF games are no longer an automatic Day One purchase for me. Very much a "wait and see" proposition from now on.

I do not feel this is a sufficiently strong response. Tomorrow I will drive to EA's UK headquarters and egg their building.
The way they're saying it had problems because they "pushed boundaries" is a little bit of a reach, but overall I agree. I saw some better reports describing how they're changing their development cycle. Basically the game needs to be playable from an earlier state and you're not allowed to check in code that makes the game unplayable. The idea is that you can playtest continually from very early in development. Makes a lot of sense. Glad to see they're trying to address their failures in a meaningful way. I still have lost a ton of trust in them. These kinds of issues were not new to them, and they continually got worse until BF4 was a disaster. I hope they get it right now, but I'm not going to trust them until I see results.
There's pushing boundaries with new technologies, and then there's pushing the boundaries of tolerable development practice. The former does not imply the latter. They quite obviously aren't doing QA and merging with anything resembling best practices.

I'm sitting this one out completely, and it's unlikely that I'll get their spin on Payday, either.
A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage
to your computer.

The problem seems to be caused by the following file: bf4.exe

Sometimes it takes a mini-crisis to make once-small company start doing things like requiring QA to sign off on merges. The problem is that in the entertainment industry, you don't get a whole lot of misfires before the market moves on.