Battlefield 4 official discussion/thread. [PS4,XO,PS3,X360]

64 player conquest was still a mess when I played this evening, enough so that I am just going to accept that DICE is incapable of doing a 64 player game on the PS4.

This will be the last BF game I buy at launch and probably the last EA game I buy period. BF2, BF3 and now BF4 have all had screwed up launch periods but BF4 has taken this to to such a ridiculous level that it is obvious that EA is more of a stock scam at this point than a reputable publisher. They never fixed glaring issues on previous games, they obviously aren't going to do so this round either.

64 player conquest was still a mess when I played this evening, enough so that I am just going to accept that DICE is incapable of doing a 64 player game on the PS4.

This will be the last BF game I buy at launch and probably the last EA game I buy period. BF2, BF3 and now BF4 have all had screwed up launch periods but BF4 has taken this to to such a ridiculous level that it is obvious that EA is more of a stock scam at this point than a reputable publisher. They never fixed glaring issues on previous games, they obviously aren't going to do so this round either.


What exactly is the issue for you guys? I played a Rush and a conquest game last night and there was no problem at all ! I am intrigued as neither I nor anyone I know around me has had any issue on the ps4. THe PC guys have weird complaints like spawning outside th emap and what not, but on the ps4 we haven't had any crash or any glitch or anything else, frankly. 64 player matches go as smoothly as 32 player ones.
Hey RR. There are lots of problems ranging from minor to show stopper. The big ones are performance related, for example Lancam Damn is close to unplayable and has been since launch for me. Crazy rubber banding / lurching on that map, broken audio, broken spotting, general stability, etc. Some maps are much, much worse than others though they all usually have issues. Voice chat is still broken on the PS4, enough so that *no one* ever seems to use it because we have all been trained that it is pointless to try.

Maps that do work a little better like Paracel Storm still always have audio problems and performance issues that result in magical deaths, bullet sponge enemies, broken spotting, etc. The server browser still appears to be broken in that you will see either full servers or servers with 1 or 2 users on them (which almost always means that there is a problem with the server that prevents most people connecting). I rarely see China Rising servers at all. Some of the performance tweaks have to been to make things like walls / windows / trees have very small respawn times which SUCKS as destruction used to be one of the primary features of this series.

The kind of lag I am seeing I have never seen to this level or this consistently with any previous BF game. Then we have design issues like squad commander status not being revoked if the person with it does not choose objectives.

As much as I appreciate Eurogamer articles like the current one about the shambolic BF4 launch, this kinda stuff needs to happen before the ship has sailed: Not after a torrent of 8/10 to 10/10 praise and 8 million copies sold. I guess it's the best we can hope for given the awfully symbiotic relationship between publishers and enthusiast press.
That sounds quite serious, and I swear I haven't seen anything like this at all. On the PS4 that is. Not even a sign of voice-chat ptroblems - and I always use it because I always play with a friend (or maybe that's the issue - because I'm connected through the PS4 party chat?) - although I have heard others use the headset too.

Also, the maps run very solid on my end. About the same as I've come to expect from online shooters and as good (if not better) as CoD has been on the PS3. I'm simply baffled that some seem to have so many issues with the online MP.

The only issue I've had so far are the
- controller issue (that may not be BF4 related at all) which I haven't experienced for a while
- game-save loss (but since I've completed the game, I didn't check if it happened again)
- at some stage used to have quite a bit of double-kills, which hasn't been that much of an issue for me

...that's it. Apart from that, the game runs extremely solid. I've played a couple of larger games, but they too have been running pretty solid for the most part - even the framerate too.

I'm in Europe btw.
As much as I appreciate Eurogamer articles like the current one about the shambolic BF4 launch, this kinda stuff needs to happen before the ship has sailed: Not after a torrent of 8/10 to 10/10 praise and 8 million copies sold. I guess it's the best we can hope for given the awfully symbiotic relationship between publishers and enthusiast press.


How can reviewers of the PC version give the MP part anything higher than a 0/10 (unfinished, not working product)?
I think a lot of the server issues are regional. Servers have gotten a lot better. The server browser is kind of shit, but if I quick match I don't have any issues and for the most part play lag free. That wasn't true until maybe the middle of January.

How can reviewers of the PC version give the MP part anything higher than a 0/10 (unfinished, not working product)?

To be a fair, I believe EA usually has review events. I.e. the journos only get to play the things under very specific circumstances. One simple solution of course would be to wait with the review until the game is officially out, but the marketing departments on both sides ain't gonna like that one bit.
Hey RR. There are lots of problems ranging from minor to show stopper. The big ones are performance related, for example Lancam Damn is close to unplayable and has been since launch for me. Crazy rubber banding / lurching on that map, broken audio, broken spotting, general stability, etc. Some maps are much, much worse than others though they all usually have issues. Voice chat is still broken on the PS4, enough so that *no one* ever seems to use it because we have all been trained that it is pointless to try.

Maps that do work a little better like Paracel Storm still always have audio problems and performance issues that result in magical deaths, bullet sponge enemies, broken spotting, etc. The server browser still appears to be broken in that you will see either full servers or servers with 1 or 2 users on them (which almost always means that there is a problem with the server that prevents most people connecting). I rarely see China Rising servers at all. Some of the performance tweaks have to been to make things like walls / windows / trees have very small respawn times which SUCKS as destruction used to be one of the primary features of this series.

The kind of lag I am seeing I have never seen to this level or this consistently with any previous BF game. Then we have design issues like squad commander status not being revoked if the person with it does not choose objectives.


Wow, never had any issue with lancang Dam and destroyed buildings stay destroyed in my game. Never seen them "reset" :???: ! In fact, like u said, its a important part of the game. This is the first time I even heard that they "reset". Never in a conquest match have I seen a buildng standing again, once it has been destroyed.

How can the experience be so different with the same code? unless its totally a server issue. I think we are catered via Singapore servers, we don't even have our own servers, yet I, and many I know with a ps4, have never had any such issue. I can see lag sometimes, but that I know is my stupid ISP, my ping sometimes varies like hell.

But how can destruction resetting be a server issue, or Lancang Dam being unplayable ? tThis is weird.
It's the servers. They had massive server problems from launch until the middle of January. I've never seen buildings "reset" either, but I'm not going to doubt that it has happened. Everything seems to be in order now.
Wow, never had any issue with lancang Dam and destroyed buildings stay destroyed in my game.

I should clarify, I was not talking about entire buildings. I am talking about things like windows and smaller stuff. On Zavod 311 for example, I drove a troop carrier off to one side of the map a bit and up on top of some rocks so I could see the central buildings and clear out some snipers with the machine gun. It is not uncommon for folks to hang out on the rafters of the building so I started shooting out windows and such so there would be a clear view of anyone doing that or on the other side of the roof. After a short delay however, the windows and wall panels started respawning. I have seen similar behaviour with concrete barricades on Rogue Transmission and other stuff along those lines. My assumption is that this is optimization they have added to try to deal with performance issues but who knows.

But how can destruction resetting be a server issue, or Lancang Dam being unplayable ? tThis is weird.

Out of curiousity, are you a premium subscriber? I'm not, maybe they are screwing anyone not paying the extra tithe? Or perhaps they have deployed specific maps to specific regions? [Shrug]

Lancang Damn is consistently the worst performance wise for me followed by Hainan Resort. The only time Lancang worked without issue was early on when the browser was totally broken (so you ended up with one or two people per server).


Nope, I don't have premium and Hainan Resort pops up the most during my playtime. No issues here. Will look out more to chk if any destroyed object respawns, haven't seen any till now.
Maybe you are just unlucky and or I am super lucky with BF4. But you say the problems are consistent. Do you have PSn version ofthe game or disc? Any chance it has to do with ur install of the game, maybe the Lancang Dam data is too fragmented or not reading properly. Just guessing.
I bought digital version of the game because my local retailer went crazy and was selling the game for same price as PS Store. Despite the doom and gloom surrounding BF4, I'm supper happy with the purchase, game crashed twice or so but nothing major and 60 fps is big winner for BF on consoles. Online play is smooth but I only play on EU servers and I don't see warping even if I encounter players from Brazil or U.S. of A.

Not paying for premium until some PS+ discount or maybe never because I don't like fragmenting of the user base.
Finally gave up on BF4 this weekend and sold my copy to EB in protest. It's obvious they are backing away from supporting 64 player conquest from what shows up in the server browser. I would have also sold the crashtastic / migrating serverific NFS Rivals at the same time but unfortunately I bought the digital edition.

Mentioned to the guy at the till that this was likely the last EA game I buy this generation and he mentioned he feels the same way.

Finally gave up on BF4 this weekend and sold my copy to EB in protest. It's obvious they are backing away from supporting 64 player conquest from what shows up in the server browser. I would have also sold the crashtastic / migrating serverific NFS Rivals at the same time but unfortunately I bought the digital edition.

Mentioned to the guy at the till that this was likely the last EA game I buy this generation and he mentioned he feels the same way.


I'm reading on forums that EA/Dice pushed another 1.5 GB BF4 update today ? Man oh man why the heck did I buy the disc-edition.

Glad I didn't play it since the last patch, might have lost another save game (progress) forcing you to play a bunch of levels again.
Yeah I've been playing the PC version for a month now. Just a few crashes, great performance and visuals with mantle. I play 64 player conquest exclusively.

Overall a very nice game, though pretty similar to BF3. I'm glad I skipped the launch.
I bought the game right around Xmas for the Xbox One. I only have internet access on my smart phone so when I brought it home and installed it to the hard drive. Of course with no high speed internet I have only played the SP portion of the title but Ive beaten it on all difficulty settings and collected the waepons an dog tags. Before I ever bought the game I read the face off article on digital foundry and noticed it said the X1 version drops frames in single player during certain hectic scenes like in the south china sea level. To my suprise after playing it thru several times I noticed a couple of dropped frames here and there but nothing to the extent of 10 to 15 fps like digital foundry claimed. I thought oh well maybe I just havent payed close enough attention. Well the other day I took my X1 to a friend's house to get the latest system updates and while there I popped in the Bf4 disc and downloaded the 2gig+ patch. Yesterday I started a new campaign and noticed that the SSAO on the walls from the gun was much stronger than before. I got to the point where you get the tactical binos in baku and noticed more frame drops than usual and more object popin. I thought Oh well Ill keep playing thru. It seems after downloading the patch I am now seeing the large framerate drops DF were talking about. It gets really bad after the aircraft carrier splits in the south sea level to the point where the fire fight after is very stuttery. I also noticed alot more glitches like driving the car thru civilians in the 2nd level. So I uninstalled the game but keep my save. I reinstalled the game and have played thru the game up to the south china sea level. No glitches and a much smoother framerate like it was pre patch. The SSAO isnt nearly as strong but it is still faintly present and the games assets seem to stream much smoother. Has anyone else with the X1 version noticed any of this? How can the addition of stronger SSAO cause this much damage to the games stability? Or is the patch a rush job?
Deleted the game off my xb1.

I still have the PC version which I play on occasion. However the experience is generally frustrating even on servers with ping below 30.
I couldn't resist and bought premium, BF4 multiplayer is too much fun with so many options I can play it for years.