Battlefield 2: Modern Combat 360 info + Screens

After having played the PC version of BF2, I finally tried the Xbox version last week. What an absolute piece of crap! I swear, the Xbox version epitomizes how PC developers must view console gamers. It's an ugly, dumbed down, arcadey mess of a game - a diametrical opposite of the excellent PC game.

If the 360 version is based on the Xbox version's gameplay (and it sounds like it will be), this game will likely be another piece of crap, regardless of what the visuals look like. Why the hell can't Devs give console gamers a game with the quality and sophistication of a PC game? They certainly have the hardware this time around. I am less than hopeful.

/end rant
Fairly cool trailer. Couple things though. What's with the HL2 strider explosion from the tank. The motion blur is really strange like some parts were photoshopped or something. Look at the part where the snowmobile goes past the telephone pole it looks like an absolute hack job. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole video had motion blur added and the final game will have none at all. They might be using some really really cheap algorithm that looks fairly good in motion but shit in screen shots though.
Whats the point with only 24 poeple online thats just stupid when I can play 50+ on the PC, IMO consoles are worthless for online gaming I don't understand where is the limitation?
c0_re said:
Whats the point with only 24 poeple online thats just stupid when I can play 50+ on the PC, IMO consoles are worthless for online gaming I don't understand where is the limitation?

I play online on my PC and on my X360 and the old Xbox before it. And I have to admit I enjoy it more on the Xbox's. It is seems to be more stable (excluding COD2) and I like the fact that there isn't 50 people running around as it tends to get a little crazy. Just my opinion though.
What is with the console bashing? So maybe the game isn't as good as the PC version, but believe it or not there are millions of people who never played the PC version because they can't afford upgrades who own a console that can play it now.

Don't get me wrong, I think the number of players in a game should be higher. I Just don't agree that a game is worthless because of that.
NBK - Steve said:
I play online on my PC and on my X360 and the old Xbox before it. And I have to admit I enjoy it more on the Xbox's. It is seems to be more stable (excluding COD2) and I like the fact that there isn't 50 people running around as it tends to get a little crazy. Just my opinion though.

I agree, i'm an avid BF2 player and limit my games to 32 players and below. Anything more ruins the team-based aspect IMO and it becomes more like DM.
Just to be clear. I'm not at all a console basher. In fact, I prefer gaming on consoles for all the obvious reasons.

I am concerned, however, about the general lack of sophistication of games developed for consoles. I'll accept that this was necessary for previous consoles for technological reasons, but it seems there is less justification for this regarding XB360 and PS3.

Perhaps I'm just paranoid about the upcoming XB360 version of BF2. I really want this game to be great. And for it to be great (in my opinion), it has to be more like the PC version than the Xbox version. This is the part I'm most concerned about. It sounds like it will just be a prettier version of the Xbox game, which would suck (if true).
Trust me, I'm concerned to. The previous BFMC failed for alot of people not because of the gameplay, but the failure of the clan features and the company to correct them. We tried to get clan battles going after about 2 weeks in, it never has worked for us.

Also, the map selection system that the game has is horrible and this is a direct result of the games ranking system. It promotes cheating and rank up rooms. If you spent a full day playing the game I would bet the house on it that you would end up playing the map Backstab at least 70% of the time, only because it is one of the easiest maps to gain points for ranking purposes. 20% would be the map A Bridge To Far with the rest being everything else combined.

The lack of game options hurts to, since everyone is gunning for medal and points, you often find your clan mates seperated into 3 groups. So the only way to play with your friends is to play in non ranked rooms OR clan matches. Clan matches never worked and nobody would play in a non ranked room, so now you're are just with like 4-6 buddies out of like 20. Frustrating.
NRP said:
Just to be clear. I'm not at all a console basher. In fact, I prefer gaming on consoles for all the obvious reasons.

I am concerned, however, about the general lack of sophistication of games developed for consoles. I'll accept that this was necessary for previous consoles for technological reasons, but it seems there is less justification for this regarding XB360 and PS3.

Perhaps I'm just paranoid about the upcoming XB360 version of BF2. I really want this game to be great. And for it to be great (in my opinion), it has to be more like the PC version than the Xbox version. This is the part I'm most concerned about. It sounds like it will just be a prettier version of the Xbox game, which would suck (if true).

You're not alone in this... I know a lot of people who are kind annoyed by games that get simplified when moving to consoles -- the worst part is it then usually affects the PC version of it too. I'm happy enough with games as it is though (and most of the targets of these simplifications aren't the genres I care much about), so it's not a huge concern to me personally, but there are quite a few of those around that it saddens.
Can you guys elaborate on how the console game is more simple than the PC game, I haven't touched the PC game as of yet and i'm curious what you can do in the PC version,,

besides fly planes :p
Synergy34 said:
Can you guys elaborate on how the console game is more simple than the PC game, I haven't touched the PC game as of yet and i'm curious what you can do in the PC version,,

besides fly planes :p

It's just a general trend. Look at Deus Ex 2 vs DE1 -- once it was targetted at consoles, it took a turn for the worse (DE2 is a joke in comparison to DE1 in terms of simplification).

There's some others, but DE2 is probably the most solid example of it. It isn't that the games aren't good, it's that they could be more.
New ingame (paused) screen:

Synergy34 said:
Can you guys elaborate on how the console game is more simple than the PC game, I haven't touched the PC game as of yet and i'm curious what you can do in the PC version,,

besides fly planes :p

They are two different games with two different names. Like you said, BF2 on the PC has planes. It has the commander function which is absent from the console game, as well as more game modes, larger maps, different factions, different classes, etc. It supports substantially more players and has much better graphics.