more analysis, equipments, info ! I thikn ppl are making a mistake thikning its all MP, a lot of this footage is SP campaign, I believe.
Not to my knowledge, no. There are rumors pointing to June (as there were rumors pointing to April availability), but why would rumors supplant official statements from Micron?
I know you might have enjoyed this "I got you back!" moment, but you'll only know if it was a paper launch after the fact.You're right, it's not out in June. They announced availability last night on May 27th. Using Micron GDDR5X. No Battlefield 5 gameplay tie in though unfortunately.
The benefit of TAA for a 720p or even 900p game might not be nearly as big as for a native 1080p game, the last thing a sub native game need is more blur, is thegame confirmed to be 60fps for consoles?I think Dice implemented TAA, not sure if you can see that in the trailer but Mirror's Edge Catalyst definitely has some sort of TAA, so i expect it to be better than Battlefront in terms of jaggies, but also a bit more blurry as well.
Almost all of the rifles and many other weapons as well. Iron sights date back to when rifled barrels improved ranged accuracy - so the 1800s.How many WW1 guns even had ironsights let alone scopes?
You and I have similar setups, you going for the 1080 or the 1070?You're right, it's not out in June. They announced availability last night on May 27th. Using Micron GDDR5X. No Battlefield 5 gameplay tie in though unfortunately.
Outside snipers rifle, how much weapons had ironsight on the WW2, Vietnam (AK47 - M16 ), etc... Its only recently that standard soldier have scope, ironsight ( and not all ). Remember BF3 vietnam addon. I have finally more play this one that original ( ? ). This should not be so much different with it.
Im sowewhat sure that some realism will be be put down ( in WW1, aircraft was incredibly slow, weapoons was terrible to use ), weapons reload and other should be too more quick and easy that in reality at this time. I will wait to see what it give, but look more for me like it will more be closer to a BF:1942, or COD series in WW2 than a WW1 simulator. ( hopefully )