Batman: Arkham Knight [PS4,XO]

IMO the Witcher nails it with the amount of help it gives you in actually finding what it is you are looking for. Batman, on the other hand, gives you a vague map location (if it shows up at all) and then absolutely nothing from that point onwards. It'd be nice to at least have some kind of marker on the building you want for instance. It's the same in mission as well. There is no indication of what you are supposed to do next or where you are supposed to go. Obscuring the objective in order to make you spend time hunting for a solution amongst a myriad of options is great if you have the time but just very frustrating if you don't. And once it gets frustrating I kind of lose interest. It's just a game design decision that doesn't fit with me I guess.

There are plenty of tools that guide the player.

The big bat signal on the top of the objective when outdoor + the holo arrows/prompts when in Batmobile + the compass + the marker with the distance in meters that can be seen through walls + you can just open the map to know what you have to do and look for markers that show each main/side mission (no abysmal lag while using the menu unlike in TW3)

Indoors all doors are highlighted in detective vision so you can see them through walls several meters away and don't risk to get lost + you have the indoor map anyway + Batman talks to himself and gives you clues of what to do during missions, crime scenes, challenges or riddles.

Sure we have to select what mission to follow, the game doesn't decide that for you, but the main/side mission screen is literally one press of a button away so no big deal.
In the Witcher 3 you need to go through many more menues to select a quest or see the ones you have completed in comparison.
Nah the games tells you what you need to know, IMO you have been spoiled by the Witcher 3 which is super hand-holding and tells you literally everything you have to do, where to go, what/where to look and you barely have to figure things out by yourself ;)

I've had a few occasions where I've got close to an objective and the marker has disappeared off screen and I couldn't locate it so have gone to a nearby rooftop to get it to re-appear then zero back in on it then noted exactly where it appears to be. The same with a couple of items I've had to interact with which weren't, IMO, very obvious. Having to resort to switching on detective mode to find a panel/console/computer isn't the end of the world but the UI is so close to being great, it just needs a little refinement.

Working out the skin/muscle/bone scanning interface also took me a few minutes although I may have misse dsome audio cues. Also the computer recreation which allows you to recreate events based on discovered evidence also had me stumped for a few minutes. Very cool mechanic but flumxing if you've not used it before.
I just started playing this awesome game and I ve got to say I am impressed by the work they put in it.

The assets are great but I am disappointed how the whole work is ruined by the IQ. There is too much aliasing crawling everhtwhere.

Btw why is Batman wearing his old Arkham City suit? I thought he was wearing a more upgraded cooler one in this game. Is he getting it later on?
I just started playing this awesome game and I ve got to say I am impressed by the work they put in it.

The assets are great but I am disappointed how the whole work is ruined by the IQ. There is too much aliasing crawling everhtwhere.

Btw why is Batman wearing his old Arkham City suit? I thought he was wearing a more upgraded cooler one in this game. Is he getting it later on?

What version do you have? PS4?
When you arrive at a marker what are you supposed to do? Some things are obvious (bombs, breakables that sort of thing) but missions just seem to be completely obtuse. I'm guessing this is going to be a game that I play entirely on a walk through. The puzzles are great though.
When you arrive at a marker what are you supposed to do? Some things are obvious (bombs, breakables that sort of thing) but missions just seem to be completely obtuse. I'm guessing this is going to be a game that I play entirely on a walk through. The puzzles are great though.

This is why I stopped playing Arkham City after only a few hours. That and I didn't enjoy the combat.
When you arrive at a marker what are you supposed to do? Some things are obvious (bombs, breakables that sort of thing) but missions just seem to be completely obtuse. I'm guessing this is going to be a game that I play entirely on a walk through. The puzzles are great though.


I really want that Batman Beyond suit though.. damn. I wonder how much longer we have to wait.
I wonder what you guys complaining about this would say to Ultima VII Serpent Isle. There was a dungeon where you had to get a key from an invisible chest to escape.
But at least you knew there was a chest. Invisible or not... Batman would just put you in the dungeon.
You did not know about the chest being there. You had to figure it out for yourself.

Also, that certain dungeon started as a prison, so when you were thrown in you were stripped of all your gear.
Chest of drawers I'd think, no part of anyone.

However, that'd make for a rather boring conclusion, so let's just add some more chests for everyone.

