So I've been a bit sick for a few days, and I decided to just spend all of my time on my PS4 so I got this one. Mixed to positive feelings about the game - It almost feels like the devs intentionally made it clunky and some sections just shamefully break the flow in an unnecessary way.
That said, it's a beautiful, gorgeous game. Bit shimmery, very monotonous, but damn what it shows it does amazingly. It's probably the first game I can think of where round surfaces are actually round and I can't discern polygonal edges even on close inspection. The clocktower scene when the light shines in from outside is beautiful.
It rains. Everywhere. All the time. Even inside buildings. But the particles lighting up according to different light sources make it look soon pretty I can almost forgive the fact that there is one weather setup and one only.
It's one of those games walking on a thin line between being fun and being a chore. Not sure I love it yet.