Batman: Arkham Knight [PS4,XO]

The orbs in Crackdown were intrinsically linked to the progression of the game's very best gameplay feature: the liberating sense of freedom its traversal system brought to the table. The more orbs you collected, the higher you could jump, which in turn meant you could now collect orbs that used to be out of reach earlier. It was just as simple as it was effective. So effective Saints Row IV basically lifted the system wholesale. The riddler collectibles not directily tied to puzzles - i.e. vast the majority of them - don't add a goddamned thing. Like the vast majority of collectibles, they are mindless busywork. The hunt for question marks gets especially tedious later on when the riddler thugs stop spawning.
And yes, the flags in A.C. were terrible too.
what? they stop spawning? How can I get to find all the question marks then? Someone told me that there are hundreds of them
They stopped spawning in my game. A couple of new ones showed up in new game+, though (the riddler stuff carries over to new game+, and stuff you solve in new game+ also gets checked off in your regular game). Maybe a deliberate attempt to keep players from getting too distracted? Then again, why include so many in the first place then? I basically jumped back and forth between new game+ and my original file to get them all.
The informants keep spawning ad infinitum, they stop spawning ONLY when you have marked every riddle/trophy on the map.
Informants also appear AFTER the new riddles/trophies are added by The Riddler so AFTER certain events in the story.

It is possible to finish the Riddler's side quest (collect very trophy, solve very riddle and every challenge) in one play through...I know because I did it.
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Well, just finished my New Game + run through (main story). Difficulty progression actually scaled reasonably well with my familiarity of how to control things; probably the most vexing moment in the + campaign was the
tank battle outside the GCPD close to the end
Patch 1.05 adds a Photo Mode on PS4. The full change log for the 4.3Gb patch is:
  • New Feature: Photo Mode
  • New Feature: Force Original Voice Cast option for non-English Territories
  • Support for August additional content
  • Updates for WBPlay and Downloadable content
  • General gameplay, graphical, audio, ui and localisation fixes.
will be recieving this today or tomorrow. Lets see how it goes, fingers crossed for the combat system fatigue ! I do love everything else already !
Took a little break and came back to it. Around 75%. Honestly loving the game. Other than my earlier complaints about getting used to the targeting during fights on hard move, really nothing else to complain about. So great. Best game I've played so far this gen, and one of the most memorable single-player games I've played period.
I'm right near the end of the game. 95% or something like that. I've mentioned the targeting system during fights before, and I've had a few that got a little annoying near the end of the game. The real problem is the load times. When you die they show those little cutscenes of the villains, and then it loads back into play, and it is slooooooow. Not so bad if you die once or twice, but if you die on the same fight ten times, not so great. One fight, I'd spawn in the bat mobile at the bottom of a building, so I'd have to climb my way back to the top every time as well. Overall, I'd say it's not a really huge issue, but whatever Rocksteady makes as their next game, I hope they seriously look at loading times.
Complete. I recommend this game without reservation. Best game in the series and one of the best games I've played in the PS360 or PS4/X1 eras.
I found it good while it lasted. Nothing I want to go back to again and again. I mean usually I ALWAYS play side missions in open world games and go really slow with the story, but with this one I played comparatively fewer side missions and just got done with the story. Its fun in boombastic way but lacks the sauce. I liked the side missions though, cos I was Batman in them, unlike the story where I was Batmobile.

Other than th elackluster Arkham Knight Boss fight, it was a fun game. For me , of course.
I found it good while it lasted. Nothing I want to go back to again and again. I mean usually I ALWAYS play side missions in open world games and go really slow with the story, but with this one I played comparatively fewer side missions and just got done with the story. Its fun in boombastic way but lacks the sauce. I liked the side missions though, cos I was Batman in them, unlike the story where I was Batmobile.

Other than th elackluster Arkham Knight Boss fight, it was a fun game. For me , of course.

If you skipped the side missions you missed some of the best boss fights in the game. The side missions are really good.
I'm really loving it so far. I'm about halfway through the main story. Feels a lot like Arkham City with the Batmobile added. I've heard a lot of complaints about that, but I'm enjoying it so far. You'd think people who like GTA would like the Batmobile addition. In a open-world game you definitely need a faster mode of transportation than running & gliding. Another change I found interesting was that the skill tree was greatly expanded & it now feels more RPG'ish. That's not bad, but I tend to gloss over RPG elements like I did in Borderlands & Dead Island. A lot of times I'll hoard a whole lot of the WayneTech points before I ever spend them. In a lot of cases they are not necessary, but I could see how later levels may need a specific kind of gadget skill or a larger group of thugs would be easier with a specific kind of take down. Anyway, the biggest complaint I have so far is that the game really screams for co-op with Robin or Nightwing. I understand their reasoning for the exclusion, but dang it would have been so fun playing with a buddy. :(

Tommy McClain
I'm really loving it so far. I'm about halfway through the main story. Feels a lot like Arkham City with the Batmobile added. I've heard a lot of complaints about that, but I'm enjoying it so far. You'd think people who like GTA would like the Batmobile addition.

In the first half of the game you only have to use the Batman mobile on a few occasions, as the game progresses they come up with increasingly convoluted reasons to engage in non-optional vehicular combat. I ended up hating the Batmobile :yep2:
shrug, after playing 2 Batman games without any Batmobile use it's refreshing to be able to use the ultimate Batman gadget. Even it gets even more use I'm not sure I'll get tired of it, but then again I'm only halfway through. Plus I have I still have 3/4 of the side missions to complete too. It's going to take me awhile at my current rate to finish the game.

On another note, does anybody like the detective missions? Wished there were more of those.

Tommy McClain
The melee combat and car combat really were a drag after a while. The city was only interesting for a few hours, then it all looked the same since it was always wet and dark. I liked the story, but not the game play.
In the first half of the game you only have to use the Batman mobile on a few occasions, as the game progresses they come up with increasingly convoluted reasons to engage in non-optional vehicular combat. I ended up hating the Batmobile :yep2:
The whole main campaign in Batmobile: The Tank Game ! In fact its best to upgrade the Batmobile fully as thats what u r all the time. For any kindof Batman stuff you had the excellent side questlines, but they were side quest lines and did not progress the story at all. It felt as if they made a BAtmobile game and added Batman game as side missions. IF it was the opposite, the other way around it wouldn't have felt wrong at all !

If you skipped the side missions you missed some of the best boss fights in the game. The side missions are really good.
Yes, they were. Since I was Batman in them ! I liked them a lot and played most of them , even 100% some of them as they weren't too long to complete anyways. I was not as driven as I am in usually other games.
As for the city, it was funny ! Who are we saving anyway? There's no one in the city :LOL: ! If anything, its the thugs who will get gassed: Good for all, all Batman's work accomplished by the Scarecrow !
The game is good fun and its the best Gotham you will ever roam in, super slick, super beautiful, characters are also awesome. It has everything good and fun, including gameplay, but felt like a shallow explosion fest to me. Its like a Batman COD with great characters.Story ending Last mission was memorable ! Loved what thy did there ! :)

All i am saying is it didn't have the gravity in it to keep me hooked to it. I wrote a very positive review for it,except for a few nitpicks. funny its still not published cos of the website going for a revamp !
I tried to play again today but gave up when I realised it was actually boring me to sleep. Does anyone want my copy? It's the PS4 version, I can't be bothered to trade it in and I'm just hating it too much to even attempt to play again.
I tried to play again today but gave up when I realised it was actually boring me to sleep. Does anyone want my copy? It's the PS4 version, I can't be bothered to trade it in and I'm just hating it too much to even attempt to play again.
Do you still have it or has anyone asked yet before me? :)