Dobwal to get things clarified quick, when you say "own x console only," are you speaking to the current/new gen, or inclusive of the previous gen as well?
Somehow the use of this poll seems less obvious now than it was.
Maybe something better, considering the original goal, would be to have the following options with multiple options allowed per user in a non-anonymous way. This should give us all the data, though it may need a bit of work, if all participants vote properly it's all there:
1 I don't currently own any consoles
2 I only own a GameCube
3 I only own an XBox
4 only own a PS2
5 my Wii is my first console
6 my 360 is my first console
7 my PS3 is my first console
8 I moved from PS2 to Wii
9 I moved from PS2 to 360
10 I moved from PS2 to PS3
11 I moved from Xbox to PS3
12 I moved from Xbox to Wii
13 I moved from Xbox to 360
14 I moved from GameCube to 360
15 I moved from GameCube to Wii
16 I moved from GameCube to PS3
17 I own the same brands of console(s) this gen vs last
18 I own more brands this gen vs last
19 I own less brands this gen vs last
I would then vote:
I owned a PS2 and moved to PS3
I owned an Xbox and moved to 360
I own the same brands of console vs last
You can see how the last question also works as a kind of checksum.
No, they wouldn't.
I owned a PS2 and moved to PS3
I owned an Xbox and moved to 360
I own the same brands of console vs last
I own the same brands of console vs last
If all of this true that how are the two statements false.
You owned a Ps2 and you now own a 360.
You owned a xbox and you now own a PS3.
If you owned a PS2 and a Xbox and now own a 360 and PS3. How are "I owned a PS2 and moved to PS3" and "I owned an Xbox and moved to 360" true statements but "I owned a PS2 and moved to 360" and "I owned an Xbox and moved to PS3" false?
poll said:owned or owns a PS2, GC and/or xbox - currently at least 360 system and 1 other console
owned or owns a PS2, GC and/or xbox - currently at least PS3 system and 1 other console
owned or owns a PS2, GC and/or xbox - currently at least Wii system and 1 other console
Voted that, because it was closest to my situation:owned or owns a PS2, GC and/or xbox - currently at least PS3 system and 1 other console