ATI R600

Yes but in that time frame when ATI changed its roadmap, don't you think that more than just the R400 part was changed ? I was more understanding that they saw they could not keep the first roadmat and that they changed all that was after the R360. So it is maybe not so obvious to link Rxxx to X console part.
The timeline, events and effects I proposed in my previous post in this thread are too accelerated. I think I might have a more realistic view here
Megadrive1988 said:
R600 makes more sense. Microsoft NEEDS the absolute latest ATI technology they can get their hands on, in the fight against PS3.

MS certainly seem to be taking a 'cheaper' option now.

Hardly.. consoles have never been won by graphical prowess in the past. Quite the opposite. Though it does help in defending your purchase, a la the Console forum :LOL:
PatrickL said:
Don't know how you deduce the R400 part from that. ATI internal roadmap is already fixed to R700 or R800 i bet, so when Orton says that it could talk about R400 up to R600.
Not that far. Only up to about R500 should be fixed right now, with R600 plans starting to gel.