ATI Colossal Contest winner

Hey, Terry, how's those R520 drivers coming? ;) We'll be watching, y'know! Biggest challenge for the Cat program yet. . .
So dont worry its not a scam. I know this for a fact. In fact you can just call up ATI customer support and tell them you want to pay for the shipping yourself if you are paranoid about giving out your number.

It will make no difference if he pays for the shipping himself. The issue has to do with governments recourse for duties and taxes if the shipment was erroneously declared.
Any time we ship anything from Canada to the States we need your SS number (not our law, its yours). Its impossible to ship anything into the States without the gov. knowing exactly where its going and who its for.

So dont worry its not a scam. I know this for a fact. In fact you can just call up ATI customer support and tell them you want to pay for the shipping yourself if you are paranoid about giving out your number.
I called up customer support and the guy had no idea about any of it other then claiming they handle said sensitive information with the utmost of care. But thanks for the assurance anyways.
ANova said:
I called up customer support and the guy had no idea about any of it other then claiming they handle said sensitive information with the utmost of care. But thanks for the assurance anyways.

Do you want me to help make arrangements for you to not give out your SS? It might be tough as Im leaving for some travel tomorrow but I can put you in touch with someone who may be able to ship it to you with methods that dont need SS numbers (I think). I am not 100% sure but I dont think shipping an item through Canada Postal service will require a SS number.
Give me your full name and I bet you that ATI card you just won I could PM you your SS# within the hour.

SS#s aren't that hard to get ahold of.
ANova said:
What does "misrepresenting the shipment" entail?
It means that if the sender writes on the label that what they're sending is something cheap (like a box of sawdust), and on the inside is actually a brand new high-tech expensive videocard, well, that is "misrepresenting the shipment". :)
Guden Oden said:
It means that if the sender writes on the label that what they're sending is something cheap (like a box of sawdust), and on the inside is actually a brand new high-tech expensive videocard, well, that is "misrepresenting the shipment". :)

This would be one reason Euros love ebay for vid cards from the states. :LOL:
Do you want me to help make arrangements for you to not give out your SS? It might be tough as Im leaving for some travel tomorrow but I can put you in touch with someone who may be able to ship it to you with methods that dont need SS numbers (I think). I am not 100% sure but I dont think shipping an item through Canada Postal service will require a SS number.

That would be great, but I'm assuming I still have to sign and send the affidavit, which must be completed by tomorrow.
Rock n Roll baby!

CATALYST is always ready for a good party.

The last party with catalyst was very hot - just blow my bf2 game with my oldie 9800 pro.

Is it fixed in this version 5.9? I know, I know the subject now is R520... Oh dear! :)
Rock n Roll baby!

CATALYST is always ready for a good party.

Glad to hear it! Make Wavey or Rys or one of these guys do an in depth interview with you after launch on the subject. Between todays announcement, adding SM3, the rumored "ring bus", and whatever other goodies y'all have up your sleeves for launch day, you must have had your plate full and I'm sure it would be interesting to hear about it.
Well, that would depend on whether it is necessary to ask any questions like "You broke BF2? How the $%$#!! did you break BF2?" :LOL: And whether they can sucker Wavey again by telling him he has to do the interview with a colleague he holds in minimum high-regard. <snicker>
Late email

I got a similar email yesterday with the same form almost a month after you ANova. How did this work out for you? Did the email have a fax number which belongs to the FSA Group. Which if you look into them have an FTC action against them for some sort of Diet scam for false advertising. Not the kind of company ATI should have running their contests.
Hmm. I actually tried to fax the form a number of times but it wouldn't go through so I just gave up on it.