Looks terrible compared to Unity. That combined with the lack of interiors seems like a massive technical downgrade. Probably in response to all the complaining about performance.
Yup, visually it looks like these games were released in the wrong order. I got Unity in January after they patched it up and I really liked the way it looked. This looks drab in comparison.Looks terrible compared to Unity. That combined with the lack of interiors seems like a massive technical downgrade. Probably in response to all the complaining about performance.
I got Unity recently and I adored its visuals. I saw Syndicate some weeks ago at ComiCon and it looked bland in comparison.Looks terrible compared to Unity. That combined with the lack of interiors seems like a massive technical downgrade. Probably in response to all the complaining about performance.
Did Unity not have dynamic TOD? I thought that was part of every AC.
Videogamer.com, with a little help from GAF, have intimidated that Syndicate is very broken but that definitely doesnt tally with the Eurogamer account. It could well be they had different builds or that one play through was more varied and encountered more problems but time will tell, it's only a few weeks off.
Un problème de script est pardonnable lorsqu'il s'agit d'un cas isolé. Ce qui l'est moins, ce sont les nombreux impairs techniques relevés durant notre session de jeu qui aura duré 3 heures : une belle chute de FPS toutes les demi-heures, certains ralentissements plus présents pendant les séquences de poursuites en véhicules, sans doute plus gourmandes en ressources, sans oublier un bug de personnage volant au dessus d'un bâtiment et un autre faisant un peu de ménage… avec le balai situé à près de 3 mètres de sa main. À un mois de la sortie du jeu, le constat est inquiétant tant cette version semble encore en proie à de nombreux problèmes techniques et il semble peu probable que tout soit corrigé pour le lancement. Le clipping est toujours aussi présent, une constante dans la série que l'on pardonnera déjà davantage au regard de la taille de l'aire de jeu et la qualité de la modélisation des environnements, seul point compensant légèrement les impairs évoqués plus haut.
Gameplay from a guy who played the Ps4 build
Looks sharper than Unity for sure, maybe 1080p. He says in the comment section that it ran significantly better than Unity, which is good. Lighting looks better in this gameplay as well.
I kinda like it. I see a huge VR future for this game though in some tourist mode or other where you just walk around in VR.
I kinda like it. I see a huge VR future for this game though in some tourist mode or other where you just walk around in VR.