Are you a "real gamer"?


B3D Yoddha
Have you ever bought a console on first day? Ever spent night on pavements outside the shop hoping to be among firsts to get the console? Saved pocket money, burnt midnight oil? What other crazy things have you done? Please share with us! :mrgreen:
I'm there at midnight to purchase just about every console I've ever owned. I was there at midnight to pick up Halo2 when my local mall had a special opening when the title arrived.

Don't know if it makes me a real gamer...although I'm sure it classifies me as fanatical :)
Yeah, waiting on the curb for Best Buy to open is more of a bandwagon thing.

As for me, I've bought at least 3 consoles at launch day and at least 2 others near-launch.. but again.. that doesn't make me a "real gamer."
digitalwanderer said:
Real gamer? I used to wait in line to play Pong! (No, I ain't kidding.)
I remember playing pong at my friends house on a pong console (a console that could play pong and nothing else!) when I was 4. Looking back, I don't know whats weirder, that there were consoles that could only play a single game, or that I was allowed to go out all by myself, wander the streets and visit friends, from the age of 2...
Thowllly said:
I remember playing pong at my friends house on a pong console (a console that could play pong and nothing else!) when I was 4. Looking back, I don't know whats weirder, that there were consoles that could only play a single game, or that I was allowed to go out all by myself, wander the streets and visit friends, from the age of 2...

By golly, and we were grateful to have them!


I'm talking playing it at the arcade, putting quarters in a machine to play it.

Pong and that Surround/Snake game were cool, but when Asteroids came out it was all over. :)
digitalwanderer said:
I'm talking playing it at the arcade, putting quarters in a machine to play it.

Pong and that Surround/Snake game were cool, but when Asteroids came out it was all over. :)

Dude. Asteriods was such a step up from Space Invaders. . .

Tho relatively "early days" tech that was my fave will always be Missile Command.
geo said:
Dude. Asteriods was such a step up from Space Invaders. . .

Tho relatively "early days" tech that was my fave will always be Missile Command.
Missile Command has a special place in my heart too as does "Bump-n-Jump", "Spy Hunter", "Moon Patrol", and of course "Space Wars"...the best of the best.
For me the pinnacle of arcade gaming was Galaga. I can remember my junior year in high school back in '82 getting out of school at 3 and having to be at my dad's pizza kitchen at 4 for a 4-10 shift. My high school was in the country south of town, so I'd race over to the mall, west of town, play for a half-hour (usually 1 game), and then race to my dad's store, which was on the east side of town. In a '74 yellow camaro, no less. :p

The roleplaying geek inside wants me to mention how I played the Chainmail rules version of D&D back in the late '70s, though.
For me the one "real gamer" moment must have been the day when HL2 was released. I was there to pick it up from the Steam at around 10AM. I finished it somewhere near 7AM, the next morning.
Depends on your definition. From a personal standpoint; I dont own any consoles anymore, I personally just dont like that style of gameplay anymore, last one I owned was an N64, though I'm looking to see what Nintendo brings with the Revolution, I've never been a "Sony" gamer.

I also play in competive leagues, I've played at CPL tournments and have won money at those before. I have been the same clan now going on four years, the clan has been together since Quake 1, so I'm actually a "new comer" to some of the really old members.

I'm part of a community of about 60 gamer friends, we each know each other in real life. I play with a clan that goes by the name "Old Farts" filled with guys from their early 30s to a few getting near 60. They are all great friends, and several times they have come to the rescue of a fellow member. Recently they raised $3,000 to help pay for a members surgery when he was in a very very bad motorcyle accident and almost died. He's better now, but I can say that this group of guys are one of the reasons.

I also play many games, and beat them all, and that leads me to another thing.

My wife is part of the same community that I'm in, I actually meet her that way. So yes, interenet relationships can turn out to be great, I love her with all my heart.

She doesnt consider herself a "gamer". Though she logs in almost more hours than I do at CS:S, lol. She says its only one game so it doesnt count, I just crack up.

So really, depends on your defintion. Most would consider me a "hardcore" gamer. I just consider myself a person who has enjoyed video games for the vast majority of his life and has seen the truely awesome things that they can inspire and create.