Are consoles holding back Pc games? *spawn


Its too bad things like Crysis 2007 dont happen anymore, even though its understandable PC is held back by consoles, as games do actually sell a whole lot better there.
PC isn't held back by console; PC is held back by economics. The same size elite gaming rig market exists even with the consoles, and if consoles didn't exist, games still wouldn't target the small proportion of elite gaming PCs because it's financial suicide, ploughing hundreds of millions into a game for an audience of a few million. GOW etc. exist because several million people buy them, that several million being a few percent of the entire install base. You need a market with n*10+ people to sell n copies because games only only a minority of the population are interested. Maybe n*5 people if you have a really hot property.
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Ok its economics then, thought it was consoles cause you hear that everywhere. Makes sense if there was money to make on games like cryris they would exist on pc.
I talked to someone who develops a PC exclusive first person shooter and he says consoles would held it back.

"A true first person tactical shooter set in a 2047, using procedural destructions and the most advanced real-time lightning technology. PC Exclusive.
Kickstarter will launch in a couple weeks. Preparing some gameplay footage and the video presentation right now."
If there would be less people buying/having consoles, there would be more people on the pc instead? Maybe pc isnt held back by consoles directly but we arent seeing games being pushed more than the consoles hardware which isnt even close to what could be done on pc.
A bigger gaming company is sometimes really slow to innovate and take this kind of risk. However, in some areas smaller studios can really use the performance of the PC without being held back by consoles.
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I talked to someone who develops a PC exclusive first person shooter and he says consoles would held it back.
If he chooses to launch on consoles, it'll be less of a game. However, no-one's forcing him too. So here we have a PC exclusive despite the consoles existing - in what way have the consoles held the PC back? Anyone wanting to make a $200 million Crysis-like quintuple-A quality PC title that requires a 1070 minimum to run is free to do so. The consoles aren't stopping them. So why don't they? Economics.
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If there would be less people buying/having consoles, there would be more people on the pc instead?
The number spending $500+ on a cutting edge graphics card wouldn't be expected to rise much, so the top-end would still be very niche. The complaint would move to "integrated graphics and mid-tier PC gamers are holding PC back."
I assume you guys want a huge budget successor to Supreme Commander because strategy games are what the PC is actually about. Right? :) Give my man Chris Taylor an infinite budget and no publisher problems!

Star Citizen is the main PC showcase at the moment I think. Assuming it is actually finished someday and is fun for somebody.

Otherwise the PC's current thing is an endless stream of weird indie stuff, modding, and MMOs?
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I think it depends on how you see it, if the consoles didnt have this weak hardware by even 2013 standards for PS4/xbox one, all multiplatform games could have looked better aswell on pc. Its the same for the Pro and X, not really stellar hardware when they released in my opinion. Also i think most pc gamers have a more powerfull pc then standard PS4, that would be 7850/7870, weak cpu and 8GB total for the whole system. That wasnt high-end end of 2013/early 2014, not even medium?

I assume you guys want a huge budget successor to Supreme Commander because strategy games are what the PC is actually about. Right? :) Give my man Chris Taylor an infinite budget and no publisher problems!

Star Citizen is the main PC showcase at the moment I think. Assuming it is actually finished someday and is fun for somebody.

Otherwise the PC's current thing is an endless stream of weird indie stuff, modding, and MMOs?

PC is probally the best for multiplatform games for the most, which accounts for most games out there. It was worse 10/15 years ago then now, its the PS4 having exclusives that are really nice, but they are singleplayer for the most, play once or twice maybe thats it. None of them got me really intrested gameplay wise, but the graphics are really nice for HZD and some other exclusives. Like said it isnt much different from the early 2000's really, state of pc gaming only got better according to many. Its not the software, its the hardware thats overly expensive right now (GPU and RAM).
I think the people who are into PCs are into them because there are some exclusive opportunities there. I don't think it's all about playing multiplatform games at slightly prettier graphics levels. Though yeah they probably play them on their PC if they have one just to get more ROI out of it.

The console forum here has loads of former PC people who don't care anymore that they can get those slightly prettier graphics for huge money on a glitchy big PC box. Glitchy as in drivers, APIs, vendors, and MS bullshit that never ends.
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I think it depends on how you see it, if the consoles didnt have this weak hardware by even 2013 standards for PS4/xbox one, all multiplatform games could have looked better aswell on pc. Its the same for the Pro and X, not really stellar hardware when they released in my opinion.
The X is pretty good IMO. 1070 level GPU, 384bit GDDR5 (12GB I think). CPU sucks but otherwise it's not bad.
1070 level GPU

Its for sure not 1070 level, more like a 1060 6GB if even that, ive seen people saying between 1050Ti and 1060 6GB. Thats not talking about optimisations. Also, its better to compare it to something amd, then its more along the lines of a RX580.

Yeah, though its not the driver-hell pc gaming once was, if you think off how W95 was to W10 and software support. Consoles seem to have moved to online and patching aswell as installing games just like Steam, even offering different settings in games.

I think PC's the best platform for multiplatform games for people who are really into somewhat prettier, still very fakey pixels

Maybe people want pc for more freedom without online pay/restricted environment, and backwards compatibility. PC gaming only has gotten better then it was 15 years ago. I can imagine the best PS4 has to offer are its exclusives.
I think it depends on how you see it, if the consoles didnt have this weak hardware by even 2013 standards for PS4/xbox one, all multiplatform games could have looked better aswell on pc.

Or maybe if they had released with stronger hardware they would have cost more, and would have taken longer to be adopted by the larger consumer mass, and most people would still be playing their ps360 well into 2016 and those consoles would still be the baseline target in this scenario. How good does that sound?
Anyone who wants a prime example of consoles holding back pc's need look no further than Deus Ex 2 - Invisible War
Its for sure not 1070 level, more like a 1060 6GB if even that, ive seen people saying between 1050Ti and 1060 6GB. Thats not talking about optimisations. Also, its better to compare it to something amd, then its more along the lines of a RX580.
I looked it's pretty close to a 1070 from what I can tell with more bandwidth. Definitely better than a 1060 or 580. I think the PS4 Pro is closer to the 1060 level.
I looked it's pretty close to a 1070 from what I can tell with more bandwidth. Definitely better than a 1060 or 580. I think the PS4 Pro is closer to the 1060 level.

Clearly not 1070 level, not even close, X is having a faster GPU then Pro though, which in turn is not on the same level as a 1060. Pro is more like RX470.
@Shifty Geezer
maps having to be split up into smaller sections because the consoles were ram limited
lower detail textures again lack of memory, simplified gameplay elements because the console was limited to about 10 buttons
simplified u.i for the same reason
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