apples and pesticide


beyond noob
I bought apples from the supermarket and I just washed them with warm water..... The apples have these strange subtle white stains... Kind of hard to remove....

Could it be pesticide? I was told they put wax on apples...... ???
If you take a bite out of the apple and fall into a 100-year-long sleep and have to be kissed by a prince to wake up again then you know it was pesticide. :cool:

Seriously. I think it's just some form of surface discoloration.

From what I heard the waxed apples thing is an urban myth. Wash your apples and smell them. If they seem OK that most likely means they are OK too.

As OK as anything is these days when we deliberately spray poisons on our food..
Seriously. I think it's just some form of surface discoloration.


It's not the apple skin that is discoloring, it's some white substance........ And it's hard to remove. Even with my finger and some water. I can remove it scratching it with my nails though.

What I find interesting is the fact that this happens right after I washed these 3 apples with warm water........ The warm water might have caused a reaction of some sort.
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Weird. I havce no idea what it could be. Heck maybe it IS wax or fat of some sort and it stands out because it absorbs some of the water..

Just peel it off with a knife or such if it really bothers you. :cool:
That's Steve Jobs' mind controlling implants he adds to all his Apples. The only solution is to throw it on the ground and shoot it.
if youre really interested, post a picture.
hopefullt after 7 seasons apple picking, 1 pruning + 4 thinning i should of gleaned enuf info to say what they are. (then again i did tend to switch my brain off at those times)
Imagine you're a contestant on Fear Factor, and sitting in front of you is a maggot-infested apple worth fifty grand. Now it's your turn to dig in. :sly:

Seriously, "waxing" isn't an urban legend; it is a marketing fact. A shiny, edible coating makes produce look fresher longer. ;) If what mito's seeing is a wax, then a mild degreaser (like dishwashing soap, not detergent that's used in automatic dishwashers) should take it off.
Apples have their own waxy coating, much of which may be removed while cleaning industrialy. It's common to throw a new layer of wax on after cleaning, very little wax is needed and it keeps the apples nice and crunchy for longer.