AOD vs Blu-ray revisited...

Psychogenics said:
You are crazy it was the PS2 that brought those DVD player price Down,,,In 2000 DVD players averaged $500 and thats 4x speed.One of the biggest attractions to PS2 was this and one of the reasons that it sold like Hot cake....PS3 just got a bump in the Blu-ray direction.Oh and Since ken K. is in charge of the Blu-ray department I'm 90% sure BD is going inside of PS3.

I had a 4X DVD drive in 1998. It wasn't worth anything like $500 even then. I recall seeing 4X DVD drive + MPEG 2 decoder card packages for well under £200 in early '99 too.

I'm not quite sure how you concluded that the "average" DVD drive price was $500 for a 4X drive in 2000.

Incidentally, by Christmas 2000 you could buy a DVD player (for use with your tv) for £150 - £170 in UK highstreets. Minus the 17.5% purchase tax that was roughly equal to about $200 - $220, and I imagine the same kind of machines would have been cheaper in the US.
And of course now you can trample over people at Wal-Mart for $30 ones. :p That the PS2 was a $300 new, highly-prized console which said "hey, have a DVD player while you're at it" when DVD players alone were $200+ was not insubstantial. Of course anything and EVERYTHING tech-wise goes down over time as mass consumption sets in, so it's not like one can properly track the difference made.

Regardless, it's an entirely different matter that doesn't apply as it was adopting a sole existing standard still building up steam, and the current situation is much more convoluted. No one's going to find anything useful down this leg.
Pretty much accepted by whom?

By "us", the majority of this forum. I really don't see anyone here expecting PS3 to have a full fledged BR drive with write capabilities and all the sprinkles.

Much like how PS2 just has a basic DVD drive. Nothing fancy, just pushes the medium and gets the job done.

I've seen people on this board speculating that BR will lose the caddy before it goes mainstream, but I've seen nothing from Sony on the matter. Personally, I really hope it does lose the caddy. But this isn't the main question I have.

According to Vince, the final version will lose the caddy, however I think this is the Read only version. Perfect for a PS3.

Obviously no two people live in the same sphere of influence (or whatever etc) but I don't remember anyone during the run up to the PS2 going on and on about how how it was impossible for the PS2 to use DVD because it was too expensive to implement. And yes, I was even on the internet back then, and don't remember seeing any of it there. Could just be me having a gammy memory of course, but I don't think it is.

Plenty of people thought PS2 using DVD was a fantasy, it wasn't expected and it came as a surprise that PS2 had a DVD drive let alone could play DVD's.
So a read only drive, without the caddy? That certainly seems like a much more consumer friendly set up than what I had in mind. And the read only element could almost be seen to be in tune with what the PSP is offering, with its read only drive.

Regarding PS2 DVD in 2000, I can remember some people being a little disappointed that the DC didn't use DVD, though I don't think it was realistic at that point.
It was either the Read Only will lose the Caddy or the RW's will too, but I think it is the Read Only version.
Happy New Year Everyone.

I really don't see anyone here expecting PS3 to have a full fledged BR drive with write capabilities and all the sprinkles.

I do. Writeablity could be the thrumph card in next gen console battle.
V3 said:
I do. Writeablity could be the thrumph card in next gen console battle.

True, but it would utterly destroy their other hardware sections and have all people buying hardware sold at a loss for completely non game-related reasons. I'd rather expect to see a writable Blu-Ray a few years later on a PSX2, around the PS3 core.
True, but it would utterly destroy their other hardware sections and have all people buying hardware sold at a loss for completely non game-related reasons. I'd rather expect to see a writable Blu-Ray a few years later on a PSX2, around the PS3 core.

Well unlike AOD, BR player is already available since last year, By end of 2005 it will already nearly 3 years old, that's enough time for the other hardware sections. Any later and it will go bad.
V3 said:
Well unlike AOD, BR player is already available since last year, By end of 2005 it will already nearly 3 years old, that's enough time for the other hardware sections. Any later and it will go bad.

Well DVD players have been out for a while, but DVD recorders are still a lot newer, and high priced, and still picking up steam. (Stand alone units, that is.) BR recorders wouldn't be at all trivial by the time the PS3 comes to market.
Well DVD players have been out for a while, but DVD recorders are still a lot newer, and high priced, and still picking up steam. (Stand alone units, that is.) BR recorders wouldn't be at all trivial by the time the PS3 comes to market.

Well that's because DVD wasn't recordable at first.

BR is different, the first player was able to record already.
V3 said:
Well DVD players have been out for a while, but DVD recorders are still a lot newer, and high priced, and still picking up steam. (Stand alone units, that is.) BR recorders wouldn't be at all trivial by the time the PS3 comes to market.

Well that's because DVD wasn't recordable at first.

BR is different, the first player was able to record already.

I'm sure if they wanted to they could have put out a 5 thousand dollar recordable dvd writeable just as they did with the blue ray .

If anything the system with recordable media would be the xbox 2 with a dvdr drive. Since they are dirt cheap now . I got a 4x dual format for 80$ My cousin got a 2 x rw drive for 35$ .

I can see the xbox 2 having aod format with a 2x rw dvd drive.
If anything the system with recordable media would be the xbox 2 with a dvdr drive. Since they are dirt cheap now . I got a 4x dual format for 80$ My cousin got a 2 x rw drive for 35$ .

OT. not to throw a spanner in the works but I've had some really bad experiences with that drive, and am currently holding out for hte *x moelto drive prices down.
I'm sure if they wanted to they could have put out a 5 thousand dollar recordable dvd writeable just as they did with the blue ray .

AFAIK, technology wasn't quite there yet, so no that would be impossible.
notAFanB said:
If anything the system with recordable media would be the xbox 2 with a dvdr drive. Since they are dirt cheap now . I got a 4x dual format for 80$ My cousin got a 2 x rw drive for 35$ .

OT. not to throw a spanner in the works but I've had some really bad experiences with that drive, and am currently holding out for hte *x moelto drive prices down.

which drive ? the liteon that i have has burned 20 dvds already with not one error or problem.

AFAIK, technology wasn't quite there yet, so no that would be impossible

and so at what point could they have done it . I'm sure they could have had dvdrs much sooner than they did. Perhaps in 2000 . My uncle got one of the first batch of dvd burners for 600$ which is much cheaper than the first batch of bluerays wouldn't you agree ? No matter what the time diffrence .
and so at what point could they have done it .


I'm sure they could have had dvdrs much sooner than they did. Perhaps in 2000 . My uncle got one of the first batch of dvd burners for 600$ which is much cheaper than the first batch of bluerays wouldn't you agree ? No matter what the time diffrence.

Yes that's in 2000.
which drive ? the liteon that i have has burned 20 dvds already with not one error or problem.

first No Brand (well Mitsubishi) - failed first day.

second MSI - dropped dead on the 3rd day.

I now own and DVD/CDRW Combo drive....... :cry:
As for cost effectiveness of putting BR in the PS3....
Well Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft will all be dipping heavily into their 'warchests' in the next battle I'd imagine. They *all* have huge cash reserves and are no strangers to selling their hardware at loss to get it into the living rooms of countless people. It would not surprise me to see BR in the PS3 *and* Xbox2 with the console itself going for $300 or so initially and losing a LOT of money for each company but in turn getting the hardware into the houses and making up all the money again of software licencing fees as usual.

As for Nintendo.... well who knows what they'll do? Probably another piracy fighting propriety format again.
I think nintendo's using the same format as this gen, though I hope they can at least get it up to 10 gigs.
Fox5 said:
I think nintendo's using the same format as this gen, though I hope they can at least get it up to 10 gigs.

Let's HOPE so! 1.5gigs to ride out all of next gen would be fatal. :oops: