anyone interested about company visit article?


lp0 On Fire!
I among few other fellow Beyond3d'ers (guys from group called AF3DE) have gotten invitation to visit at "most famous" nordic 3D hardware company. The visit is planned to happen during The Assembly weekend, but the time isn't exatcly sure yet.

Anyone interested to read report from the visit?
I'd definitely love to see it, this kind of thing is always fascinating. :)

And if you need somewhere to put it, I'm sure I could sort that out too. :p
Nappe1 said:
I among few other fellow Beyond3d'ers (guys from group called AF3DE) have gotten invitation to visit at "most famous" nordic 3D hardware company. The visit is planned to happen during The Assembly weekend, but the time isn't exatcly sure yet.

This is... surprising.
Mordenkainen said:
Nappe1 said:
I among few other fellow Beyond3d'ers (guys from group called AF3DE) have gotten invitation to visit at "most famous" nordic 3D hardware company. The visit is planned to happen during The Assembly weekend, but the time isn't exatcly sure yet.

This is... surprising.

What, Nappe1 isn't Bitboys Employee after all? :)

to be honest, the inivitation happened already during Assembly 2004, but because our group members are located all around finland, we haven't found proper day to do it. Now it looks like that most of the guys are coming to Assembly, so it looks like it will happen then.

Anyways, we'll look possibilities to write an article about our visit. I have quite few times planned to write Assembly party report here, but I haven't found time to write notes while being at Assembly. :)

digitalwanderer said:
tEd said:
digitalwanderer said:
Finland has computers? :?

....and eDRAM :oops: 8)
I was just teasing! :p

I'd be very much interested in the read, provided it was in english.

Whatwhatwhaaaat?? Finland don't have ice bears walking on the streets and penguins jumping from highway bridges??? ;)

and Digi, no it is not in english, but in Saami instead.


Just joking, of course it will be in english. ;)
Nappe1 said:
Whatwhatwhaaaat?? Finland don't have ice bears walking on the streets and penguins jumping from highway bridges??? ;)
Of course not. That's Norway. You have fourtnight long sauna-vodka parties and lots and lots of lakes.

Oh. And please do a writeup on your visit.
Zaphod said:
Nappe1 said:
Whatwhatwhaaaat?? Finland don't have ice bears walking on the streets and penguins jumping from highway bridges??? ;)
Of course not. That's Norway. You have fourtnight long sauna-vodka parties and lots and lots of lakes.

No they dont . Sweden on the otherhand does . hmm . Isn't Norway the capital of Sweden . Maybe Norway does polar have polar bears roaming the streets and molesting people after all . Da.. my inferior geographic knowlegde ;)
Nappe1 said:
Whatwhatwhaaaat?? Finland don't have ice bears walking on the streets and penguins jumping from highway bridges???
Back when I was about 6-7 back in the 70s I really used to think it did, and that it was pretty much the same as Greenland & Iceland. (Well, they were all "lands" and they were all cold!)

Glad to hear it'll be in english, what is the swedish term for "stupid american" or the closest there of? :oops:
Kain said:
Zaphod said:
Nappe1 said:
Whatwhatwhaaaat?? Finland don't have ice bears walking on the streets and penguins jumping from highway bridges?
Of course not. That's Norway. You have fourtnight long sauna-vodka parties and lots and lots of lakes.
No they dont. Sweden on the otherhand does.
Nah... While you probably have a larger cance to get mauled by a bear in Sweden than in Norway it would be one of the dull brown omnivore kind somewhere in the deep Swedish woods. Unless the wolves get you first, that is. You only get polar bears in Norway of the three, and then only as a result of a technicality. They all have cute, long legged, blonde girls, though. 8)
IgnorancePersonified said:
ok... an australian word is sepo... as in "blawwdy sepo's"
I'd not heard that (obviously been away too long). Presumably it's derived from "septics" which is shortened from the rhyming slang "Septic Tanks".

All in all, not a very nice expression.
Zaphod said:
Nappe1 said:
Whatwhatwhaaaat?? Finland don't have ice bears walking on the streets and penguins jumping from highway bridges??? ;)
Of course not. That's Norway. You have fourtnight long sauna-vodka parties and lots and lots of lakes.

Don't forget the mosquitoes biting every square inch of exposed flesh! :p