any Metal Gear 4 dlc?


Just finished Metal Gear 4, and normally I sell games and move onto the next unless there is some compelling downloadable content coming. I don't really care about the online part or downloading new camo's, I more interested in new missions to play, stuff like that. Is there anything of that nature coming for this game? I googled around and didn't find any concrete info.
Just finished Metal Gear 4, and normally I sell games and move onto the next unless there is some compelling downloadable content coming. I don't really care about the online part or downloading new camo's, I more interested in new missions to play, stuff like that. Is there anything of that nature coming for this game? I googled around and didn't find any concrete info.

I have yet to hear anything about DLC for the single player campaign. Only packs for MGO. Outside of ingame podcast and what not. So, you're probably safe to sell it. Maybe keep your save game so you can revisit it with a rental if they add any new content.
Just finished Metal Gear 4, and normally I sell games and move onto the next unless there is some compelling downloadable content coming. I don't really care about the online part or downloading new camo's, I more interested in new missions to play, stuff like that. Is there anything of that nature coming for this game? I googled around and didn't find any concrete info.

Playing through it the second time changes everything in this game. I am having surprisingly much more fun the second time through than my first playthrough. The game seems to be designed in a way that people would enjoy their second and thrid playthroughs.

Do give it a try, you will be missing something really fun. I had left the game after my first playthrough and was busy in other games, but one day I popped it back in and boy was I surprised at all the fun I was having:D!

As for DLC, we were supposed to get in-game music patch and in-game podcasts, which never happened , leave alone Trophy support :cry:! I would really like the in-game music patch for MGS4!
I thought we did get new music and weapons via codes ? The DLC are the codes. The actual content is already pre-packed into the game. There is no new level yet.

Kojima also mentioned that he's not happy with the state of MGO. They will probably work out something in the future to boost the participation.
If they want it to take off, surely they need to offer a standalone version? It's supposed to be a great online shooter, and it might appeal to the millions of shooter fans who aren't fans of epic cutscenes and thus avoided MGS4!
Ya there already is a standalone version for Japan. And it hasn't really helped the game.

I'd say the main problem with MGO is that Konami refuses to integrated with the rest of the world and use the PSN. You have to sign up and register for a separate Konami ID, and on top of that a MGO ID. Not only is very annoying to have to do so, You cannot use your existing PSN friends list for match making etc. I don't know if this was KojiPro or Konami's idea. But it is pretty close minded dumb one.

I think they wanted to make lots of money on micro transactions and didn't want to pay Sony a commission for using their wallet system. Even from day one they were charging you extra if you wanted to more than 1 character slot on MGO. But unfortunately the game flopped so that back fired on them.

I say make the game a cheap fully PSN game like Warhawk. That seems to be the most successful financial model that MGO should be following.
Ya there already is a standalone version for Japan. And it hasn't really helped the game.

I'd say the main problem with MGO is that Konami refuses to integrated with the rest of the world and use the PSN. You have to sign up and register for a separate Konami ID, and on top of that a MGO ID. Not only is very annoying to have to do so, You cannot use your existing PSN friends list for match making etc. I don't know if this was KojiPro or Konami's idea. But it is pretty close minded dumb one.

I think they wanted to make lots of money on micro transactions and didn't want to pay Sony a commission for using their wallet system. Even from day one they were charging you extra if you wanted to more than 1 character slot on MGO. But unfortunately the game flopped so that back fired on them.

I say make the game a cheap fully PSN game like Warhawk. That seems to be the most successful financial model that MGO should be following.

Agreed entirely. They use the same system for Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (and presumably 2009), so it looks like a Konami decision rather than a Kojima Productions one.
Yeah, that the Konami ID may die a swift, silent death.
Kojima said that it was konami company decision and they had to follow it. He said the company knows the trouble it is causing and are trying to solve the issue, but if the new PES is also using it then I guess they don't have a solution yet.

I don't even remember my Konami ID and Game ID or password anymore. I can play MGo, but if I have to login again one day, I don't remember anything :cry: !
Does the Konami code let players on different platforms play together (thinking PES here)? If not, it hasn't even one redeeming feature!
Yeah I feel that the registration system and the slow + complex controls (for first timers) are the main problems.

I read somewhere that many Japanese dislike (fast) FPS because it caused motion sickness. Is that why they slow the game down ? If true, it seems that the design decision hasn't helped them. The other aspects of the games are very nice though (e.g., playing as Snake, the party system, the weapons). Hope they address the above issues, participation rate should go up.
I agree playing as Snake is very fun. But too bad it only happens in what seems like once every thousand games! This game won't even let you pick the game type you want to play. It insists on deciding for you what you are going to play. Some very weird decisions were made in this game.

And bringing up the controls is a good point. That's probably one of the reasons this game as a stand alone is a very hard sell. They basically had to bundle it with MGS4 because the controls are so complicated that you really need to go through the Single Player game to get a full handle on them. Otherwise you would jump in online and have a very non-fun experience. Stuff like getting CQC'ed or knife stunned over and over, and constantly having stars over head while getting tea bagged at the same time, tends to keep the casual gamers away.