"An interview with Richard Huddy & Kevin Strange

I liked this quote from that interview so much that I tossed it up on me frontpage! (Properly creditting you with the find of course Wunderchu ;) ):

3DCenter said:
3DCenter: In that respect, can you point out some of the differences you see between NVIDIA and ATI regarding company philosophy, teamwork, business ethics, processes, etc.?

Richard: The similarities are probably much as you'd expect, after all, both companies are competing in the same market, and these days they tend to handle many situations in the same kind of ways.

But the differences are pretty striking too. All the more so when you look deep inside.

ATI is the kind of company that NVIDIA always wanted to be. It's not just successful, but it is also technology led, inclusive, and is very honest, both with its customers and with its-self.

In every way I find it to be better than NVIDIA.
I love Richard Huddy interviews, the man is just good!
digitalwanderer said:
I liked this quote from that interview so much that I tossed it up on me frontpage! (Properly creditting you with the find of course Wunderchu ;) ):

3DCenter said:
3DCenter: In that respect, can you point out some of the differences you see between NVIDIA and ATI regarding company philosophy, teamwork, business ethics, processes, etc.?

Richard: The similarities are probably much as you'd expect, after all, both companies are competing in the same market, and these days they tend to handle many situations in the same kind of ways.

But the differences are pretty striking too. All the more so when you look deep inside.

ATI is the kind of company that NVIDIA always wanted to be. It's not just successful, but it is also technology led, inclusive, and is very honest, both with its customers and with its-self.

In every way I find it to be better than NVIDIA.
I love Richard Huddy interviews, the man is just good!

do you believe him?
ANova said:
tEd said:
do you believe him?

There is little reason not to.

For me the interview felt a little too much of a marketing bubble. While i like RH and his knowledge i also have to say that he likes to provoke.

Especially this totally honest thing i sure can't agree with
Nvidia is the kind of company that ATI always wanted to be. It's not just successful, but it is also technology led, inclusive, and is very honest, both with its customers and with its-self.

In every way I find it to be better than ATI.

Do you believe it now? :LOL: :LOL:
Very honest with customers would have sounded a lot better a few weeks ago before they had to admit to optimising filtering after it was discovered.
So do they want me to believe someone as smart as Mr. Huddy took years to understand that NVidia is an evil company? 8)
Cripes! They are really trying to put the boot into NV, aren't they.

Did they leave on really bad terms or something?
nAo said:
So do they want me to believe someone as smart as Mr. Huddy took years to understand that NVidia is an evil company? 8)

Huddy was there during that period when Nvidia went from a small wanna-be competitor to 3DFX to the monster 800lb gorilla that dominated the whole market. As with a lot of companies that go from small and friendly to large and ruthless, the working environment changes an awful lot, and a lot of people leave as they decide they no longer want to work at those changed companies.

There's no doubt in my mind that Huddy and co jumped ship to Code Mafia and then ATI because they had become dissatisfied with the changes and direction that made Nvidia what it is today.

What convinces me is Huddy's constant criticism of Nvidia moving from being technology-led to being marketing-led. Not only does this sort of thing happen often in fast-expanding companies, Huddy's leaving coincides with the obvious rise to power within Nvidia of it's marketing/PR department and the subsequent debacle that was NV30.
In every way I find it to be better than NVIDIA.
Does this mean you get better pay? :)
It was very important to us that NVIDIA did not know exactly where to aim. As a result they seem to have over-engineered in some aspects creating a power-hungry monster which is going to be very expensive for them to manufacture. We have a beautifully balanced piece of hardware that beats them on pure performance, cost, scalability, future mobile relevance, etc. That's all because they didn't know what to aim at.
Now nVIDIA is focusing too much to be technology led?

Actually, I think nVIDIA is trying to market a little too much now. I do not like the idea of SLI. I rather have nVIDIA work on NV50 then waste time on this SLI.
So someone who used to work for Nvidia and now works at ATI says ATI is cooler. Gee, what are the odds? :)
Great, another interview where they're portraying themselves as working for the gamer, and not for their shareholders. What great, honest guys. What they fail to mention is that every company, including the likes of 3dfx and NVIDIA (who they seem to hate), used to do the exact same interviews, saying they'd always play fair, saying they'd always do X and Y, and that it's their competition who are the evil ones - yet they all end up in the same place eventually.

And yes, you all believe what they're saying. Just like people used to believe NVIDIA, when it was them against 3dfx. And they believed 3dfx when it was them against the world.

When will people learn?
Its also kinda amusing from the people who are just dismissing this as nothing more than marketing / what you’d expect of someone who has joined ati from nvidia.

This is one of the few insights we’ve ever had about the cultures and business ethos that exist within these two companies from someone that has been there. This isn’t someone that was pissed off with his over pay at nvidia (afterall, he moved from 3dlabs previously, which you would assume would be a step up) and this isn’t someone that was dismissed from nvidia – he left of his own will because he didn’t like the direction that it was going. He’s already demonstrated that he’ll stick to his principals and if there weren’t stark differences between ati and nvidia, even if he felt that he had nowhere else to go, do you think he’d be giving interviews like this, waxing lyrical about how great ati is?

Its funny that this very forum has ex-nvidia employees stating what type of work ethic and culture there is at nvidia and current ati employee’s signalling how its it not like that where they work – from this alone we know there are stark differences. But of course, all you outsiders know better than the guy who has done both and is speaking about it. :rolleyes:
well if ya had been reading any of the interviews with RH over the years, you would know. I like Daves comment..." heh". wheres Uttar when ya need him