Who determines what is and isn't a system seller? You, it seems. You're passing your opinion off as fact. 
How are Ori, Killer Instinct, Perfect Dark or Alan Wake system sellers? Or even Forza? To be fair, some of the PS games you listed aren't what I would consider a 'system seller' either (but you left out some PS games that I would consider system sellers, or at least more so than some of the XB games you've listed). But that doesn't even matter. What has always made PlayStation successful was the large variety of games, not just a handful of 'system sellers' (which PlayStation also has, and arguably more of, with more variety IMO).
And once again, you're listing last gen games on XB, but not PS. And Minecraft is not exclusive.
Your lists are completely subjective, incomplete, and sometimes just plain wrong.

How are Ori, Killer Instinct, Perfect Dark or Alan Wake system sellers? Or even Forza? To be fair, some of the PS games you listed aren't what I would consider a 'system seller' either (but you left out some PS games that I would consider system sellers, or at least more so than some of the XB games you've listed). But that doesn't even matter. What has always made PlayStation successful was the large variety of games, not just a handful of 'system sellers' (which PlayStation also has, and arguably more of, with more variety IMO).
And once again, you're listing last gen games on XB, but not PS. And Minecraft is not exclusive.
Your lists are completely subjective, incomplete, and sometimes just plain wrong.
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