An illness first for me!


I actually kept my kids home from school today because I think I'm too sick to drive safely and I want them around to keep an eye on me.

Kind of scary. :?
Again? Or still? It was only a week ago that you were sick.

I have a flu going two weeks already and it ain't getting better...
No, my wife was sick as a dog last week...this week it's my turn.

Being married to a pharmacist has something to do with it, she's always in contact with whatever the latest/greatest illnesses going around are.

On the brightside, my immune system is all a kicking! ;)
Hope you get better fast.

My daughter had a 40 celsius fever for almost 2 days last week. Nobody could explain why. The most probably answer was some kind of virus.
Sounds like what my wife had, just a really nasty 24-hour virus that lasted for about 3-4 days. :?

I hope your daughter is ok, that's a scary temp!

I don't know if I have a temp or not, I just feel cold all the time so I'm bundled up all warm and tend to jump in bed a lot and shiver under about 4-5 blankets sweating.

I just hope my kids don't get it...I'm trying to avoid them as much as possible.
My daughter is ok. She is going back to school today.

You should measure your temp. Usually Paracetamol works great.
Take a rest and dont forget to drink and eat.
pascal said:
My daughter is ok. She is going back to school today.

You should measure your temp. Usually Paracetamol works great.
Take a rest and dont forget to drink and eat.


schnapps is good for fever, it dilates blood vessels.
No, I'm just trying to replenish all the water I'm sweating out.

My puppies were cracking me up during morning nappy. They were cuddling up around me in bed and guarding me, it was quite cute. (Up until the bi-hourly nose biting. :rolleyes: )
And until they got into a major melee and in the confusion one of 'em jumped on my face and ripped half my nose open with their claw. :?

Got a nice scar there now, but thanks to all my blood thinners it made a bloody mess before it stopped.

My wife got home, the puppies went out, and I am cleared for bed. Now I'm just staying up until my wife finishes watching her soap, she has a bad tendancy to nod off watching 'em sometimes and just sleep hunched over in her chair all night and I'm the one who has to rub her neck in the morning. ;)
You guys seriously need to siphon off some of the stuff swimming in my blood. I haven't been sick in atleast two and a half years, and then it was because I inadvertantly, nearly disolved my sinuses with vodka. That bug got its ass handed to it, by the way.

I call it the "Doomsday" effect, after the DC Superman killer of the same name... I used to get death level sick every week when I was a kid, but now I can't force anything to take up residence in my veins. I'm officially immortal!! Wonder if I'm car crash proof...

Best of luck to you Dig, and _XXX_, get well soon...

Right now I'm struggling to do some basic housework in the hopes of fooling my wife that I'm getting better so she doesn't drag me to the hospital tonight.

Pretty pathetic, but it's where I'm at. :rolleyes: