An annoying point about [H]

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JoshMST said:
Well, people either love Kyle, or they hate him. After dealing quite a bit with Kyle, I found that he is a genuinely honest person, and if you don't screw around with him, he won't screw around with you. I think it is actually refreshing to have a site that takes a deliberate stand on some issues, and you can always be assured that HardOCP will call it as they see it (though sometimes they may not see things properly, but they usually rectify this if they find they are wrong).

I have a lot of respect for Kyle, and though I may not always agree with him, I do appreciate where he comes from. If you go up to him and ask him questions in a professional manner, he will treat you the same way. If you go up to him and say, "Hey you SOB, why the hell are you saying this horses**t.", he is going to respond to you in kind.

If I did a story on Infinium Labs that was as in depth as his, and they came around and sued me, I would act in the same manner. I think all of us would.

Damn Josh, you just summed me up better than I could do it myself. Which of course will not surprise a lot of folks. ;)
I've tried posting over at their forums and you all should be happy that those kind of people are there and not at other forums.

Also seeing as HardOCP got first dibbs to post Doom3 benchmarks I'm sure they're Nvidia's bitch. I can think of a few other websites that do a much better job benchmarking than HardOCP.

They were mostly concerned about X800 vs 6800 in Doom 3 benchmarks. If your $400-$500 video card doesn't run Doom3 perfectly blistering fast I'm sure Nvidia or ATI will fix it with magic driver updates.

It took until Tech Reports recent benchmarks to get a good idea how Doom 3 runs on most PCs with low to mid range cards. Everyone and their Grandma is going to benchmark Doom3 with X800 and 6800 cards.

Some people like how HardOCP benchmarks but personally it just doesn't help.
DukenukemX said:
I can think of a few other websites that do a much better job benchmarking than HardOCP.
I can mebbe think of one or two, Hard is just as good and better than most at their benching IMHO.

You may disagree with the style choice a bit, but I don't doubt the accuracy of their benchmarks and they're good about stating conditions/test rigs....could I ask what you're basing your statement on?
Well in HardOCPs second set of benchmakrs for Doom 3 they included all the Radeon 8500/9500 Pro cards as well as the Geforce 4200/FX 5600 cards.

There benchmarks were setup so that they all got around the same average FPS. For example the Radeon 9500 Pro was with an Athlon 2500 with different settings then other cards as well as the Radeon 8500. They both only got one benchmark.

Plus they had more than one type of CPU to benchmark with. It would have been nice to know that the Radeon 8500 or Geforce 4 Ti 4200 doesn't scale well with CPU upgrades for Doom3. So that people with older PCs get either a new CPU or video card.

It's a nice idea to change the settings of each graphics card to playable framerates and then compare but the way the layout was setup I had to have like 3 of those windows open just to get an idea of which card performs better.

Good old fashion benchmarking for me.
Damn Josh, you just summed me up better than I could do it myself. Which of course will not surprise a lot of folks. ;)

Let me sum you up, *****.

The image in my quote of the "convert" post (that doesn't appear anymore, obviously) was his screen cap of a thread at tardforum showing Kyle posting people's personal details (for whatever retarded reason) and inciting his forum members to spam bomb/mail bomb them.

I've also read a post by Lars that states that Kyle misrepresented his words on his website. Perhaps it was accidental and not deliberate, Kyle? :rolleyes: I wonder if IL's lawyers know that there is potential to show that you have may have deliberately misrepresented facts on your website in the past?

The more you learn, huh, Josh. ;)
i have to say its not annoying to myself, and others. i dont see why it would annoy someone so great. their are many new users that just dont know that info, and bringing it to lite will be great for them. as they now know about the problems.

anyways, i have to say kyle is a bit srong opinioned...

i asked to have a review posted for news, and he suggested that that particular site has a bit skewed results in the past, and he prefered not to provide any links to that site. which is fine in that respect i guess.
aa004, while I cannot condone his behavior in such a situation, I can certainly say that Kyle has always interacted with me on a very professional basis. Your example is something that is a bit old, but has he done anything like that recently? Do you know anyone in this world who is an angel and hasn't made a poor decision like that? I know I certainly have, and it has always come back to bite me in the ass. I am sure this one had negative repercussions for Kyle also.

Lighten up. Just because you don't always agree with someone, or with the way they do things, doesn't mean that they are the devil incarnate. As I said before, I don't always agree with Kyle, and I don't always agree with the way he does things, but that doesn't mean that I don't respect him as a person.

Running any kind of website can be really tough, especially one as high profile as HardOCP. You can't please everyone all of the time, and you are bound to make enemies. So, until any of us can show the type of success Kyle has, and show that we can act in a 100% ethical manner (which is pretty doubtful, as humans can't be 100% ethical in every decision we make), then whether you like him or now, you have to respect what he has built up, and what he continues to strive to do.
Well I think you'd bitch too if you were sued and dragged to courts :) And I think Kyle summed that up at the [H] workshop.
His past errors will be the permanent reminder of how he just steals credit from Brent.
3dmark, futuremark, nvidia, doom3. Those are probably just some. Not to mention that forum post he made. And those people actually gave him some money. But that [T]ard Kyle started a post that gave out those peoples name adress etc etc. Man bomb Kyle instead that (censor)
volt said:
Well I think you'd bitch too if you were sued and dragged to courts :) And I think Kyle summed that up at the [H] workshop.

Wow, then Microsoft must really have reason to bitch...;)

Seeing as how [H] was the first to escalate the issue from the level of private discussion over a disagreement to a public law suit ([H]'s boneheaded "pre-emptive" suit, if you'll recall), I have little sympathy for [H] in the matter of their present civil court wranglings. Generally, the way to keep disputes out of court is to reach agreement with the party indicating its dissatisfaction, if at all possible, in private. To publicly label people as crooks and con-men and liars, and then to sue them "pre-emptively," is absolutely the wrong way to avoid a lawsuit....:D I just don't see how that proposition can be disputed.

There's another side to "freedom of the press," and that is a responsibility to make sure that the things you say about other people's moral turpitude are things you can prove *before* you publish them. Reaching a subjective opinion that someone is a crook, and proving it objectively, are two entirely different things that somehow [H] confused along the way. Publishing such gossip and then trying to prove it afterwards is not "freedom of the press" but is rather a fool's errand, imo. Suing someone "pre-emptively" and then *complaining* because the favor is returned strikes me as almost sheer lunacy...;) Regardless of whatever the outcome of these matters is, [H]'s approach to all of it seems indistinguishable to me from being exactly the inverse of sensible, as in this situation an ounce of prevention would certainly have been worth a hundred pounds of cure.
Unit01 said:
But that [T]ard Kyle started a post that gave out those peoples name adress etc etc. Man bomb Kyle instead that (censor)
Uhm, those idiots were donating pennies thru paypal which they knew would end up costing Kyle money and they were encouraging others to do so...I don't blame him at all for getting pissed and I can't say I wouldn't do something similar in that position. (Then again, I'm an ornery fuck when people dick with me. ;) )

I ain't saying what he did was right, but I can't hate a guy for being human and getting pissed off either.
digitalwanderer said:
Uhm, those idiots were donating pennies thru paypal which they knew would end up costing Kyle money and they were encouraging others to do so...I don't blame him at all for getting pissed and I can't say I wouldn't do something similar in that position. (Then again, I'm an ornery fuck when people dick with me. ;) )

I ain't saying what he did was right, but I can't hate a guy for being human and getting pissed off either.

I have no intention of discussing this beyond this post...;)...but I'm really surprised at the number of people who think IL sued [H] first, when as I recall [H] was the first out of the starting gate with a lawsuit. Sure, IL wrote [H] privately with a grievance and privately *threatened* a suit, but the difference between a privately communicated threat of a suit and the filing of a public lawsuit is night & day. IIRC, [H] threw the first lawsuit stone, and [H] escalated the matter from private discussion to public lawsuits.

As far as this stuff about PayPal, while I can say that as a beggar [H] has no right to be a chooser, and that if you sit on the curb, hat in hand, begging for money, you have no right to be incensed if people put pennies into your hat instead of dollars, I will say in this instance that the fault is clearly PayPal's, since in no instance should PayPal be accepting transfers to accounts which are smaller than the fee PayPal charges the recipients of those transfers. If you are a stock broker, for instance, and you do something like that to your clients, it's called "churning" and is Very Bad Behavior at best. I'd suggest that [H] get a new hat to hold out in the future...;)
digitalwanderer said:
Unit01 said:
But that [T]ard Kyle started a post that gave out those peoples name adress etc etc. Man bomb Kyle instead that (censor)
Uhm, those idiots were donating pennies thru paypal which they knew would end up costing Kyle money and they were encouraging others to do so...I don't blame him at all for getting pissed and I can't say I wouldn't do something similar in that position. (Then again, I'm an ornery fuck when people dick with me. ;) )

I ain't saying what he did was right, but I can't hate a guy for being human and getting pissed off either.

I don't know about US law. But in sweden you aren't allowed to publish someones personal info with that persons agreement. And that person must also be told the usage of that information. [H] did neither. Depending on the law in USA. I hope those, whose name was published, users sue Kyle and put [H]ill billies out of business. And FFS i don't know how old you are digitalwanderer, but seriously wake up from that happy world dream you're having. Sure he doesn't like it, but HE ASKED FOR MONEY. Just because Kyle dislikes, the amount they gave him. Does that give him the right to do whatever he wants?
DukenukemX said:
I've tried posting over at their forums and you all should be happy that those kind of people are there and not at other forums.

Also seeing as HardOCP got first dibbs to post Doom3 benchmarks I'm sure they're Nvidia's bitch. I can think of a few other websites that do a much better job benchmarking than HardOCP.

They were mostly concerned about X800 vs 6800 in Doom 3 benchmarks. If your $400-$500 video card doesn't run Doom3 perfectly blistering fast I'm sure Nvidia or ATI will fix it with magic driver updates.

It took until Tech Reports recent benchmarks to get a good idea how Doom 3 runs on most PCs with low to mid range cards. Everyone and their Grandma is going to benchmark Doom3 with X800 and 6800 cards.

Some people like how HardOCP benchmarks but personally it just doesn't help.

I love our forums.

No, the DOOM 3 benchmarks had nothing to do with NVIDIA, the deal was made 100% through id Software. So please stop talking smack about things you have no knowledge of. Thanks.

If you actually read the benchmark article you would find that we ran NO benchmarks, only id software did, we simply charted and commented on the results.

We had result stemming back to GF4 MX and many other cards in the low and middle end before any other site on the web. Here is the link to the article publish on July 29th, before the game went up for sale.

I am sorry you do not find our benchmarks helpful. That is no reason to claim we are anyone's bitches though.

Thanks for listening.
aa004 said:
Damn Josh, you just summed me up better than I could do it myself. Which of course will not surprise a lot of folks. ;)

Let me sum you up, *****.

The image in my quote of the "convert" post (that doesn't appear anymore, obviously) was his screen cap of a thread at tardforum showing Kyle posting people's personal details (for whatever retarded reason) and inciting his forum members to spam bomb/mail bomb them.

I've also read a post by Lars that states that Kyle misrepresented his words on his website. Perhaps it was accidental and not deliberate, Kyle? :rolleyes: I wonder if IL's lawyers know that there is potential to show that you have may have deliberately misrepresented facts on your website in the past?

The more you learn, huh, Josh. ;)

Yes, I did that and I am not sorry for it. The action did what it was meant to accomplish. I am sorry you don't agree with our methods. I was tired of the constant attacks and having to clean them up day after day. What we did put the nail in the coffin. You guys talk like I did it for funsies or something....

As for statements by Lars, that is simply made up. I don't quote Lars or anyone from THG, or have not in years at the very least. I can give you their lawyers phone number is you want. Or here is their website. I am sure there is contact information there.

I really thought these types of baseless and false attacks were over on this board, but apparently I am wrong about that...again.
Unit01 said:
1. His past errors will be the permanent reminder of how he just steals credit from Brent. 3dmark, futuremark, nvidia, doom3. Those are probably just some.

2. Not to mention that forum post he made. And those people actually gave him some money. But that [T]ard Kyle started a post that gave out those peoples name adress etc etc. Man bomb Kyle instead that (censor)

1. Now stealing from Brent is a new one on me. Please show me where I have done this. I give Brent all the credit he earns, and that is a lot.

2. Already addressed.
WaltC said:
digitalwanderer said:
Uhm, those idiots were donating pennies thru paypal which they knew would end up costing Kyle money and they were encouraging others to do so...I don't blame him at all for getting pissed and I can't say I wouldn't do something similar in that position. (Then again, I'm an ornery fuck when people dick with me. ;) )

I ain't saying what he did was right, but I can't hate a guy for being human and getting pissed off either.

1. I have no intention of discussing this beyond this post...;)...

2. but I'm really surprised at the number of people who think IL sued [H] first, when as I recall [H] was the first out of the starting gate with a lawsuit. Sure, IL wrote [H] privately with a grievance and privately *threatened* a suit, but the difference between a privately communicated threat of a suit and the filing of a public lawsuit is night & day. IIRC, [H] threw the first lawsuit stone, and [H] escalated the matter from private discussion to public lawsuits.

3. As far as this stuff about PayPal, while I can say that as a beggar [H] has no right to be a chooser, and that if you sit on the curb, hat in hand, begging for money, you have no right to be incensed if people put pennies into your hat instead of dollars, I will say in this instance that the fault is clearly PayPal's, since in no instance should PayPal be accepting transfers to accounts which are smaller than the fee PayPal charges the recipients of those transfers. If you are a stock broker, for instance, and you do something like that to your clients, it's called "churning" and is Very Bad Behavior at best. I'd suggest that [H] get a new hat to hold out in the future...;)

1. You shutting your mouth about me? LOL! That will be the day.

2. Yes, we sued IL and have never represented the issue any other way. We sued them for a non-monetary summary judgement to settle the issue after they had threatened lawsuits three times in writing if we did not remove our article. Yes, it was discussed between myself and Kevin B verbally. But the bottom line is that IL wants it REMOVED and they were going to file suit if we did not or at least not stop their threats.

And BTW, they did file suit in the state of FL and are suing me personally and Steven Lynch personaly and KB Networks for $20,000,000 for defamation and trademark issue.

I see you go on an on about how we are the bad guys in this matter Waltc but the fact is that you were not there and you dont know dick about what went on behind the scenes. You just make up stuff that you like to hear spewing from your own piehole. If you are going to ramble on, at least pick a topic you have some information on. Or better yet, ASK me, you might be surprised with what I would share.

3. I already addressed this and stand by my actions and what I did, whether it be right or wrong in your eyes. I did what I needed to do and I live with the consequences. You have never seen me whining about it.
Unit01 said:
digitalwanderer said:
Unit01 said:
But that [T]ard Kyle started a post that gave out those peoples name adress etc etc. Man bomb Kyle instead that (censor)
Uhm, those idiots were donating pennies thru paypal which they knew would end up costing Kyle money and they were encouraging others to do so...I don't blame him at all for getting pissed and I can't say I wouldn't do something similar in that position. (Then again, I'm an ornery fuck when people dick with me. ;) )

I ain't saying what he did was right, but I can't hate a guy for being human and getting pissed off either.

I don't know about US law. But in sweden you aren't allowed to publish someones personal info with that persons agreement. And that person must also be told the usage of that information. [H] did neither. Depending on the law in USA. I hope those, whose name was published, users sue Kyle and put [H]ill billies out of business. And FFS i don't know how old you are digitalwanderer, but seriously wake up from that happy world dream you're having. Sure he doesn't like it, but HE ASKED FOR MONEY. Just because Kyle dislikes, the amount they gave him. Does that give him the right to do whatever he wants?

We did nothing illegal well over a year ago in the incident you are citing. And you understanding of civil law is weak at best. Most of the times it has not thing to do with criminal liability. Just for the record, for the folks that were constant troble makers for months in our forums with contant attacks, I would happily do it again. Finally when their own mess hit a bit close to their own doorsteps, the madness stopped.
digitalwanderer said:
Bad day and decided to get some angst out or did ya just come back and notice the replies? :|

Actually it has been a great day here. Been getting hands on with some new motherboards and got to spend some time with the kids. No server fires to put out. Good stuff all around. :)

I just don't read here very often anymore. It is enough to keep up with our own forums much less others now days. Sad but true...
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