Because its not the same thing. GeForce's have a Base and a Boost clock. The Boost clock is an average of boosting from samples, and nVIDIA always stated that. They said higher clocks could happen, but they were not guaranteed in anyway. But they guaranteed 1) card would not go below base clock 2) card would achieve the advertised Boost clock. That is why the increase from Base clock to Boost clock (guaranteed one) is mild at best.. after all 50Mhz is nothing to be praised at.
Now look at AMD situation with 290X: where is the base clock? Nowhere to be found. There is no base clock. AMD only says "up to 1Ghz", which can and does mean that the card will go further down, as further as 700Mhz-800Mhz, where it clearly is much slower than the press samples.
Its much worse than nVIDIA: they guaranteed clocks, in the form of minimum clocks, while AMD doesnt guarantee anything. If anything they look to guarantee that card cant run faster than 1Ghz (which is also a lie). In the end AMD just put themselves in this horrible mess.
There are gaming situations that GK110 based cards aren't running at their "guaranteed" average boost clocks...
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