Yeah, what's up with Nvidia's drivers?
An Rx480 beating a GTX 1080 on Ryzen in Civ 6? Appears to be CPU limited at 1080 as Fury X and 480 are roughly the same speed, but Fury X and 1080 pulls ahead as resolution increases putting more load on the GPU.
And ROTR, holy hell does Ryzen get slaughtered if it uses an Nvidia GPU with Dx12, but is competitive with Intel with AMD GPU.
OK, didn't expect that. In Rocket League Ryzen again gets slaughtered with an NVidia GPU in Dx9!!! And again Ryzen is competitive with Intel when using an AMD GPU. And Rx480 on Ryzen beats the pants off of GTX 1080 on Ryzen.

Obviously both are CPU limited at 1080p as they have similar performance on Intel CPUs, but NVidia just falls flat on its face on Ryzen.
Civ 6 at 8k and 16k, purely GPU limited at that point shows just a slight lead for Intel on Nvidia.
So, there's something quite obviously borked with NVidia drivers with some titles in Dx12 and Dx9 on Ryzen it looks like.
Wonder how long it'll take NVidia to fix their drivers?