Just one last comment on the naming-scheme thingy.
Here's the lineup I'd try to sell (marketing-wise), given recent guesstimation and a purely marketing/business oriented mind:
HD 67xx series
HD6750: Turks XT= 16ROPs, 40TMUs, 160 4D-Shaders, 128Bit memory bus (@900Mhz ~ 1.152GFLOPs; real-world gaming perf. in between HD5770/HD5830; TDP 110W) /
Oct. 2010
HD6770: Barts Pro = 32ROPs, 72TMUs, 280 4D-Shaders, 256Bit memory bus (@700Mhz ~1.568GFLOPs; real-world gaming perf. in between HD5830/50, TDP 135W) /
Nov. 2010
HD 68xx series
HD6850: Barts XT = 32ROPs, 80TMUs, 320 4D-Shaders, 256Bit memory bus (@ 850Mhz ~ 2.176GFLOPs; real-world gaming perf. slightly below HD5870, TDP 175W) /
Oct. 2010
HD6870: Cayman Pro = 48ROPs, 112TMUs, 440 4D-Shaders, 256Bit memory bus (@ 725Mhz ~ 2.552GFOPs; real-world gaming perf. HD5870+20%, TDP 210W) /
Nov. 2010
HD 69xx series
HD 6950: Cayman XT = 48ROPs, 120TMUs, 480 4D-Shaders, 256Bit memory bus (@ 850Mhz ~ 3.264GFLOPs; real-world gaming perf. HD5970, TDP 260W) /
Oct. 2010
HD 6970: 2x Barts XT =64ROPs, 160TMUs, 640 4D-Shaders, 2x, 256Bit memory bus (@825Mhz ~ 4.224GFLOPs; real-world gaming perf. HD5970+20%; TDP 280W) /
Nov. 2010
HD 6990: 2x Cayman XT = 96ROPs, 240TMUs, 960 4D-Shaders, 2x, 256Bit memory bus (@675Mhz ~ 5.184GFLOPs; real-world gaming perf. HD5970+40%; TDP 295W) /
Dez. 2010
Basic ideas behind this:
(1) [assumed conundrum:] Barts turned out to offer real-world performance ~ Cypress clock-for-clock; big question: How to market such a chip? Answer:
(2) "mix" chips within naming-scheme-related "families" in order to meet optimal price/performance/power points in relation to old HD5xxx series
(3) at first, only launch one chip per naming-scheme family to keep confusion low (Turks@HD57xx; Barts@HD58xx; Cayman@HD59xx), then "slot in" the respective lower-clocked/partly deactivated/salvage parts a few weeks later (as they'd "fit in" at the HD6x
70 level respectively, make some extra profit with people always wanting the next fastest card)
(4) When all is said and down, release the ultra-high-end, OC-ready 2xCayman XT (HD6990) card to make some more money on the overclocking-enthusiasts that already bought HD6950 and HD6970 before
"BS" or not - I'd like such a lineup