AMD: R9xx Speculation

Slightly off, but, do we expect Cayman to be able to run 3D Mark 2011 smoothly? And, one more thing. WTH does that stupid physics test in it? Is it strictly nVidia oriented or this physics is anything different?

FM doesn't approve GPU PhysX enabled Vantage results, so it's not exactly "nVidia oriented" - even if 11 used PhysX too it wouldn't mean it's nV oriented
For tEh LuLz:



Sorry, couldn't resist!
So does this prove that the original 6990 slide we was faked?

So someone just made up a Power Point slide with what they wanted, took a slightly blurred photo at an angle with IS off to make it look like they were trying to get a sneak shot of some yet unrelease NDA info and then posted it up as real??? I can't believe it.

Also, I don't know how popular that 3DMark 11 is going to be. If you were some Video card manufacturer (other than MSI) would you seriously run this demo at some sort of convention or disply booth constantly running 3DMark11 showing your competitor's name all over it? Didn't think so.
I've left a smattering of discussion about the fake slides so that it's in the thread for posterity, but I've nuked the rest of the noise.
If there is some connection between the resulting framerate and the xrating of 3dmark10, then it will be a sad experience for most users! :S

Thanks for the info! :)