AMD: R7xx Speculation

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Hmm. Interesting.:oops: I've been leaking some NV stuff lately... I think it's time to leak some AMD stuff too... how about a Vantage X-number of R700? :devilish:

You know you don't want to leak them. You want to just blatantly throw them out there for everyone to see.
You wouldn't dare! :oops:

Oh yes I would, but it's way past my bed time now.... 2AM and I need to get up early tomorrow for an important meeting.

But for now I'll leave you with this... what does a HD3870X2 score in Vantage on the Extreme Preset? Some reviews I found on the net say a HD3870X2 scores about X2600 with Cat 8.3... Well according to a source of mine who I trust and who has proven to be correct most of the times before...

you can double that... and some more for the R700 Vantage X-score...

/hides and runs of to bed. Will post more in about 7 hours...
Oh yes I would, but it's way past my bed time now.... 2AM and I need to get up early tomorrow for an important meeting.

But for now I'll leave you with this... what does a HD3870X2 score in Vantage on the Extreme Preset? Some reviews I found on the net say a HD3870X2 scores about X2600 with Cat 8.3... Well according to a source of mine who I trust and who has proven to be correct most of the times before...

you can double that... and some more for the R700 Vantage X-score...

/hides and runs of to bed. Will post more in about 7 hours...

Wow.... if double and more for R700, that's X5200+? That would be way more than the GTX280 scores you posted...
And some more probably means the new Vantage "fixed" driverwork going on in 8.5 and 8.6. :devilish:

I'm not surprised as Vantage did use deemed relatively lethal doses of AA and AF in that resolution for RV670.

The definitive benchmark as an ingame test would not be Crysis, but rather Stalker. Definitely very curious to see how 16xAF could have done so much damage (in other games the AF performance curve is simillar but the magnitude is much lower)
2 GPU´s (if R700 is 2 GPUs) scale in 1.8 porpotion.
So RV770 whould be like X2900.

Could be, or CF could be scaling pretty well.

Actually nevermind...those linked scores are way off for Nvidia's cards so the AMD numbers are probably trash too.
Oh yes I would, but it's way past my bed time now.... 2AM and I need to get up early tomorrow for an important meeting.

But for now I'll leave you with this... what does a HD3870X2 score in Vantage on the Extreme Preset? Some reviews I found on the net say a HD3870X2 scores about X2600 with Cat 8.3... Well according to a source of mine who I trust and who has proven to be correct most of the times before...

you can double that... and some more for the R700 Vantage X-score...

/hides and runs of to bed. Will post more in about 7 hours...

CJ is like my real life G-Man.
Could be, or CF could be scaling pretty well.

Actually nevermind...those linked scores are way off for Nvidia's cards so the AMD numbers are probably trash too.

Well those GTX280/260 scores were leaked by CJ who said they were reliable - it was the 48xx's #'s that were made up he claimed.

So we'll see how this goes, but if its double + more over X2600, then those are some amazing numbers
Well those GTX280/260 scores were leaked by CJ who said they were reliable - it was the 48xx's #'s that were made up he claimed.

So we'll see how this goes, but if its double + more over X2600, then those are some amazing numbers

Yeah I was referring to the nordic hardware numbers for existing cards. I was using digit-life numbers to compare but firingsquad numbers seem to be in line with those. So I guess they could be legit although it's weird that the FS numbers are lower with a faster CPU and the same drivers.

Scores with AFR rendering should never, ever be compared to scores from a single GPU.

If the numbers on Nordic Hardware are correct, it would mean that ATI was "finally" able to outscore the 1.5 year old G80 with a single GPU.
Scores with AFR rendering should never, ever be compared to scores from a single GPU.

If the numbers on Nordic Hardware are correct, it would mean that ATI was "finally" able to outscore the 1.5 year old G80 with a single GPU.

Which coincidentally, Nvidia is just getting round to doing themselves! :smile:
Which coincidentally, Nvidia is just getting round to doing themselves! :smile:

Heh, heh :)

You know I don't understand why the 3870X2 has such a bad rep. Looking over some recent numbers it consistently outpaces Nvidia's fastest single GPU cards. There are a few instances where multi-GPU rendering breaks down but for the most part it seems to do pretty well. Since Nvidia won't have a GX2 this time around it looks like AMD should be able to claim the performance crown relatively easy.
"Outpaces" in what, overall FPS, in like "how many total frames are rendered in how many seconds"?

Benches taken with AFR can't be compared to benches taken with a single GPU. That's the biggest mistake all review sites are making, and directing consumers to SLI/CF.

I'm not saying multi GPU actually slows you down or something, but nobody should call a card a performance champion because it can produce more frames in AFR mode than a single GPU does. (of course, this includes 9800GX2 as well)
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