AMD Mantle API [updating]

Nvidia fans will point to the fact that a regular GTX 780 Ti is comfortably faster than the Mantle-driven Radeon R290X in our scene. Sure, we could artificially engineer situations where Mantle performance looks better by finding particularly CPU-limited scenes that are rife with large structures collapsing, as AMD has likely done in its benchmarking notes, but doing so would be disingenuous.

pretending people play BF4 for single player is "disingenuous"........................
Yes, testing worse case scenarios is clearly a misleading representation of what someone would actually experience :rolleyes:

Any site that still presents results solely in average fps bars is not worth reading.
PC Game Update Feb 13

-Fix for a crash that would occur when activating full screen in portrait mode
-Fix for stuttering that could appear during video sequences on multi-GPU PCs
-Fix for a memory system leak that could cause stalls, which would result in frames taking longer to process
-Reduced the amount of stalls that occurred when running with high graphics setting that require more GPU memory than is currently available
-Fixed screenshots on multi-GPU PCs

-General stability improvements
-Fix for an issue where spawning into, or switching to, a gunner seat in an IFV/MBT sometimes could cause the game to crash
-Fix for missing sound in Team/Squad Deathmatch
-Fix for an issue in the Defuse game mode, where a bomb carrier would be permanently spotted
-Decreased the rate at which the kill card would incorrectly display 0 health, while the enemy was clearly alive
-Fixed an invisible wall that was incorrectly positioned in one of the fallen concrete pipes on Zavod 311
-Fix for an issue where bullet impact sounds weren’t properly matching the actual number of impacts
-Fix for an issue where the “Draw” message would not display on-screen once a Conquest round ended with both teams having the same amount of tickets
-Fix for an issue where long IDs wouldn’t scroll on dog tags
-Fix for missing grass physics in terrain

Quickly tested on HD7970 + A10 5800K and the stutter issue is gone :)
This update should make a lot of people happier!
Quickly tested on HD7970 + A10 5800K and the stutter issue is gone :)
This update should make a lot of people happier!

As long there are no updated drivers from AMD, which won't destroy anything else (dx), no Mantle for me.

And, it's now 3 months ago beta V9.4 introduced stuttering and sound distortion with v-sync and it still isn't fixed :(
Mantle driver is messing up dx, how so ?

Only AMD knows, hopefully, allthough my guess is it should have something to do with crossfire and R9 290(X)'s.
Also the readme stated CF, for at least dx9, is disabled for this set. So there is something gooing on which affects dx (CF)behavior deeply with this set.
I use Tridef 3D drivers for the Oculus Rift, and when I had 14.1 beta installed, launching Dx games in Tridef would result in a "this game does not support dx 9, 10, 11" or something error. I went back to to 13.12 beta because I hardly play BF4 anyway.

Edit: this is with a R9 -290 on Win7 64bit.
Since the article is from the same day as the update, I doubt they used it for the testing (or at least I didn't see any mention of it there).

Page 3:
And yet those latency spikes are there—and they're noticeable, and they mar the experience somewhat.
It's a shame. I'd hoped that the problem would be fixed in the latest BF4 patch, whose change log mentions a fix for a "memory system leak that could cause stalls" in the Mantle renderer. However, the numbers you saw on the previous page were run with the patch installed, and they're just as spiky as those I got before.
Clearly, more work needs to be done, either by DICE or AMD, to make Mantle less of a mixed blessing.

I assume that is the latest patch they are referring to. Was there an earlier BF4 patch which also claimed such fixes?

The article's author states in the comments.
Like I said in the conclusion, the numbers in this article are from today's update.
Page 3:

I assume that is the latest patch they are referring to. Was there an earlier BF4 patch which also claimed such fixes?

The article's author states in the comments.

Oh ok. I didn't read the last page - only the intro and results where he said that he took a couple of days for testing and when you add the writing of the article itself, I figured it wasn't with the latest patch (also up to that point it wasn't mentioned so.. :)).
Well one has to wonder who is the culprit here, if there are any.
Scaling the numbers of cores is not the most efficient approach as it scales well with few workloads.
On top of it I would say not all the architectures scales the same, aka Intel does better usually here as it does wrt to per core performances.
Last layer is drivers, Nvidia does a better job than AMD at spreading the load on multiple cores.

The sad issue is that is not because of devs that Intel cpu fare better, there are other issues but at the cores Intel CPU are just so much better at this point. Late Core i3 (which is seen as four cores from the software by the way) simply beats last AMD quad core (streamrollers) to the pulp in a massive majority of cases.
PC Game Update Feb 13
-Fix for a crash that would occur when activating full screen in portrait mode
-Fix for stuttering that could appear during video sequences on multi-GPU PCs
-Fix for a memory system leak that could cause stalls, which would result in frames taking longer to process
-Reduced the amount of stalls that occurred when running with high graphics setting that require more GPU memory than is currently available
-Fixed screenshots on multi-GPU PCs[/
Strange the rendering bug fix isn't in the update:
Turns out it is a bug, Repi says they will fix it.

Otherwise it's running great now - then it's just all the missing utilities (game recorders, radeonpro etc)
I also upgraded to a 4gb card at the same time, seemed like the at least the old version didn't took care of 2gb cards (had like 2-2.2 vram usage - now it's around 2.3 out of 4).
After update my R9 290X CF is not crashing and works well, but still game stutters if vSync is enabled.

I hope they fix vSync issues as I don't like playing without it :)
My stuttering is gone now, getting around 80-120 fps Ultra (MSAA disabled) even in 64-man conquest. Using a i5-3570k and 7970Ghz both OCed.
You should be able to crank the MSAA with a 7970. Even my 7950 could do it no problem before Mantle.
I'm obviously on the same page here (see the other thread :)), but whether or not it's useful in your engine, it's still worth noting how much performance is left on the table for folks who want to write code in a more "traditional" CPU-fed way. Whether or not that remains common in the future is up for debate, but "free performance" is never bad really, nor is pursuing both potentially useful methods of rendering in the future.
Yes, we need improvements for both styles of rendering. Most developers aren't going to move their whole rendering pipelines to GPU anytime soon. Less CPU overhead is always a good thing. Once the CPU bottlenecks are reduced, the GPU side bottlenecks of massive draw calls will become visible in wider range of games, and the hardware manufacturers will improve their designs. This will benefit both camps in the long run.

Still I must say that I am personally much more interested in features such as asynchronous compute, improved multi-draw functionality and bindless resources. Because you can sidestep the need for multiple independent (state changing) draw calls easily by good engine design, and thus sidestep the CPU draw call cost completely. OpenGL 4.4 was a HUGE step in right direction (ARB_indirect_parameters + ARB_multi_draw_indirect + ARB bindless resources + ARB sparse resources). It still lacks proper asynchronous compute however (multiple command queues with priorities/fences/ect). It's quite unfortunate that the recent GPUs (from AMD/Nvidia/Intel) have so many good features that are not yet exposed by common graphics APIs yet. Hopefully Mantle pushes the big players to the right direction and we eventually get a good cross vendor API that supports all the modern GPU features.