AMD 300 Series reviews ...

They've probably raised the price on Rx 2xx cards too. As soon as the cards in retailers' hands are sold, I'd expect Rx 2xx prices to go up at least a little (due to the improved drivers).

Basically, they've decided that instead of having Nvidia lower prices, they're going to increase their own prices.

I fully support AMD in this - the negative press doesn't deserve to get the samples.

Not a good look for kitguru.

And in general - AMD needs to dramatically change their attitude towards unfair remarks in the press and push as many as possible OEMs to promote their products in stores.

The average Joe should help for a more balanced world where AMD has the resources for real competition.
Press blockade is indeed bad, but the amount of overly biased nonsense spewed in this video is worse.

Which is probably the reason why AMD would choose not to spend money sending review samples to such a biased website.

Lol indeed. Hopefully that's the main reason.
They've probably raised the price on Rx 2xx cards too.

Yes, that started to happen too. 290X prices are rising really fast in some places.
A couple of weeks ago there was a 290X in for £220/308€, followed by another for £240/336€.
The cheapest I can find in that site right now is £278/390€.
Overnight, the 290X's price was raised by ~25%.

So far, absolutely nothing positive has happened during this wave of rebrands, from a consumer's perspective.
I'm surprised too that AMD isn't getting much flack for the price increase. Probably because it's still a deal compared to the competition.
Strangely enough, I was fully expecting R9 290 prices to go up after this launch. History repeats itself, just go back to 7970 / 280X or 680GTX / 770GTX or should I say G92!

I sat on my card fully expecting to get better money on eBay after launch and not before it!
I'm surprised everyone is so surprised ;) Why exactly would AMD send review samples to review sites that sling shit at AMD at every opportunity? Would YOU do that with your product?
I don't understand the glowing reviews for the 390 series, considering the enormous price difference between those and the 290 cards.
Why would anyone buy a 390 for 350€ when the faster 290X can be had for 330€ or the similar performing 290 can be found for as little as 270€?
And the 390X's 450€ price is nothing short of obscene. 120€ for more VRAM and a minimal boost in the clocks (so minimal that it's practically non-existent, considering how many - if not most - 290X cards were already using those clocks).

The 390 cards are a terrible deal, compared to the 290 models.
Same thing with the other 300 offerings. 150€ for the 370 with a 16 CU Pitcairn, while the 270X with the full 20 CU Pitcairn and higher clocks can be found for 145€.
R360, a cut-down Bonaire with 12 CUs can be found for minimum 115€, while the 260X with the full 14CUs Bonaire and same 2GB GDDR5 costs around 110€.

The only new SKU with somewhat increased value is the 380 over the 285 because of the increased base clocks, but even there we could already find higher-clocked 285 cards with the same 980MHz, for the same 210€.

Perhaps the prices in the USA are drastically different, but for an European these reviews make no sense to me.
Are they only testing the 390 series against those rare and old 290/290X units with the horrid stock coolers that no one bought?

A completely agree, this new line up is a joke as far as I'm concerned. And Pitcairn made an appearance as expected. I'm really hoping they can salvage some kind of respect with Fiji but I'm starting to wonder.
I'm surprised everyone is so surprised ;) Why exactly would AMD send review samples to review sites that sling shit at AMD at every opportunity? Would YOU do that with your product?

I wouldn't, but I would say "sorry, we're out of samples", not "you were mean to me, no sample for you".
So far, absolutely nothing positive has happened during this wave of rebrands, from a consumer's perspective.
From a short term perspective.
In the long term, higher margins for AMD mean more money for R&D, which means more competition for Nvidia in the future.
What's even worse is "white-washing" the public's perception
I wouldn't, but I would say "sorry, we're out of samples", not "you were mean to me, no sample for you".

Unless they want to send a "strong" message to other review sites .....
It's unfortunate, but well within their rights to do this. The biggest upside of all this is that it shows that AMD is a company just like everybody else. Not the saintly crusader of good that some seem to believe it is.
Forbes ....
[UPDATE: AMD's internal benchmarks show a FireStrike Ultra score of 3817 for the Nvidia 980 Ti. This is using their primary test bench system which is driven by an Intel Core i7-5960x. It's a system almost identical to my own, on which I tested a reference 980 Ti on FireStrike Ultra and received a score of 4007. This is just a reminder to take any internal benchmark results with a grain of salt. The only conclusive answer will come from testing both cards side by side using identical methodologies. We'll know soon enough I'll have my full review posted on June 24th, and we'll get to the truth!]