[Allegedly Leaked]Battlefield 4 Sticks 720P/60 FPS on Next-Gen Consoles

Well first off youve had increases in detail and resolution, and second theres nothing wrong with increased resolution gaming at 5760x2160 is awesome
Show me a game in 1080p on a top end PC that can beat today's best CGI film running at a DVD resolution in terms of detail and realism...

Not that I disagree with your general point but cgi films are rendered in much higher resolution than 1080p natively. Of they were initially rendered at 480p you'd certainly know about it. And on the other side of the equation, compare a cgi movie on a tv running at 480p and 1080p. The film looks vastly better in HD.
A higher resolution is great if you are seeing pixels but having photo-realistic graphics has little to do with actual resolution.

Show me a game in 1080p on a top end PC that can beat today's best CGI film running at a DVD resolution in terms of detail and realism...

Damn the public's quest for ever-increasing resolutions! we keep getting everything set back to zero again with regards instead of actually increasing the density of detail.

What has this argument to do with actual real time graphics? You are comparing something that is realtime with something that is not? What is your point? Of course cgi offline does look/should look better than real time gameplay. It is always the same weird argument, which in my opinion just does not fit to the actual discussion topic.

Show me a game in 1080p medium settings and a game in 720p and very high settings (or something like this) on a PC...than lets decide. And in this case I would agree with Scott and Robert that it depends on the actual game and on-screen situation.
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Maybe the problem is with your TV. I've gamed at 1080p and 720p on mine and it's hard to tell the difference.

How did you actually test it? How far away do you sit? How big is your screen? How is your eyesight?
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How good 720p looks on a display depends on the scaler and screen size or viewing distance. 720p can look good on a 1080p display if the scaler is good and the display isn't bigger than say, 60-65" at normal viewing distances.
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I really hope these new machines have good upscalers, would love to see something like fractal based upscaling or NNEDI3.

I'm interested to see why DICE couldn't manage 1080p60 since BF3 could definitely run on PS4 at very high if not ultimate settings at 1080p60

They must have really made a lot of improvements to the engine.

Do you guys think this new dynamic weather system will be the culprit?
What has this argument to do with actual real time graphics? You are comparing something that is realtime with something that is not? What is your point? Of course cgi offline does look/should look better than real time gameplay. It is always the same weird argument, which in my opinion just does not fit to the actual discussion topic.
The point is that they have a long way to go in image quality without lower resolution being a major drawback. If they could hit DVD quality at 480p, but only pong level graphics at 1080 would you still be cheering for your check box number?
But aren't most PC games not that well optimised for multicore CPUs? I mean what percentage of CPU utilisation is a title like BF3 at on an i7, I doubt it'd be the same as a game running on Xenon or Cell.

They have whatever multicore optimizations were put in place for the consoles. Crysis 3 for example uses up to 8 cores, possibly more. The last GTA used up to 3 cores (or was it more?), IIRC.

I'm not sure about BF3. IIRC, DICE pushed compute shaders heavily in BF3 on PC to reduce the reliance on a user's CPU. The more CUs you have, the better it'll run. Hence, it's even less likely that the console version on PS4 would be able to outperform significantly the PC version using similar hardware.

Sorry scott, but I do not agree. At least, every console generation brought a general increase of resolution. Lots of games are 720p on PS360. So if we get 720p BF4...there is simple no progress and that is dissapointed. I know that some games this gen had super low resolution (ps3 the darkness?!) but were still higher than last gen. So, reality is that substantial sub 1080p, which 720p is in my opinion, would be dissapointing in the sense of the ps3 the darkness resolution and I do not expect this from one of the most technical capable devs around!

Furthermore, I clearly recognize the difference of 720 and 1080 on my screen, I promise you that you will see the difference as well. I did lots of test with my gaming PC and it is obvious. Played PC 1080 all time, until GoWA on PS3...which was super jarring in the first hour, although lots of forumites praise this game for its high IQ.

I wonder the following: if devs want to crank up the detail level of the graphics, e.g. texture and shader detail...720p will clearly limit them due to the artifacts. I don't want to have super high details...where the whole image is jagged and constantly shimmering.

In conclusion: I vote 1080p.

Furthermore, lets not forget that it is not 1080p or 60Hz. This is per se not an exclusive festure. It is in the hands of the devs to deliver both, 1080p and 60Hz. In my test with PC, I am much less sensitive to actual quality of certain effects (medium or high setting is often good enough, no very high needed) which cost lots of performance to maintain framerate at 1080p.

The bolded part there is where everything goes wrong for your comparison. Sure, if your screen is close enough that you can resolve individual pixels you'll be able to notice the difference. There is no way I'd play a 1200p game upscaled to 1600p on my 30" monitor because it's so close I can see the difference.

The important thing here is that this will be on a console. Which uses a TV. Which is generally located multiple meters away from the viewer/game player. My 55" HDTV is 3-4 meters away from my typical viewing seat.

To put that into perspective. If I had a 1080p 24" PC monitor on my desk at my typical 2 feet viewing distance, to resolve the same amount of detail on my TV at typical viewing distances, it would have be using a screen over 100" or I'd have to move the TV uncomfortably close to my couch.

To put it into more perspective. Recommended TV viewing distance for a 24" TV would be between 1-3 meters away. Your PC monitor is much MUCH closer to you than any TV manufacturer or calibrator would recommend. Hence it's much easier to see the differences between 720p and 1080p.

Long story short. I'd never upscale a game on my PC monitor because it is so close. On my TV, however? I run ALL PC games at 720p instead of 1080p. There is no discernible difference unless you were to put it side by side with another TV. I've done numerous blind tests with friends and family, and even those who absolutely, positively, without a doubt declared that there was no way they could mistake 720p for 1080p... Yeah, they couldn't tell the difference either as long as I didn't have game Text on the screen.

Hence, when PC gaming on my HDTV, I set resolution to 720p and crank up the rendering detail and AA. And end up with a far better looking game in general than if I had to run it at 1080p.

The point is that they have a long way to go in image quality without lower resolution being a major drawback. If they could hit DVD quality at 480p, but only pong level graphics at 1080 would you still be cheering for your check box number?

I know what you guys are trying say, don't get me wrong, and I really appreciate that you try to explain it to me so often :)

But again, your explanation is to extreme in my opinion and that is what I try to explain to you. The difference of needed computing resources to get 720 or 1080 is imo not that large that one version of the game would look like 'pong' and the other like 'avatar'. So how much increase in 'detail' can you expect when avoiding 1080p? We don't know, as it depends on the actual game. E.g. I certainly hope that we are CPU bound on new consoles for the new BF due to all the nice destruction physics and that resolution will not define the performance :)

PS:please stop it with this checkbox bs, boooring
I've had a "good screen" since 2008 (professionally calibrated Pioneer Kuro 151). 720p content with good artstyle and effects has looked great on it. I can't imagine what 720p content with all the bells and whistles from the power of the new consoles would look like.

Resolution is just one part of the IQ and one with diminishing returns thus my 4K comment earlier.

As with every gen, there will be a resource budget that everyone will have to work with. I personally hope that budget is used to show me enhancements in gameplay (AI, animations, particles, physics, more players on map, destruction, etc) than aiming for a resolution checkbox.

If a developer such as DICE feels that in order to provide the gameplay experience they want, they need to keep the resolution low, I'd like to see the community to wait and see the results before bringing out the pitch forks.

CoD is a perfect example of a game that said "FUCK YOU" to the spec whores and forum goers and focused on what they believe would deliver the best experience. I want to see more of that.

If specs are your end all, build a gaming PC and knock yourself out.

I'm not picking on you Billy, it's just that shit gets old every gen when corporate mouthpieces start spec hyping and enthusiast can't look past it.

I couldn't agree any more. Well said. The problem I think is that just because some might feel 1080p looks better, and there are certainly circumstances where it does, the larger point is being missed. The point is does it look so much better than 720p that 720p becomes unacceptable.

A lot of people may feel this is the case because they often see 720p vs 1080p with respect to PC gaming, where even if you do raise the resolution, you can still have the same exact game with all the same settings and bells and whistles even at the higher resolution. And in such a situation of course 1080p will seem like the superior option every single time. But there also lies the problem.

We aren't talking about a comparison between the exact same game with all the same bells and whistles vs the exact same game, bells and whistles fully intact, just at the higher resolution of 1080p with the same rock solid performance. When it comes to console development, a developers absolute best at a targeted 720p will simply not be possible at 1080p.
And it is under those circumstances that 720p beats 1080p.

720p isn't antiquated the way standard def may have been when the 360 and ps3 launched. Just because a developer is able to make an amazing looking and playing game at a native 1080p on these consoles, it won't mean that the game couldn't have been even more impressive at 720p with the kind of power that these consoles possess.

So 720p vs 1080p on the pc vs a targeted 720p vs a targeted 1080p on consoles are two different discussions.
The bolded part there is where everything goes wrong for your comparison. Sure, if your screen is close enough that you can resolve individual pixels you'll be able to notice the difference. There is no way I'd play a 1200p game upscaled to 1600p on my 30" monitor because it's so close I can see the difference.

The important thing here is that this will be on a console. Which uses a TV. Which is generally located multiple meters away from the viewer/game player. My 55" HDTV is 3-4 meters away from my typical viewing seat.

To put that into perspective. If I had a 1080p 24" PC monitor on my desk at my typical 2 feet viewing distance, to resolve the same amount of detail on my TV at typical viewing distances, it would have be using a screen over 100" or I'd have to move the TV uncomfortably close to my couch.

To put it into more perspective. Recommended TV viewing distance for a 24" TV would be between 1-3 meters away. Your PC monitor is much MUCH closer to you than any TV manufacturer or calibrator would recommend. Hence it's much easier to see the differences between 720p and 1080p.

Long story short. I'd never upscale a game on my PC monitor because it is so close. On my TV, however? I run ALL PC games at 720p instead of 1080p. There is no discernible difference unless you were to put it side by side with another TV. I've done numerous blind tests with friends and family, and even those who absolutely, positively, without a doubt declared that there was no way they could mistake 720p for 1080p... Yeah, they couldn't tell the difference either as long as I didn't have game Text on the screen.

Hence, when PC gaming on my HDTV, I set resolution to 720p and crank up the rendering detail and AA. And end up with a far better looking game in general than if I had to run it at 1080p.


I have my PC connected to my TV. I still sit rather close to it (1meter), which is certainly part of the reason the difference is so obvious for me. As I said, I also tested this, but in every game up to now that I cannot max out, I did choose resolution over quality of other effects instead of going route 720. To each his own I guess, it also depends on the game one compares.

The recommended viewing distances you state are really large for me. In fact I think that 24'' is like a monitor and I would choose half a meter distance, maybe closer. Of course, if you guys really sit across the hall while playing, than it is obvious that you don't see a difference when changing resolution, but than why even border with 720p...just go all COD or lower.
On a powerful enough PC, 1080p wins everytime. On a console, a targeted 720p by developers will beat out a targeted 1080p, because that game at 720p will simply not be possible at 1080p.

It isn't just about bells and whistles, although 720p on a console will certainly have more than 1080p, but it's also performance and gameplay enhancements, too. These two consoles can do 1080p, but I still think it's too soon for it to be the absolutely standard for the two of them. The generation after Durango and the PS4 will be the right time to make 1080p the new standard. I believe you're throwing away too much on these consoles in order to target 1080p.
I know what you guys are trying say, don't get me wrong, and I really appreciate that you try to explain it to me so often :)

But again, your explanation is to extreme in my opinion and that is what I try to explain to you. The difference of needed computing resources to get 720 or 1080 is imo not that large that one version of the game would look like 'pong' and the other like 'avatar'. So how much increase in 'detail' can you expect when avoiding 1080p? We don't know, as it depends on the actual game. E.g. I certainly hope that we are CPU bound on new consoles for the new BF due to all the nice destruction physics and that resolution will not define the performance :)

PS:please stop it with this checkbox bs, boooring

It's not BS. You're complaining about a game reportedly being 720P AND YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. Why? Because you have it stuck in your head that the bigger number is better. It's ridiculous.

Many great looking games sacrificed resolution for effects this gen, the same will be true next gen. If you don't like the game, don't buy it. But bashing it because they missed your checkbox feature before you've seen it is silly.
The bolded part there is where everything goes wrong for your comparison. Sure, if your screen is close enough that you can resolve individual pixels you'll be able to notice the difference. There is no way I'd play a 1200p game upscaled to 1600p on my 30" monitor because it's so close I can see the difference.

The important thing here is that this will be on a console. Which uses a TV. Which is generally located multiple meters away from the viewer/game player. My 55" HDTV is 3-4 meters away from my typical viewing seat.

To put that into perspective. If I had a 1080p 24" PC monitor on my desk at my typical 2 feet viewing distance, to resolve the same amount of detail on my TV at typical viewing distances, it would have be using a screen over 100" or I'd have to move the TV uncomfortably close to my couch.

To put it into more perspective. Recommended TV viewing distance for a 24" TV would be between 1-3 meters away. Your PC monitor is much MUCH closer to you than any TV manufacturer or calibrator would recommend. Hence it's much easier to see the differences between 720p and 1080p.

Long story short. I'd never upscale a game on my PC monitor because it is so close. On my TV, however? I run ALL PC games at 720p instead of 1080p. There is no discernible difference unless you were to put it side by side with another TV. I've done numerous blind tests with friends and family, and even those who absolutely, positively, without a doubt declared that there was no way they could mistake 720p for 1080p... Yeah, they couldn't tell the difference either as long as I didn't have game Text on the screen.

Hence, when PC gaming on my HDTV, I set resolution to 720p and crank up the rendering detail and AA. And end up with a far better looking game in general than if I had to run it at 1080p.


I'd actually say that it's pretty easy to tell with one thing and one thing only: text. I wish modern games would kind of do what Durango will implement with display planes. Render the HUD/text at maximum resolution on one display plane, and the draw 3D environment in a separate display plane at an adjustable resolution with some AA and composite the two together. The eye is pretty forgiving with upscaling 3D rendered assets, but 2D pixelated art desperately wants to be at a 1:1 pixel ratio.
I wouldn't think that resolution will be the deciding factor for most people. Battlefield is a totally different game than Killzone, unless you only play the single player.

I think going 720p and 60fps is the best decision they could make. Long as it is native 720p, and has some form of AA it will look fantastic. Being 60fps will make it a much more responsive game, especially in multiplayer.

First sorry I if I reply to you only now.
Now, I din't say that begin 720p 60fps it's is the main reason to go for KZ:SF.
I will go for KZ not just for the higher resolution, there are many other reason I didn't mention.
I am not saying that BF 4 is bad, I din't play nor see it so I can't really tell, and surely BF & KZ are two different animals, but higher resolution is an important factor nonetheless FOR ME.

I'm interested to see why DICE couldn't manage 1080p60 since BF3 could definitely run on PS4 at very high if not ultimate settings at 1080p60

They must have really made a lot of improvements to the engine.

Do you guys think this new dynamic weather system will be the culprit?

BF 4 is cross-gen so maybe they decided that it was easier to develop the console versions with 720p in mid.
I don't think that sticking to 720p it's due to PS4 and Xbox being inadequate for 1080p 30fps
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Fair enough but likely with huge amounts of AA (most likely supersampling) which make the resolution appear higher than it is. Plus the point still stands anyway. Cgi movies cant be taken as evidence that lower dvd res is as good as 1080p since the movies are rendered in more than dvd res originally and indeed look better when viewed in 1080p compared with SD.
Is it possible that there is indeed some agreement between EA and Microsoft and DICE cannot be seen to do a 1080p game on PS4 when Durango GPU is only 1.2TF and cannot manage the same ? Pure speculation on my part but surely the resolution is GPU limited and not CPU.
An agreement between MS & EA/DICE that holds back the PS4 version of BF 4 fits as "unfair business practice" and Sony could then sue MS, EA and DICE.
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