Well, here's one idea then: instead of subsidizing an extra 2GB of memory, which could be as much as $20 per console, or 50 * 20 = 1000 million USD, spend $10 million on developing middleware for virtual texturing.
That's $990 million of pure profit, I'd like only 0.1% royalty for the tip, kthxbye.
This paragraph reflects reasons most developers think consoles need equal "rights", that maybe fellow developers don't see a given console as priviledged in gaming industry, etc. The fantasy developers have about consoles, is that they are paid once for their whole life cycle, and shouldn't need any more extra expenses at the beginning.
I think 2GB should be the minimum amount of RAM next gen, taking into account it will probably start in 2014-2015. Being 4GB the ideal choice, imo.
Think of games like
Supreme Commander.... which was a truly memory hog, most PCs of the time couldn't run it properly.
A 4GB RAM console could run a game like that just fine.
And there are still people like me who like this way, although it seems it won't be as common now.
Why not -instead of subsidizing consoles using less RAM- adding more and subtract 2GB of flash memory? 16GB of flash memory would be almost useless except for games saves.
Obviously, none of the types of memory should be discriminated against...it's much more minor than that. It's a mix on both sides of the coin, but all of it is very, very minor stuff.
If you think about it, it's the nature of the differences in multiplatform games today to be subtle and invisible.
But regarding price, you can be subtle the same way with new consoles, launching them at a 300€ initial price at most.
Streaming won't help much if you want to do crazy things like Supreme Commander, which for me it's what is all about, crazy and good stuff you can't do nowadays.
Don't you think RAM will be cheap enough in 3 or 4 years to not have to subsidize consoles?
When I had my first PC 1 Megabyte of RAM costed 30€

Back in September 1995 I recall buying a Pentium 100 with 32 MB of RAM, plus Windows 95 and its prize was 3.300€

, 1,000€ of the total price were the cost of RAM alone.
20 years after that RAM is getting cheaper, thankfully. If not 4GB would be currently... 30€ x 4000 Megabytes = 120.000€
I don't think there should be any reason to hide the fact that I believe in un-subsidized RAM here on Beyond3D.
Unfortunately, you have to hide the fact that life made you silent in your gaming profession because of NDA... but that's a whole different thing, isn't it?