Abit and Nvidia settle differences, NV40 with OTES coming?

Re: Abit and Nvidia settle differences, NV40 with OTES comin

DSC said:

Either Abit got some nice discounts from nVidia, or the Abit/ATi liason isn't going as smooth as planned. At least these are my initial thoughts.


Re: Abit and Nvidia settle differences, NV40 with OTES comin

DSC said:


Nvidia backed down. Abit always wanted to be a dual manufacturer (like so many others nowadays), but Nvidia thought they could strongarm Abit into staying away from the competition. Abit told Nvidia to stick it, and Nvidia had to back down. Now Abit get what they wanted and Nvidia get taken down a peg or two.
Isn't it great to have the ability to choose 2 video cards powered by different graphics company chips but by the same manufacturer because of competition?
It only keeps getting better and better for consumers.
Re: Abit and Nvidia settle differences, NV40 with OTES comin

Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Nvidia backed down. Abit always wanted to be a dual manufacturer (like so many others nowadays), but Nvidia thought they could strongarm Abit into staying away from the competition. Abit told Nvidia to stick it, and Nvidia had to back down. Now Abit get what they wanted and Nvidia get taken down a peg or two.

The funny thing is while no one knows this is true everyone says it as gospel.

For all youguys know ABIT called up Nvidia and said, "well seeing as you are loosing marketshare, we figured we will quit producing your cards, unless you give us a special discount"

There is always more than one plausible explanation.
I don't know what the full story is on why ABIT and nV got into their little tiff and what happened afterwards, but I do know - for a fact - that ABIT is still making nVidia graphics cards.