It seems we're getting a bit OT here, but I'll continue nonetheless
When I made my comment I was talking about c0_re's coment about POWER. Just because you have more "power" doesn't mean your games will be better. I think PS3 developers will likely be more competent, on average, than XB360 devs, so it still may have better graphics overall, even though IMO RSX has less power.
Regarding my comments about Xenos:
Titanio said:
Not to nitpick, but framebuffer bandwidth is an advantage for Xenos. PS3 has the advantage with every other kind of bandwidth.
In graphics, framebuffer/Z bandwidth is far and away the biggest consumer of bandwidth, especially when you move to HDR and optimize textures for consoles. If RSX is churning out a puny 2GPix/s without alpha blending, it'll use over half its bandwidth once you include Z traffic. Throw in AA, HDR, and/or alpha blending and the situation's even worse. So this affects texture bandwidth as well.
BTW, if anyone doubts the bandwidth issue, check out the
B3D 7600GT review. 22.4GB/s all consumed in an ideal simple fillrate test with colour and Z @ 2.9GPix/s. It has a core clocked 31% faster than the 6800GS, 2.6 times the MADD rate, and numerous other improvements. Unfortunately, it only checks in around 15% faster in most games because it has 30% less bandwidth. RSX will pretty much be a 7600GT times two, but with exactly the same bandwidth.
Let me reiterate:
If RSX was halved, it would still be significantly hampered by lack of bandwidth!