A not very contraversial thread.


Nope, not at all contraversial. My puppies were out playing in the yard and having a good old time play fighting around and pooping....and wiping each other out in said poop and continuing the fighting there.

I swear I thought I was done being a shit expert when my kids got out of diapers, but no. :rolleyes:

So the rest of my day will mainly consist of bathing the puppies, then bathing the kids, then cleaning up the HUGE mess that my bathroom will be as best I can before I clean up myself.

Well, as soon as I get a load of towels done...they're in the washer now and about ready to hit the dryer. I've been going thru towels like water, our family uses no less than 7-8 a day now it seems and when it rains with the pup that number just shoots up! (I've also been doing a whole lot more linen since I have to pretty much change it all every other day.)

Just thought I'd post up something nice that we can all agree on, shit covered puppies should be bathed at all costs. :)
Well not coated, and I got the worst of it off with some paper towels and wipeys. (NOTE TO SELF: If you're ever really bored with life and want some exercise chase some puppies around a muddy yard with a roll of paper towels and a baggy trying to pull the shit out of their fur. :? )

But even just a few spots in the long-haired ones are enough to justify a bath to me....and more importantly to my wife. (My girl Roxy has short hair and avoids being rolled in piles of pooh, she's great. The fact that she's trying like hell to be "Daddy's girl" has absolutely no bearing on my opinion. )
Our idiot wiener dog enjoys rolling in all sorts of stuff. Luckily she doesn't roll in shit, but I have seen her roll on dead animals. BLECH. Straight to the bath.
In fairness to me pups, they don't do it by choice. They tend to grab a stick and play "keep away" or "tag" or something with it and whichever one has the stick is "it" and the other two chase her trying to take it away, then they're "it" and the two without chase her.

Unfortunately they all tend to cheat and do stuff like just grab their backleg and wipe 'em out or else literally leap straight up and land on top of them squashing the two into a rolling pile-up that the third smashes into and so on. :rolleyes:

Me and my dog Beanie just sit there and watch 'em, it's pretty amusing albeit dirty.
I'm not sure how that's supposed to be funny. Even if I shared your politics, its just inane.

Republicans roll on dead animals?

I think I share his politics and I don't get it either. :?

It's just a thread about puppies, please try not to drag politics into it...my pups are already dirty enough! :)
I hate dogs. They just shit all over the place. At least cats have the style to crap in amusing places (eg. in the fruit bowl). More dates vicar?
Get a ball of wool, or just something (anything) on the end of a piece of string. Cats go teh crazy for that shit :)
My cats have an open container of catnip on my desk they can dip into at their leisure as well as many toys, they're quite playful/happy.

They just don't run up and love-attack me whenever I come home, puppies do and I like it. :)
Yeah dogs do it to mask their scent.

My dog dug up a dead skunk once out of 3 feet of snow to roll in its carcass, what luck it was frozen eh :p It was still nasty enough.
Oh gods, I just got done and I'm mentally and physically drained. :rolleyes:

The dogs were bad enough, but my two kids insisted on "helping" me so I ended up rather drenched and scratched up. :?

The pups are clean and going insane, the kids are happy and going insane, and my wife just got home and said, "So what's for dinner and why isn't it ready yet". :?