ims said:
I just wanted to comment on HD and its uptake.
I have no idea what the uptake of HDTV/HD screens is like in the USA, but I can tell you that in the UK its really slow.
I mean sure you can find cheap plasma panels here in stores, but for example when I tried to find a display that did 1080p the ONLY one I could find was a £4500 Samsung unit. I'm loathed to spend that much on a unit atm.Also there are hardly any displays with HDMI output. The nicest one I can find atm is the pioneer 435 XDE, and the newer Panasonic pv500
I really dont see HD taking of in the UK for some years.
HD in the UK is going very slow, but there are already many displays capable of HDTV resolutions, 720p/1080i. 1080p is really a non-issue at the moment.
The main problem is that manufacturers still sell cheap 800x480 plasmas disguising them as HD displays with fancy words like
HD Inputs or
High Resolution.
So if someone uninformed goes out buying a plasma today he will probably end up with a non-HD display. And he won't change it again come next year, when Sky starts their HD broadcasts.
SKY will only support DVI-HDMI with HDCP, so any display without those digital inputs, even the ones with DVI but no HDCP (And there are many) will not work with Sky HD programmes.
BBC said they're not going to show any HD material until 2010 which is absolutely outrageous.
The Government should do like the Australian one, force broadcasters to have 3 variants of each channel, one SD, one HD and i can't remember the other one.
By the time PS3 hits the UK market (Xmas 2006 i assume), HD will be much more widespread in the UK.
It helps that displays are now labelled as "HD Ready" in the shops, although this system doesn't really work (Some HD-Ready TVs don't have the label for example, while some - the Sony ones released so far - with the label have NO kind of digital input, making them incompatible with Sky's proprosal of HD programmes).
Hope this helps, the UK people need to be informed about this kind of thing.