Asbolutely. Remember the ruckus with PSP's, and the day of release all the scare stories of busted controls, naff screens and ninja-death UMD launching? People make a big noise to complain more often than to congratulate. I'm sure someone who never frequented the XBox forum in their life would feel compelled to rant when their much anticipated new toy went wrong. And often there's rarely any moderation, which adds an emotional slant t the presentation. It's either 'everything fine, this XB360 is great' or 'this is the worst %*@#£* piece of ~@£*%*&ing %~#@?$ ever. I hate MS, They are scum and I will burn their houses and eat Bill Gate's children.' It'd be nice if just once someone who did have an error made a Nick Park-esque complaint - 'It's not working. It's kind of annoying as I was looking forward to Kameo, but hey, I've still got a house which is more than many, and it's not like MS were trying to palm a busted console off on me. It's just one of those unfortunate things and maybe I'll have to wait a couple of months to get it fixed. Worse things happen at sea.'AlphaWolf said:I'd like to hear a real number myself, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the internet is greatly exaggerating the scope of problem.