Girl's face CG animation clip

Tell me why I should bother to click the link please. I mean, it's not as if I've never seen a CGI girl's face before.
Guden Oden said:
Tell me why I should bother to click the link please. I mean, it's not as if I've never seen a CGI girl's face before.
1. the file is not that big (it's 785 KB)
2. it might be the most realistic CG animation of a person's face I have seen (you may have seen better, of course)
pretty damn good. smile was a bit weird, but other than that it was quite good. (id say the best ive seen so far).

That's pretty damn amazing. Anyway it looks freaky because the girl is not based on any real girl. She has generic manequin bone features. Go into any women's clothing store and look at the manequins' faces. They look freaky too. All they need to do to make it look less freaky is use a 3D scanner and scan a real person's head then add all of the stuff they added here to make it look real. Lighting and skin tone looks very real as well as the eyes! :oops:
Oh and regarding the teeth, I actually think the teeth themselves look realistic, but in a cosmetically enhanced kind of way. This girl looks freaky because she looks like a real person that has had too much plastic surgery. Wouldn't it be kind ironic if this is in fact a real person with lots of plastic surgery instead of CGI? :LOL: ;)

The rendering itself makes everything look photoreal though. As a matter of fact the overall lighting looks very real.
madmartyau said:
The problem with getting this close to realistic is that if it's not done exactly right, it just looks plain FREAKY. :oops:

And it's the little details that do it. It's interesting to think that at one point in the spectrum it was about getting it more 'perfect' in the sense of more round or a more detailed reflection. Then, as you break into the region of photorealism it turns on itself and becomes increasingly important to introduce imperfections.

The mention of the teeth is one area where a little imperfection may go a long way. Of course we have all been mentally prepared (or brainwashed even) by Hollywood ideals to think of perfectly aligned, symmetrical, and even colored teeth are normal. Another one is that almost nobody in the World has a perfectly straight and symmetrical nose. This means that modelling a realistic interepretation of a human face can never be achieved by reflecting the model on the central vertical (ie: creating a half-shell head and simply copying it and flipping it to make the other half).

Nice video though. Never had me fooled for some reason, but it sure looks good. Of course I suffer from the disease where I start thinking about the technology that enables this type of rendering rather than just enjoying the result. I believe the highest praise I can give it is "I'd hit it!"
Yup, we're just a few years from pr0n movies of Marilyn Monroe doing JFK. The licensing ought to be interesting. Aging actors and actresses will be able to keep making money long after their assets aren't as attractive as they once were.
L233 said:
The lips and teeth look extremely artificial.
PC-Engine said:
Oh and regarding the teeth, I actually think the teeth themselves look realistic, but in a cosmetically enhanced kind of way.
3dilettante said:
That girl's got some nice dentures.
Simon F said:
Are you sure this isn't Max Headroom's sister.... ?
wireframe said:
The mention of the teeth is one area where a little imperfection may go a long way.
hey69 said:
that mouth is fucking big..
Blade said:
I was very impressed except for the lips and teeth.