Indeed open world games have been nothing but disappointing this gen, save for one.
In AC2 too, you do the same thing over and over again. There is no platforming except for Altair's Armor. Even then all you have to do is to remember to release R1-x, which you have been holding most of the game. (Chase sequences inside tombs are great though, and I enjoyed the platforming there but it may be due lack of anything resembling it outside)
Traveling from one point to another is nothing but torture. Thus, one of the story missions, collecting all the codex pages was probably one of the worst in history.
Combat is a case of no challenge no reward (sometimes even punishing though weirdly being notorious has so little effect in the sequel). Looting is pretty much non-existing aside from the random couriers (nice touch), and occasional item drops if you have empty slots left for them, but you probably don't need or use those cheap items anyway.
Money is off no concern at all, not that I'm complaining but you can skip or speed up most of the repetitive combat easily, leaving only torturous travel. Though choice. :|
Desmond sections up until the credits were all unbearable. In fact I wanted to kill the guy trying to act cool ala a highschool student trying to impress the girls, with Nathan Drake's voice of all people in the world.
Yep, the game is great.