[360] Mass Effect

40 hours was said with all side quests included.

I am happy with 17-18 hours just for the main quest.

This game looks just simply amazing.

Fair enough..

I'll reserve judgement until my copy of this game lands at my door so i can find out first hand just how long 17-18 hours can be..
i´ve got the game =D feel free to ask questions im starting to play right now

Edit: for those who are interested the game has some graphic options wich are:
Display setting where you can chose default, radiant, intermidiate
Motion Blur On or Off
Film Grain On or Off (i chosed off dont like it but default is on)

One more thing i wont give away any spoilers related to the story in respect for people who dont want to know.
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40 hours was said with all side quests included.

I am happy with 17-18 hours just for the main quest.

This game looks just simply amazing.

The game for the most part is very good looking although there are some technical issues: texture pop-in, framerate is bad on a few occasions, screen tearing. I played with motion blur off and no film grain.

I cant imagine the game taking around 40 hours to complete, while I didnt do every side mission I did quite a few of them. Although it is entirely possible that I missed out on many of them.

Just for a hint it is a good idea to build up verbal abilities.
This is probably my most anticipated title ever, well since MGS2 at least. :)

I love Bioware games and this looks soooo good.

The only thing I'm not 100% happy with, is the voice acting. Since they're putting such an emphasis on story and characters, I would've hoped they'd nail the voice acting as well. But maybe I've been spoilt by Heavenly Sword in that respect hehe.
Screen tearing is a sad blight on next-gen titles. The 'good old days' of 60 Hz super smooth console gaming are long gone. :(

And 40 hours of campaign would either be a rather bland story padding the story with lots of gameplay, or a truly epic one! Games with extra long (tens of hours plus) gameplay tend to achieve it through replayability or side quests which don't need to push the storyline along. Or grinding with repetitive tasks just to unlock some widget!
This is probably my most anticipated title ever, well since MGS2 at least. :)

I love Bioware games and this looks soooo good.

The only thing I'm not 100% happy with, is the voice acting. Since they're putting such an emphasis on story and characters, I would've hoped they'd nail the voice acting as well. But maybe I've been spoilt by Heavenly Sword in that respect hehe.

I think the voice acting is well done throughout the title.
i´ve got the game =D feel free to ask questions im starting to play right now

Edit: for those who are interested the game has some graphic options wich are:
Display setting where you can chose default, radiant, intermidiate
Motion Blur On or Off
Film Grain On or Off (i chosed off dont like it but default is on)

One more thing i wont give away any spoilers related to the story in respect for people who dont want to know.

I just want you to know, I love your screen name and when you are praying for Shenmue 3 every night, I'm right there beside you!!!!

For the topic, do the options affect performance at all or are they just for preference?
I just want you to know, I love your screen name and when you are praying for Shenmue 3 every night, I'm right there beside you!!!!

For the topic, do the options affect performance at all or are they just for preference?


I dont know I played the whole game at the option settings I gave previously.
I just want you to know, I love your screen name and when you are praying for Shenmue 3 every night, I'm right there beside you!!!!

For the topic, do the options affect performance at all or are they just for preference?

:) i really want shenmue 3 the first two are still my favorite games ever.

To answer your question, no i didnt notice anything all on or all off its the same.
I've made some progress in the game and so far i have to say it sounds looks and feels very cool i really like the graphics on the characters not that great on the maps but still very good.

Its kind of hard for me to adapt to this new gameplay mechanics but i think im starting to get it, its not everyday that i get to play a game that is half rpg half 3rd person shooter just feels funny anyway its very nice.
As it seems we have quite a few posters lucky enough to have the game early, yet I don't see much gameplay impressions.

Please inform us (KOTOR fans).
So i dont know what you want to know about the game exactly but i will be happy to inform in any way i can.
I'm going to give you a quick tour about the controls and menus hopefuly you dont know everything already from some preview or something :).
So if you press the start button it will take you to a menu called mission computer wich gives you the following options:

Equipment that lets you manage your weapons upgrades armor etc.

Codex that gives you some types of info basicly information you gather during conversations

Journal where you have your missions and assignments

Load/Save You can save anytime in the game


Options: Gameplay, Controler, Sound, Graphics, Tutorials and sound.

Squad where you can costumise your squad abilitys upgrades (i'll give details on this if you request).

So now im gonna tell you the basics of combat this game plays like no other game i have experience try to think of a mix between Gears of War and KOTOR.

You aim with the left trigger you fire with the right one, if you hold the LB it will pause combat and give you access to a very slick menu to change your weapons and squad weapons, if you hold the RB it will show a similar menu but for "powers" like use shield boost, use adrenaline burst use barrier etc.

You start the game with 4 weapons, pistol shotgun sniper and lancer (they all have different names but basically thats what they are)

You seem to gain experience points just by looking at one computer investigating stuff like that.

I hope this answers some questions fell free to ask about anything except spoilers :)
So i dont know what you want to know about the game exactly but i will be happy to inform in any way i can.
Thanks a lot for the info.
I'm going to give you a quick tour about the controls and menus hopefuly you dont know everything already from some preview or something :).
Now that you mention it, I actually haven't read any recent previews besides the ones posted here.
Squad where you can costumise your squad abilitys upgrades (i'll give details on this if you request).
So now im gonna tell you the basics of combat this game plays like no other game i have experience try to think of a mix between Gears of War and KOTOR.

You aim with the left trigger you fire with the right one, if you hold the LB it will pause combat and give you access to a very slick menu to change your weapons and squad weapons, if you hold the RB it will show a similar menu but for "powers" like use shield boost, use adrenaline burst use barrier etc.
I have been wondering about squad control.
Is it limited to weapon/power/upgrade selection?
For example in KOTOR you could take full control, or sequence attacks. (I have no idea how this would work for full realtime combat, but it was one of the things I liked a lot about KOTOR).
If that's not possible, how is AI?

Its got such things?

If only you play female Shepard. :)